A log, for Diar.

Posted by
Nhakl [legacy]
22 August 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill



  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    23 August 2005 08:27:32

    Rocking log:)

    ^ Pounder: why do you think at our biggest peak time we only have 74

    users now?

    1. Because they put in too many restriction without having the power of the communist governments to force people to settle, so the people just went away because generally it is not a place to have fun. It's a place too challenging to the mind to attract stupid people and it's too restricting for the smart ones. Not that there aren't hundreds of stupids mudding:P

    2. Because it's too involving and demanding and many of us can't afford to spend 3 RL days online just to max a character. A good change in that direction would be the loss of no stats and skills when you die (at least when you die to NPCs; losing stats due to a PK is allright). Congratulations to Valinor about that:) Another good thing was to remove 'fade'! Triple congratulations on that too!:) Perhaps this mud is beginning to get better?

    Why don't I mud?

    1. I don't have time. RL is demanding too.:P

    2. When I stopped there was fade and a bunch of n00bs talking big time. I like a good fight, not a good talk. Well, actually, I like a good talk too but I still like a good fight. And there were too few people worth fighting. Not that there weren't any, just few:)

  • Author
    Laon [legacy]
    23 August 2005 05:54:31

    One of the better i've seen in a while

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    23 August 2005 02:24:48

    Nhakl, I love you.

  • Author
    Diar [legacy]
    22 August 2005 20:04:29

    And a quite good one also, thanks! :)