Estranho dies.

Posted by
Dakar [legacy]
04 October 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

For fun, for real, for money.


  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    07 October 2005 21:38:04

    I'm definitely a big fan of the ladies. :)

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 October 2005 19:31:43

    Dakar if you are gay, thats your problem, you dont need to tell everyone your sexual preferences. Shame you are gay, women are so nice :P (naked of course).

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    07 October 2005 16:08:55

    Ah, sorry, Banhe:)

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    07 October 2005 01:33:32

    Funny...all I read was this...

    [new] Date: 06. Oct, 2005, 13:38:34 By: Banhe

    bum bum fart fart I'm gay.


  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    06 October 2005 13:38:34

    Duncan I love you, you should come back!

    And you to winnetou!

    Duncan, I didnt say you are Dakar...

    Date: 04. Oct, 2005, 5:49:56 By: Dakar


    Is this the same Pallasch who said I could never kill anyone half my level?

    Define newbie. He was better equipped, same level as me. Not to mention >>>>warrior<<<<. Should I have done a background check and asked how long he had played before smoking him?

    see? :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    06 October 2005 06:46:33

    now that was pretty freaking funny, maybe on your next rant you'll get it right. and no killem, you have been nuked before for getting a character and being over level 16 doesn't make you experienced in pk. might not be a newbie in typing kill orc and train stat but that doesn't qualify as being 'knowledged' in this game.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    06 October 2005 06:42:50

    ha haha hahahahhhahahaaha

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    05 October 2005 23:05:44

    [new] Date: 05. Oct, 2005, 22:40:43 By: Duncan

    Um, Banhe, I am NOT Dakar!

    But I sure AM Duncan! :P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    05 October 2005 22:51:53

    thank you for proving my point, killem

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    05 October 2005 22:40:43

    Um, Banhe, I am NOT Dakar!

    Anyway, you are right to some extent. Newbies should be protected. But then many newbies have lead their attackers to lockups:) I have alot of such kills:) I think I've lead attackers into lockups as a newbie too:P

    Um, talking about that...wanna bring back ghost hunting?:P I remember that most newbie-killers usually got doubletapped.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    05 October 2005 22:25:11

    Dakar Im dam sure Estranho its not warrior, and You attempt all the time, cause you cant get reported, so its easy try to kill 19900 times some random newbies and succed in the unlucky ones, that was in his way to heal or something

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    05 October 2005 01:55:49

    Qfm is so damn right.

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    05 October 2005 01:18:08

    so killem what have i done to you, to warrant your numerous attempts and kill(s)? or for that matter any er? nothing.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    05 October 2005 00:14:09

    Winnetou, generally I try and make clear arguments as to my point of view but in your case and your reputation, i think 'Fuck you, you ignorant, lying, cocksucking son of a bitch' will suffice nicely

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    04 October 2005 23:24:38

    I see no need to respond to any of this, I don't want to get drawn into the bickering :P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    04 October 2005 19:58:10

    Um, as for newbie killing..I remember how amazing it was to find a real newbie in this mud. Anyway, newbiekilling is nothing to brag about but well, anyone can choose to act like 'the big bully' and get lost in their own abberations. On the other hand, there could be 'the noble defenders' who would be nothing but bloodthirsty warmongers, finding an excuse to attack someone (for example because of newbiekilling).

    I (being one of the bloodthirsty warmongers) never found it funny to kill newbies. They just weren't worth wasting my time. And I don't like ruining other people's lives in general. I prefer to be a 100% warrior and I like to have 100% warriors against me - as in people who realize what they are doing and why.

    Many of the people here finally got the idea that reporting and hiding were nothing but labeling yourself 'unprepared for battle'. As I can see more and more people avoid reporting, which makes me very happy:) I would've been 10 times happier if that had happened while I was still mudding but well...better late than never.

