Fuiki, Curr

Posted by
Nhakl [legacy]
31 August 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

They attempted me, but I was more than ready for them. Longish log.


  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    03 September 2005 00:24:20

    you all are whining about a thread from 2 months ago that was dealt with 2 months ago just not with your supervision.

    otoron you got warned for trying to sex harass someone here. you try to dress it up any way you want but that is what you wanted to do and you got punished for it. since adremeth is suicided i can not tell you to write hate letters to each other any more but you could try writing in your diary about it and get it out of your system and then get over it.

    i do not think there has been one post in the last 60 about the log itself here. take rhoads's advice and use email if you feel you need to. 2 moderators have talked about it and we are closing this thread because it went way off course a while ago.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:57:02

    Krimpatul got blocked for that, same way you did. I do not want the same crap to start again so you all shut up and learn to live with it or mail Nicuramar. I haven't seem people getting warned too much lately so I frankly don't see why you guys are complaining already.

    Remember, complaints go to logs@logs.dyndns.dk

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:56:12

    Bah, I don't whine or bitch anymore :( Why do you say things like that!

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:47:53

    Thanks Pallasch, I'm really honoured! Here's to hoping you'll be whining and bitching less now, too ;)

  • Author
    Salival [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:41:05

    Someone answer me damn it. I feel like taking a side.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:30:59

    Ok, so, you've been keeping the score, but not bothering to keep the names of people who died, and by who they were killed? Uh huh. One would think those two things would go hand in hand!

    I can't believe you're arguing about who's made more comments on which logs :P

    I'm no longer a ghost Curr, I made a level 1 and hibbed it just for you!

    Eredor, you never gave a good reason as to why Adremeth was never punished for flaming people, which recieved a flame back, and the second flamer was warned?! Please, do tell us the reasoning behind this :))))

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:29:30

    Alt info on T2T was legalized, even on public channels, after at least one of the alts in question has suicided or been nuked. Why should it still be illegal here? Pointless.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:20:15

    Ketan you may know some thing about logs page rules that i do not know but there is no rule about not giving Draugluin shit or trash talking Draugluin so far as i have read in the rules. It is just some thing people do not normally do because he nukes people for it.

    There **is** a rule about posting alt info on the logs page and that is exactly what Draugluin did.

    For a long time a lot of people were out right harassed here on this page and the typist to Adremeth was one of them and Otoron and Draugluin were both happy to do it and keep it going. Adremeth's typist was far from the only one. Gothwin was also singled out for harassment over and over by the same people. People got warned too for it.

    You want to make a issue from people getting special treatment but it is not there. Ask around and you will find that people got warned and blocked for posting alt info on other players too. It is just rare that a pol does it but that does not mean it can not happen as we see. they just did not whine as loud and long as Draugluin and Otoron.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    02 September 2005 23:07:28

    Dear members of the FRA!

    Please write another 30 posts on the logpage explaining how and why you really really, really don't care about the warscore.

    You almost have me convinced, but 30 more posts about it would make your total indifference even more painfully obvious.

    P.S. Dear Naith! I'm glad you moved from the rather stupid utterly-randomly-generated-numbers thing to the more reasonable 'sound a little undercooked' thing. Healthy skepticism is fine. I'm sorry I don't have a register of the kills to give you; I haven't been committed enough or cared enough to keep one. In theory, I could go over old logs, find all the guildboard posts about it that had scrolled off long ago, and reconstruct it; in practice, I'd really rather be doing something more interesting with my life, and I hope you can forgive me.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    02 September 2005 22:57:46

    I love how these guys take every chance they get for a shot at me :P No honestly, I do. Shows how much you care! And hopefully I've gotten it across how little I do. When everything has been said and done here, and this is all behind us, history will only remember you as yet another group of fools who thought they could handle The Fellowship of Rimbor-Anim.


  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 September 2005 22:50:14

    Curr, if the tally really were important to us, it wouldn't take a genius to understand that some characters in The Fellowship would be keeping score. The fact is, we don't because we don't. Which is why many of the FRA kills on you guys don't get posted.

