
Posted by
Veratyr [legacy]
15 August 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

Wizard vs Whip, Mmail, phial and flask. -- My Last Log, Reason for leaving: Ainur stupidity.


  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    24 August 2005 02:05:32

    I wave goodbye to one of the better players of this mud and one of the best friend through my time here. It won't matter if you come back or not just make sure it's your decission and screw what everybody else think

    Keep in touch, I promise I'll get my ass down there some day to meet all the bulgarians.

    This game needs alot more changes but I wouldn't say it's going to shit, tho maybe I shouldn't say anything while I'm slowing fading away from this place

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    21 August 2005 20:58:46

    After a few years of not liking you without ever speaking to you, something I unfortunately do quite often, I actually found out you're a decent guy in our long conversation in recent weeks. Have fun being able to just ask people to go for a drink :-)

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    21 August 2005 11:01:49

    Btw, Iarla is the fucking best Mick ever.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    21 August 2005 10:58:09

    Ehhh Veratyr, i'm just curious, how is it the fault of the administrators if you continually transfer characters?

    I agree 100% about the mud going to shit, but that's really irrelevent if you can't follow the rules and play without cheating...

    And Quitting is easy enough ;).

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    21 August 2005 00:20:50

    or steal someone else's name by making his similar....

  • Author
    Grimnar [legacy]
    20 August 2005 21:36:09

    Easily...with the new generation of players....people who play for fun, not only log on to insult and run down other players.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    19 August 2005 13:11:01

    Take it easy Veratyr.

    Really not sure how any MUD can last another 5 yrs when compared to graphical MUDs that people play now like WoW or Dark Ages of Camelot.

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    19 August 2005 03:53:43

    My Dear Vermond,

    Lets talk about how a person changes in the matter of a player.

    You can clearly find the differance between me 14 months ago and now :)

    I tried playing quietly and not causing any trouble. I was not let to play this way.

    Obviously this did not work either. Now I found some more about the species called ainur. It is a gang of idiots trying to play 'Administrators' and 'Mr Almighty' in a childish way. With just a single efford or two this pit hole can turn into a GREAT place not for few people who just saw their friends play it and have few spare months or an year to waste their time, but for the whole web. It takes THIS little brain to evolve in the years and better your server.

    Tell me how did the Mud change over the last two years? Answer is it got worse or did not change at all.

    The users for sure got less and got a lot more newbie-like. The old and cool players are counted on the fingers of my hands. Half of the players left, the other half are just using the Mud for a chatroom.

    Everything is collapsing due to bad administration. The thing is that nobody cares.

    I would love to see the face of Draugluin when he wakes up one day and finds out that he is all alone on his great server.



  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    19 August 2005 03:24:05

    I don't really see where you're coming from. I mean, why's it seemingly so important for you to bash it into stone that this guy will never truly leave t2t. If he does, good for him. If he doesn't.. well, half the userbase has waved the flag of no return. I guess my point is, Don't be a pretentious fucking hypocrite. True, he'll probably be back but what does it matter to you. Just sit back and let him say his goodbyes one more time.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    18 August 2005 19:13:44

    Date: 25. Jun, 2004, 10:37:58

    Characters come and go, Players remain! Well, not in this case. It seems we are not wanted here. The ainur are trying to make a peaceful chatroom out of their mud. Well as you wish. Though it is stupid and feels bad when you have spent so much time of your life to aid a cause... Well we are off. I have had nuked characters, warnings ..etc. Since like ... 1 year we are being harassed by ainur but we just kept everything quiet and were just trying to play. Know what dickheads? Suck my dick, new players with our thinking will come to mud and then you will have to nuke them too for sharing or MP or whatever shit you can think of. You are a bunch of useless crap.

    Hey Kujo:) I will miss you, bitch:)

    To all who considered me friend - Goodbye folks! You got me on ICQ, You got my contacts:) Keep in touch:) I had great time in those 2.5 years I been playing:) I found some decent players and a guild with great idea and style - DH. I even found how a cool lamers guild like Rimsilval can become a stinky pit of Ainurs - RoI. Bye to all:)

    Summarizing: Ainur suck, I'm leaving mud.

    Someone didn't change a single bit in 14 months.

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    18 August 2005 15:08:40

    Quitting is not that hard, you just need to remember the reasons why you deleted the client and all your aliases everytime you think about coming back. In my case, it was my fetish love for Draugluin, you just need to find yours:D

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    17 August 2005 13:24:27

    Actually, weeks.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    17 August 2005 13:24:16

    See you in a few months.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    17 August 2005 11:46:58

    veratyr, even when towers.angband.com goes down, the mud will probably still be available at towers.t2tmud.org (since they moved the domains and everything, although towers.angband.com still works for now I assume it won't forever)

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    17 August 2005 02:51:26

    Heh, newbies:) Nalain who the fuck are you:) I have never heard of you or met you on any of my ways through the mud.

    I might be back some day when I got time to play. Just for now I hardly have time to sleep :))

    I hope when I get back things will be better. However, my dream is still that I will try to connect to towers.angband.com and it will say: There is no such host.

    Have a nice game, guys:)

    I will miss you all:) Absolutely all :)

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    16 August 2005 19:07:33

    Busted!!! Bout time too.

  • Author
    Grimnar [legacy]
    16 August 2005 18:15:14

    woot well done man!

    i serious doubt he will be back, like me...i'[ve said im quitting loads of tiems before...ainur jsut make the mud suck now.

  • Author
    Mendor [legacy]
    16 August 2005 17:08:50


  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    16 August 2005 14:56:22

    Day shall come again!

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    16 August 2005 13:53:16

    I figured a wizard always had a good chance vs one other in a lockup, and whip doesnt have perfect aim either????

  • Author
    Nalain [legacy]
    16 August 2005 08:21:56

    I don't know how I want to rate this log. A 1 because it just shows you casting lightning or a 6 because you're leaving. Well, I don't know, but

    chances are I'll see you back here, mping for Beornings. :)

  • Author
    Nalain [legacy]
    16 August 2005 08:18:46

    Good. About time you left. You won't be missed.

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    16 August 2005 03:41:20

    So wait, I'm confused.

    Did you transfer characters or didn't you? Are you saying the ainur are stupid because they made a mistake or are you just bitter over getting caught?

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    16 August 2005 00:26:24

    this log is old, why post it again. just needed something to say that ainu were stupid?. you're stupid!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    15 August 2005 23:36:30

    Don't transfer chars and you won't get nuked :P And you'll be back, you've said you're quitting before and you came back.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    15 August 2005 23:22:19