    The last time I came back for a brief jump in and out of this mud, there were people who would not report at least soloes. Well, this is the first stage. These I consider people with the potential to tread the path of the warrior. The next step is to have the strength to overwhelm fear (expressed through greed) and quit reporting at all.

    After all, if you consider yourself to be a 100% warrior, why report those who are lesser than you?

    I wish happiness to all:)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    04 October 2005 19:37:32

    Salival, what's your e-mail again?:P You know mine. If you don't, let me know:P

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    04 October 2005 19:27:43

    The reason I would not consider so many of these FR/ER/sFR kills 'great' is because of how many failure we are not seeing.

    It's no surprise you can kill 180 people when you can atttempt everyone who gets blocked by the loth BP guard without having to worry about paying fines.

    Nasira and Korhan attempted me in FR-controlled Lothlorien the other day when I was in near-perfect shape.

    Any assassin who had to worry about fines would never even consider doing something like that, but hey, what's the harm to either of them for trying? Absolutely none.

    Also, I would have to diagree that the ears are there to discourage newbie killing. That is one small function they serve, but it is only an ancillary one. If anything, they increase the incentive for spreeing. How many times has someone gotten away, or someone else got the kill, and there was grumbling and complaining about not getting the ear? It happens all the time.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    04 October 2005 19:16:28

    Heh, that's funny. Three fingers //are// pointing at me when I point at something :) And that's why you should always use your entire hand when you want to put the attention of people in a direction.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    04 October 2005 19:10:52

    Date: 04. Oct, 2005, 12:54:40 By: Vermond Remove

    It just sounds funny when Winnetou's typist is known of going as low as level 4.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 October 2005 19:07:06

    'If you are level 16 or over you aren't a newbie anymore' - Killem

    Tsk tsk. Stupid random spreekiller (which includes killer of a countless amount of newbies).

    'You however are just another wannabe who lives in the so called heyday imagining the few kills you pulled off to be something special when in all reality you had zero impact on the mud and are not and will never be missed. So go back into your sad miserable life where you fantasize about a game you once played because you dont have anything better to do nor the balls to man up and play with the people who killed you over and over again and proved you to be nothing but the multiplaying, cheating, no skill asslicking bitch you left as.' - Killem

    Thank you for your efforts to tell us exactly what we are, killem. Btw, do you know the saying 'Careful when you point at somebody because three of your fingers will always point at you.'. After that monologue I can conclude that you're a sick man. I hope you find the purpose of your life in something other than ruining the mudlives of unexperienced players.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    04 October 2005 17:55:44

    Pablo, with all due res.. scratch that, since none is given, none is due. You're a fucking retard. No one has ever given me a character. I dont kill newbies. If you are level 16 or over you aren't a newbie anymore. I have killed a few lower levels, namely namarik because he's an asshole though hardly a newbie and pierre (level 11 <1d old also not a newbie) for comming that I was on in telloff and to watch out. You however are just another wannabe who lives in the so called heyday imagining the few kills you pulled off to be something special when in all reality you had zero impact on the mud and are not and will never be missed. So go back into your sad miserable life where you fantasize about a game you once played because you dont have anything better to do nor the balls to man up and play with the people who killed you over and over again and proved you to be nothing but the multiplaying, cheating, no skill asslicking bitch you left as.

  • Author
    Salival [legacy]
    04 October 2005 13:51:15

    Did I knew stuff, Duncan?:P

    I'd say it once again, toss me a mail or something, zadnik. Let's turn this into dating service.:P

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    04 October 2005 12:54:40

    It just sounds funny when Winnetou's typist is known of going as low as level 4.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    04 October 2005 12:38:33

    Look, newbies and oldbies!

    First, one could guess how old a player is by the output of possible aliases/directions at every signpost. The more you have, the more client-based your play is. When I started playing, Zmud was not that popular, many people still used other clients with less facilities or telnet. I have some kills on telnet too, let alone the numbers of times I had to kill using java (this was after everyone started using zmud anyway).