    We aren't doing you because of the 'score', or the publicity. We're doing you because we enjoy it. That's all. All I'm saying is that the numbers you've come up with sound a little undercooked. Perhaps you could just post a register of the kills so far and I would gladly stand corrected.

    By the way, you use quotemarks far too much. It makes it difficult for me to take you seriously.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    02 September 2005 22:45:42

    Rhoads, Eredor's posts spark their own riots. He's _the_ most insane archive moderator ever. He makes me wish more people used the official T2T log forums. *shrug*

    Log archive moderation should be about being unbiased, not about removing every negative post about Adremeth. You know, like the time Adremeth talked trash about Draugluin, and Draugluin got banned and had his comment removed when he replied...or the posts that Otoron has made about Adremeth, which Eredor sent him a lengthy private note about. Man, Adremeth sure is special.

    Anyway, I'd like to conclude this post by saying: Adremeth sucks. Please don't remove my post!

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    02 September 2005 22:31:13

    Hahaha, Rhoads. Funny. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 September 2005 22:30:35

    Draugluin, please stop coming here to try to cause another 'riot' everytime Eredor posts something. If you have a problem just mail Nicuramar already. It ain't that hard :P

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    02 September 2005 21:37:05

    Naith, if 'it really doesn't matter' and you're not 'putting much effort into lambasting' the issue of warscore, the least thing you could do to be consistent with your own policy is refrain from making shit up and lying about it being 'utterly randomly generated numbers'. Because, well, it's not.

    Are you sure you understand what 'randomly generated numbers' are? Especially when they are, oh boy, 'utterly' 'randomly generated'?

    Could you guys, you know, stop blabbing about the score if you're as indifferent to it as you seem so intent to claim over and over again? It's not a huge thing, or an all-important thing, and no one said it was. It's just something we keep track of on our guild board and update after every few kills. Skyman used to do it before, now I'm the GM I'm doing it. It's a matter of keeping up with who died on either side and in which situation - a good thing to be updated about anyway.

    I understand that to morons like Iarla it might seem incredulous both that someone could add a few numbers reliably and that someone wouldn't lie about them to bolster their side, and would just try to keep it correct no matter in whose favor it might seem to be. But do you have to keep on harping about it? Sheesh.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 September 2005 21:28:15

    If tidbits were made from logpage comments, Naith would be a star.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    02 September 2005 21:13:58

    rotfl Naith. <3

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    02 September 2005 21:13:11

    Yes, Eredor, you struck another blow for justice, fairness, and truth!

    Krimpatul would be proud (and thankful), I'm sure!

    Champion! Hero! -- Day I say....GOD!

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 September 2005 21:00:34

    You're irrelevant, why would I bother.

  • Author
    Yun [legacy]
    02 September 2005 20:54:09

    Well, I've posted more than all of them since I said I quit the MUD! ...about 6 years ago! Looks like you got your fact-checking work cut out for you!

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    02 September 2005 20:49:46


  • Author
    Salival [legacy]
    02 September 2005 19:52:05


    Naith is cute in real life, right???!

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 September 2005 19:36:36

    How predictable. Of course you're uncomfortable when someone bothers to check whether what you say has anything to do with facts and finds out that, quite unsurprisingly, it doesn't. And your best response is the old, used-up, primary school 'I won't discuss with you because you're a retard' statement.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    02 September 2005 19:17:16

    I'm hungry.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    02 September 2005 19:16:26


  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 September 2005 19:02:55

    Jesus, okay, here's the thing. I would be amazed if since Veratyr claimed on the log page that he was quitting the mud that he has only posted two more comments than Pallasch.

    Secondly, even in the remotest circumstance that he has, I said that 'I daresay' there's a ratio of 3 to 1. That is to say, I'm simply offering my opinion.

    Now, I'm not going to offer any more to this discussion for two reasons:

    (a) I suspect that in order to do so, I would first have to be anally retentive enough to actually go into each log counting up both the totals of comments from Pallasch, and each of Veratyr's characters back to the aforementioned claim of quitting the mud - and I'm not. So, I'll just have to rely on your research, as it seems that you, on the other hand, are.

