converter test

Posted by
Castamir [legacy]
21 July 2005 00:00:00

Here's a test of the "Export as RealLogs" feature in my proxy. (the game used for the test is "adventure", the very oldest ancestor of all adventure(duh) and MUD games)


  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    23 July 2005 22:14:16

    Therigion, actually JS isn't too bad, you just have to stick to things which are well supported. TBH I'm not going to write JS which works on OS9 IE5 (which is about the only very bad JS interpreter). Most of the time you don't need to do browser sniffing.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    23 July 2005 19:29:44

    Another thing, javascript is perhaps the most portable, but some things ain't supported in all browsers, resulting that you need to write different code for different browsers.

    But i don't really want to start which is better thread here. Both java and javascript have their good and bad sides.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    23 July 2005 18:17:47

    I could probably write a javascript version if you wanted, I've been working with javascript a lot recently (for work) it shouldn't be too hard to knock one up

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 July 2005 18:15:07

    you guys are all client :P

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    23 July 2005 18:13:45

    I agree, both with Castamir and Nicuramar...prompt is a problem(although i don't think it's such a big problem/users can check trigger on prompt in &0$ trigger, or add a newline to their prompt setting).

    As for proxy, i still think client trigger is , although not 100% correct, a more user friendly solution(it also keeps client coloring and other stuff, so logs will look cooler) - since you need a seperate application to make logs and a seperate application to edit logs. I think it's for the best if users choose the prefered logging solution.

    As for javascript, yes, javascript player would be a cool one...can't agrue with that. But the question is it possible make a cool looking player with javascript *wink* ?

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    22 July 2005 17:26:12

    Yeah... although I personally loathe my prompt to not end with a newline, in muds :-p. The thing with Java kinda sucks, but of course Java sucks in general, and in particular 1.1 or whatever it is Windows ships with. At least it works out of the box here on the Mac.

    Personally, I still think a small proxy is preferable over a trigger in zMUD. Also works in all clients. Finally, yeah maybe it would be a good idea to have a JavaScript player instead.

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    22 July 2005 09:12:19

    Well, it will fail to give a timestamp to any prompt, be that hp/ep, y/n, 'How do you plead?' and so on.

    And prompts are, well, quite a popular thing.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    22 July 2005 07:43:49

    And, btw, this is a beta support for zmud, or how to make timestamped logs in zmud...should be simple, just add the following triggers/alias:

    1.Make the following trigger :


    Pattern : &0$

    Value : #SUB {%10%ansi(black)<!RL!%time(h:n:s:z)>}

    Where black is a colour of your background (i.e it can be also white)

    2.Drag the trigger you made at the bottom of the list of your triggers (this

    way it won't mess with your other settings for sure, since you gave it the

    lowest priority)

    (well, this works fine, but it will add some wordwrapping when you type who)

    3. To solve the 'who' problem make the following alias and trigger:


    Name: who

    Value: #T- '&0$';~who %-1


    Pattern: Total users:

    Value: #T+ '&0$'

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    22 July 2005 06:25:43

    You need to have a java plugin 1.4 or 1.5 which can be obtained at:

    (click on 'Download J2SE JRE' )

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    22 July 2005 02:50:46

    I used to play oregon trail. It sucked up more time than xbox does now

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    22 July 2005 01:44:40

    To read these logs you need Java enabled. I don't know if there are any other special requirements; for that you would have to ask Therigion, as it is his player code I use.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    22 July 2005 01:40:10

    I never did finish the damn game. My lantern would always die, or that fucking pirate would come and take all my treasure into that terrible maze.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 July 2005 00:30:18


    I never played 'Adventurer' but when I was a wee kiddo, I would go to the computer lab at the school my mom taught at, and play on the AppleIIe computers. There was a diskette (The nice 5 inch floppy kind) and it was labeled 'Word Adventure Games'.

    Boy, did I ever have fun on those! There was one called the Shrinking Man...You drank a potion and got shrunk down to the size of a mouse, and you had to try and get cured by finding different items and using them. Like finding a thread and a fish hook to make a grapple, and using that to climb onto a table, etc. It even had pictures! You would see the hook on the ground, you'd type 'get hook', and then the screen would refresh and the hook would be gone!

    Sigh. Those were the days. That game, and Number Crunchers, and Oregon Trail (I was so awesome at Oregon Trail - I completely owned Stephen Meek's score!)

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    21 July 2005 23:34:09

    Anselmo: 'adventure' is a really ancient game. It's the very first of the genre, and thus its user interface is worst.

    It's available on most Unix systems (usually in a package named 'bsdgames', together with a number of other games from that time), and Google says there is a server at -- you can connect there with a MUD client.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    21 July 2005 23:29:07

    I got the viewer installed just fine but i still cant see it on this logpage. I can make logs and view them just fine on my own but i just cant see those on the webpage.

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    21 July 2005 23:11:34

    How can I try out this Adventurer thing, it looks cool!

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    21 July 2005 22:57:24

    Hmm, what do you have todo to be able to read those logs?

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    21 July 2005 21:58:30

    Adventurer ruled, I think I still have it here on this computer somewhere!

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    21 July 2005 16:18:34

    Looks ok, except for the things you just mentioned. Also, the test log from Therigion has black color codes around his tags, which are also at the end of the lines. This means that when viewed as HTML, it looks pretty normal.

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    21 July 2005 15:47:37

    The proxy/viewer/trimmer:

    A Windows installer preconfigured for T2T:

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    21 July 2005 15:22:09

    Ok, there are three bugs on your side:

    1. Files with a '.rl' extension can't be posted, I had to rename it to '.txt'.

    2. A spurious newline gets added after every frame.

    3. The color bleeds, even after I changed all color codes to exactly the same as used by T2T. There is an ESC[0m in the log, most of the text should be light gray instead of green.