    Once people used to map out things and remember them. Of course, if I started playing later, I would start with zmud and questinfo as well. You can't blame people that they use their opportunities. That's what they are supposed to do anyway.

    What we, older players can do, is bitch for things they can't have done because they didn't mud back then:P Not that I'm too old either, I started in like 98, when many people here had already become old:P

    Otherwise, the kill was good. So solo so good!

    Hm, I really don't know who is who. But from the PoV of an impartial viewer, Nasira (whoever she or he is) is a good player. I assume it is a she, as Nagash (I think) said before. Whatever, I don't care.'s a pity that those players who started later were not given the chance to have the power of knowledge. Once you were 'big deal' if you knew stuff. Now you are 'big deal' if you manage to quest things first. Or at least it seems so. Anyway, the mud must still be interesting:)

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    04 October 2005 10:30:39

    Winnetou, now you're talking out of your ass. Killem, Nasira as newbie killers? They're those who chastise newbie killers the loudest.

    If you want some hard data, just 'look necklace in nasira'. As far as I know, the necklaces were intended more as a way to chastise newbie killers rather than as a way to provide bragging space -- so we can use them this way.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 October 2005 10:12:57

    Btw, newbie spreeing is worse than newbie killing. Because killing implies several while spreeing implies 180 in Killem's case. I'm not saying Killem's not a good assassin because he is. He is just a random newbie spreer.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 October 2005 10:11:17

    These logs are awesome. Tho, if I were you I'd direct my skills in another pk area. Instead of newbiekilling kill the newbie killers - Killem, Nasira and company. And that Kalimac, whoever he is:P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    04 October 2005 07:54:51

    oh and for my last comment for a few days i'll ask the question my friend has been asking me. Your char killem, did you actually level him up, or was it the same person that gave you your other char that did it?

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    04 October 2005 07:47:51

    I also remember a time when you got bitched at for pkilling a player higher level than you because he was a newbie, so please you stfu with your 'I KILL PEOPLE OVER LEVEL 16' and whatnot excuse of a phrase for killing newbies.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    04 October 2005 07:44:01

    at least i was never a quitter, and i've done way more solo's/2 mans than bangs, and btw this is not including the 'fineless' er kills on retards.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    04 October 2005 07:42:31

    pablo, come back and do what kalimacs done under the current system and then talk shit, until then, stfu, you were always a hackass banger anyway

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    04 October 2005 07:37:37

    you're calling kalimac a great player when he quits to save his life? heh, either you're a quitter too or a flipping retard.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    04 October 2005 06:41:12

    evil assassin maybe, any joker can be an assassin, but not as a sniffer you couldn't

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    04 October 2005 06:40:46

    no you couldn't pallasch, sniffers suck ass, they take skill to play, and while kalimac might nto be very discerning on his targets, he's still a damn skilled player who knows what he's doing

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    04 October 2005 06:27:57

    Man, I could be just like Kalimac and Killem if I was an ER or serving, running around killing helpless people. These logs don't prove anything, and I don't see the point in posting them unless they're interesting. Level and eq does not the player make. Attack the right maxed warrior with fresh eq who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing or where he's going, and you'll get him everytime.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    04 October 2005 06:17:47

    I cut out the part where I was running around Linhir then saw him run through, shaped, and caught up.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    04 October 2005 06:09:38

    wow, you didn't even shape him! god i wish people were stupid enough to try me like that

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    04 October 2005 05:57:29

    Better yet Pallasch, don't respond...I won't read it, past the point of caring :P

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    04 October 2005 05:53:31

    bah, we all want to post something, but i would really think twice about that crap

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    04 October 2005 05:49:56


    Is this the same Pallasch who said I could never kill anyone half my level?

    Define newbie. He was better equipped, same level as me. Not to mention warrior. Should I have done a background check and asked how long he had played before smoking him?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    04 October 2005 05:35:00

    I tire of your random newbie kill logs.