    (b) I'm uncomfortable getting into an argument with you for exactly the same reason I'm uncomfortable getting into an argument with most retards: I'm worried you might drag me down to your level, and then beat me with experience.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 September 2005 17:46:26

    Who's an idiot, the one writing about things that he has no idea of or the one that corrects him?

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 September 2005 17:34:15

    Hahahaha. You went through the logs and counted each typists comments. Idiot.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 September 2005 17:26:35

    3 to 1 is another example of utterly randomly generated numbers. In last 20 logs, it's about 6 to 8. But who cares about facts as long as you can make your point, right, Naith?

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 September 2005 16:43:36

    Regarding the score: Utterly randomly generated numbers. The only reason I don't put too much effort into lambasting the issue is because it really doesn't matter. Anyone can influence warscores defensively by not logging on, or not leaving the guildhall.

    Regarding Curr's ghost imagery: The funniest thing about this knee-slapper was that I was thinking the exact same thing about Veratyr. I daresay Pallasch's comments are outnumbered 3 to 1 by that 'retired' typist. It's not a big deal to me, just mildly bemused to see that it should bother you at all.

    Regarding 'spurious': No, Scat. I looked it up too.

    Regarding Eredor: You entertain me. In a Benny Hill way.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    02 September 2005 12:35:58

    it feels the same as giving warnings to any player who breaks the rules.

    it is just gives me a lot of disppointment that draugluin did some thing to get warned because of any one on the mud he should be the last to break the rules since he is pol and was a moderator here once.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    02 September 2005 11:47:52

    Hey Eredor, how does it feel to warn Draugluin? ;)

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    02 September 2005 08:07:38

    i answered that question months ago draugluin. go back and read my answer in case you forget.

    i also ban people for posting mp info which is why you were blocked for a week with your warning. on the mud you could and with a better pol would have been nuked for what you did.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    02 September 2005 02:20:24

    how about just adding the kills on rambler and when fra was a clan? :P

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    02 September 2005 01:30:56

    Hey Eredor, when you say not to flame one another, you mean that suggesting things like someone should get aids, or someone should have their head bashed in, right? Thats flaming, and inappropriate, and SURELY anyone doing such things would be in trouble?

    I just want to make sure we all understand. I think we do.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 September 2005 23:38:19

    Hmm. Can't say I really flame much any more, and I don't see how my suiciding would affect my knowledge of the war!

    Ok, now, take that score and take away all the times you've killed Miko and Pops, and see how close it is :P

    Heru, I don't remember either guild going completely inactive. FRA just had a momentary lapse in activity :P

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    01 September 2005 22:16:49

    Am I the only one who looked up 'spurious'?

  • Author
    Tarzan [legacy]
    01 September 2005 21:49:56

    Hey Iarla, slam half a bottle of whiskey and swallow the truth like an irishman would: the score is 32:20 at the moment.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    01 September 2005 21:48:06

    stop implying mp info here on both sides

    you look like idiots arguing back and forth like this

    keep comments related **to the log** and send each other hate mail or some thing

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 September 2005 21:43:22

    Uh oh. Bullshit call issued...

    Who handles this kind of thing anyway? Is there some sort of bullshit arbitration agency?

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    01 September 2005 21:36:24

    I'm calling bullshit, a couple days ago I have all the beornings asking me what the score is, now you yourself just remembered you've been keeping it all along? It's arbitrary, you cannot beat us, We're FRA.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    01 September 2005 21:18:26

    I'm not very attached to the score, Ketan; just about enough to keep it, that's all. I don't think it's very significant and determines everything. Only wrote it here because Pallasch started lying about it, which is not nice but not surprising coming from him.

    Ghosts mostly seem to be figures of authority bringing grave warnings or advice or seeking vengeance and so on. Like Hamlet's father, for example. They're supposed to be grave important scary respected ghosts, not ridiculous whiney bitter little ghosts. Pallasch's suicide, however, seems to have gone wrong somewhere and brought us this strange figure. I always chuckle when I see him comment lately (after his suicide) because I get this mental image of a ghostly white figure sweeping through a castle in the night, wearing a night-gown and slippers for some reason, flapping the arms of the gown and shrieking in a whiney voice: 'They only ever bang!', 'They won't leave their guildhall!' etc. etc.

