Comm chatter, 9/11/01, 10AM EST

Posted by
Tevildo [legacy]
11 September 2005 00:00:00

I think this shows a little of the confusion of that morning. Hell, T2T was the closest thing to a news site that worked. Mreh.

Drajen told you: nothing confirmed for sure, but reports of an explosion at
     or near the pentagon...FoxNews at least hasn't confirmed what is
     happening yet there
^ Splut: good idea, I'd say.
^ Erwin: Does anyone know who was on the planes? I mean the passengers?
^ Tevildo: apparently one was from Boston to LA, WITH passengers...
^ Tevildo: Beyond that I don't know.
^ Tevildo: The internet is totally buggered up here in NY... can anyone tell me
what's going on in Washington?
^ Erwin: Up to 1000 casualties estimated.
^ Calador: every airport in the country shut down
^ Erwin: Can't get or, they're broken.
^ Tevildo: In Washington?? Casualties? What happened?
Alexa tells you: a sapphire sword is now on sale as lot 134, minimum bid 150
     gold Fresh! (BkD)
tell alexa SHUT UP!
You tell Alexa: SHUT UP!
Alexa tells you: I don't understand what you are telling me.
Try telling me your bids or listing items on auction.
^ Erwin: Sorry no, that's for the WTC
^ Calador: oh my.... plane into the pentagon too..... erk..... there is gonna be
 an ass raping now.......
^ Erwin: Wouldn't have done much damage to the Pentagon though, would it? I mean
 it's the most secure building in the world...
^ Razor: now they are saying there might be a 3rd plane coming ..
^ Razor: so they are clearing the streeets in ny.
^ Calador: the pentagon is seriously screwed up..... I saw the picture
^ Razor: 6 people jumped out of buildings.
^ Beregor: hmm, looks like it just hit closeby to pentagon
^ Tevildo: Oh. I'm trying to stay on top of things here, but I can't even get in
to a radio feed... the Associated Press is out, CNN is out, most news sites are
dead. MSNBC is still up, but choked with traffic.
^ Splut: AA flight 11, en route to LA
^ Calador: are you sure splut?...passengers?
^ Splut: Yes, passengers. Confirmed by senior US person to ABC news.
^ Erwin: I've got English ITV. Apparantly New York is basically closed
     down. Possibly gonna bring in the military, if they haven't already.
^ Draugluin: The pictures being shown of the pentagon here on local news (dc)
     are not promising.
^ Calador: oh my god....thos poor people.... there is already military in the
^ Tevildo: Yes, NY is totally closed down. Airports, bridges, tunnels, major
^ Calador: the pentagon least a sixth of it... is ****ed
^ Khabibulin: Its all over the main comm
^ Draugluin: Flight 77 Dulles to LAX is reported as missing now.
^ Tevildo: The subways are out too. I'm staying put.
^ Erwin: The pictures of the WTC are just insane! You can't see more than
     three blocks for the smoke, judjing by the pictures here.
^ Splut: FAA has ordered all aircraft out of the air.
^ Manni: I heard an unidentified white jet circled the White House 10
     minutes ago
^ Manni: It wasnt military...