My last hurrah... or something

Posted by
Deboraha [legacy]
30 July 2005 00:00:00

This is just a small collection of old mails and songs that each have a good memory and a few laughs attached to them for me. After nearly 9 years I have a lot of memories. It has been a pleasure to know so many of the people I have known from towers over the years. Other people it has been a pleasure to put them on ignore but there is always a mix of good and bad where ever you go in life. The bad makes you appreciate the good even more.

Sadly, a few years back I made a typo that resulted in a mis-alias
in my mailer so I deleted several mails from people like Weston
that I had saved for years just because.

Here are a few mails that were funny to me. Maybe you'll laugh too:

Item #1
To     : Deboraha 
Cc     : Elendalas 
From   : Elendalas@Amruin
Date   : Wed Dec  3 15:10:58 1997
Subject: Spam Haikus
Blue can of steel
What promise do you hold?
Salt flesh so ripe

Can of metal, slick
Soft center, so cool, moistening
I yearn for your salt

Twist, pull the sharp lid
Jerks and cuts me deeply but
Spam, aah, my poultice

Silent, former pig
One communal awareness
Myriad pink bricks

Clad in metal, proud
No mere salt-curing for you
You are not bacon

And who dares mock Spam?
You? you? you are not worthy
Of one rich pink fleck

Like some spongy rock
A granite, my piece of Spam
In sunlight on my plate

Little slab of meat
In a wash of clear jelly
Now I heat the pan

Oh tin of pink meat
I ponder what you may be:
Snout or ear or feet?

In the cool morning
I fry up a slab of Spam
A dog barks next door

Pink tender morsel
Glistening with salty gel
What the hell is it?

Ears, snouts and innards
A homogeneous mass
Pass another slice

Old man seeks doctor
"I eat Spam daily", he says.

Highly unnatural
The tortured shape of this "food"
A small pink coffin

Pink beefy temptress
I can no longer remain


oif...dear god ;)

This next one, the mail was unimportant, but just reading the
list of names makes me nostalgic. I'm sure some other older
players can remember them too...

To     : Arcor Gorlim Grongi Jared Kobe Pops Swarn Beldenar Claypool Craigwise 
         Daibach Deboraha Esbat Gormowac Melyanne Shardik Beldrun Blade Cas 
         Khylekt Setras Stumpi Throm Azrayel Boomer Ged Hydrax Indigo Lizardo 
         Tedagrin Toker Longfinger 
Cc     : Deboraha 
From   : Deboraha@Fangorn
Date   : Mon Nov 16 00:37:40 1998

Ok, background to this chain of mails.... Zoso was broke one night and
told everyone on the main comm about it. I had gotten a dollar that was
registered with I told him I would mail him that
dollar so he could buy himself a poptart to eat and he gave me his
address so I mailed it to him in, like, May. Then lost he the letter in
a pile of scariness over the summer and the following was written 
after he had attacked the pile of scariness.

To     : Deboraha@Dale 
From   : Zoso@Lothlorien
Date   : Mon Sep 17 12:33:25 2001
Subject: Dollar reported found
Dear Applicant, Correspondent, and/or Business Associate,
We are glad to Report to yourself the Retreeval of one Dollar Bill,
Legitimate Currency of the United States of America, from a pile
of unopened bills, old papers, Kantian treatises, condom wrappers,
and other assorted shit. 
We have Reason to believe that This Bill is your Property. Thus
we saw it fitting to Inform You that said bill Has moved from
the Pile, where it had languished for 4 months, into another,
Much smaller Pile. This brightens its prospects considerably.
The bill will soon be Registered, and we also urge you to
consider what you would like it spent on. and stuff. 

Item #6
To     : Zoso@Lothlorien 
Cc     : Deboraha 
From   : Deboraha@Dale
Date   : Tue Sep 18 14:42:33 2001
Subject: RE: Dollar reported found
Dear Possessor of the Dollar Bill in Question,
I am heartened to hear of the recovery of the dollar bill in
question and look forward to its registration and investment
in a noteworthy cause.  I am also glad that it is moving along
from Large Pile to Small Pile (am extremely impressed by your
system of work distribution and organization. please advise on
how it may be implemented here.) 
For investment suggestions, I have several: poptart (original 
invest idea), post card of dubious nature, 1 box of Smints, or
possibly bus fare to a unique location.
Please invest said Bill as you see fit, being as you are in loco
parentus of said Bill. I look forward to seeing said Bill invested
in the unique manner in which only you can invest it.
Your Applicant, Correspondent, and/or Business Associate

Item #7
To     : Deboraha@Dale 
From   : Zoso@Lothlorien
Date   : Tue Sep 18 22:14:34 2001
Subject: Registered
725 miles in 164 days. Long live F73230066B!

Btw, I think he professed to hate poptarts and bought cigarettes with it.

Finally.. the last mail is from Demas. The things people talk about on the
main comm are always... interesting. In his case, it was carpet stains.

Item #10
To     : Deboraha@Dale 
From   : Demas@Bree
Date   : Mon Aug 12 17:29:23 2002
Subject: Cat Puke
Dear Deboraha,
Your solution for removing cat puke stains from carpet
worked like a charm. I felt the need to repay you in
some way, but I have little in the way of money.
Thus, I have composed the following haiku for you.
i was bewildered
cat puke seemed invincible
but deb rescued me
I am no Oscar Wilde, but I hope my poetry brings a
smile to your face as your advice has to mine.

It did Demas ;)

Finally, these are old songs from my harp, mostly written in the spur
of the moment. Tedagrin demanded his song and loved it so much he
made it his lifestory:

I ran through the forest and happened on a trail
Someone left a pile of crumbs, so I started on their tail.

Over rocks and through the trees to a tiny hole in the ground
I squeezed inside, what a tight fit, and this is what I found..

Here is Tedagrin Took, hobbit thief and odor extrordinaire!
Here is Tedagrin Took, he'll not stop til he's a millionaire!
Here is Tedagrin Took, he never wants a mate!
I only found this foul little beast because he tends to

This was a cheer to try to put a smile on Jeril's face:

Jeril.. Jeril
He's our ma.. erm.. elf!
If he can't do it, 
try someone else!

Brutus.. Brutus
He's our ma.. *mutter* dwarf!
If he can't do it,
make him into stew!

Wait that doesn't rhyme.

Brutus.. Brutus
He's our dwarf!
If he can't do it,
I'll go barf! (it rhymes this time)

Verji.. Verji
He's our man! (yippy!)
If he can't do it,
Aww fuck it. I can't write songs.

There is always more but a lot of those things were personally sentimental
so not so personally interesting to you.

^ (OOC) Deboraha: Right, bye and be well.