    (oh, and it's 32:20 apparently, Ketan! Sorry about that)

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    01 September 2005 20:40:10

    We're used to you making shit up, Iarla.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    01 September 2005 20:17:41

    I'd say it's closer to -2367:.02936545

    Look I can make up arbitrary numbers too!

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 September 2005 16:34:03

    Sorry for bringing up the score thing jokingly; I forgot that some people are very attached to it. 32:19? Awesome, Curr. I guess that means it was OK for you to die because you've got some sort of numerical lead.

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    01 September 2005 13:37:18

    If I'm not wrong FRA went inactive first, Pallasch?:) I don't think I'm very competent on the matter, though.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    01 September 2005 11:52:50

    That 32:19 remark is spurious.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    01 September 2005 07:11:07

    The score is about 32:19 in favour of the Beornings,

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    01 September 2005 05:15:40

    mad respect to nhakl for not reporting *bow*

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    01 September 2005 05:15:18

    The best part of this log is it displays the utter incompetance of not one but two moral guilds at the very same time!

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    01 September 2005 05:14:24

    The important thing is this. I was in this log and I didn't die, buncha bitches :D

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 September 2005 03:25:25

    They stopped keeping score when they started dying :P Score doesn't mean shit anyways, it's which guild goes inactive first.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 September 2005 03:22:57

    Fuffy Demonheart the hobbit Medicine Man (Hand of Eru)

    Not present in Arda. Gender: male

    Age: 19d 15h 11m 8s

    Fuffy is a member of the Beornings.

    And I was sort of mocking you guys about the score thing, that's all. I'm not actually keeping a count or anything.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    01 September 2005 03:18:30

    First of all, Fuffy is not a Beorning. Second, Beornings were leading atleast 15 murders ahead before I stopped playing. And third, who cares about counting a score :) Just play your game and have fun:))

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 September 2005 01:44:16

    There hasn't even been 75 deaths between the two guilds, so let's not exaggerate.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    01 September 2005 01:08:35

    As far as I remember the score, even if you made 15 kills in last five days, you'd still be behind.

  • Author
    Laon [legacy]
    01 September 2005 00:47:54


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 September 2005 00:30:41

    I'm thinking FRA has caught up to, if not passed, the Beornings on the 'score'.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 September 2005 00:11:22

    I was completely smashed when I got there. It's a good thing they were focusing on Nhakl!

    Also, not that anyone's keeping score (though I'd swear someone used to be...), but these two kills are part of a total of five FRA pkills on Beornings in the past 24 hours: Curr, Drille, Fuiki, Curr, Fuffy.

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    31 August 2005 23:05:43

    Don't ever trust the comm, Banhe. Nor this page..

    About the log: Yes, they screwed up bigtime:)

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    31 August 2005 21:38:12

    Nice fight, and I always read on main comm that beornings doesnt leave GH and dont fight just GH break.

    Well, I think its time to you guys just STFU.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    31 August 2005 20:49:05

    Cool log

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    31 August 2005 19:29:15

    Yes, so lame a performance that Fuiki and Curr easily got away!

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    31 August 2005 19:25:48

    Yeah. I think Fuiki is a bit too stupid for that, Filch. :P

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    31 August 2005 19:24:29

    Fuiki couldn't kill time if he wanted to.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    31 August 2005 19:21:01

    Nothing special. I hope Fuiki and Curr won't be discouraged by one failure and will strive to get better and kick some ass.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    31 August 2005 19:16:51


  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 August 2005 19:11:51

    lame performance from curr and fuiki.. You did nothing interesting Nhakl... we all know what piece of a lamer you are.

    Nice to see Ketan out of guildhall.. Keep that up, boy.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    31 August 2005 18:54:48

    That's the Ketan I know and love.