My tidbits, mostly from VC

Posted by
Foraker [legacy]
09 October 2005 00:00:00

Are they better than Dakar's? Can they be worse?

Crusaderr says in Westron: who has the ring on?
Zoso goes away from the keyboard.
Adaron says in Westron: you
Adaron shrugs.
Adaron says in Westron: he's glorglas?
Crusaderr removes his cock ring.
Crusaderr removes an ancient ring.
Crusaderr gives Adaron an ancient ring.
Adaron winces away from Crusaderr in fear.
Adaron gives you an ancient ring.
Adaron says in Westron: there, he's afk, he won't notice
Carver says in Westron: I think he was the one who stole from us with
     Otoron in that Aiglos incident
Adaron huhs.
Crusaderr says in Westron: Otoron stole from us?
Adaron says in Westron: may have been
Adaron says in Westron: WAIT
Adaron says in Westron: WAIT
Crusaderr says in Westron: hah
Carver says in Westron: Otoron and Polk back when Aiglos was first
Carver says in Westron: Ard was there I believe and had just gotten the
     spear...or a piece of it
Carver says in Westron: And I think Polk stole it from him
Carver says in Westron: And gave it to Otoron
Adaron says in Westron: Otoron wasn't 100% moral? NO
Crusaderr says in Westron: or 10% for that matter
Carver says in Westron: I don't know the details in full but I know
     those two were involved somehow and the story went something like
Adaron says in Westron: excuse me, i get my impartials confused
Adaron says in Westron: well, alkath may not have known
Adaron shrugs.
Carver says in Westron: Grimscar was kind enough to raid one of our
     packs for pasties in order to heal himself some time later during the
     same quest.
Adaron says in Westron: WAIT NO
Adaron says in Westron: Grimscar is not 100% moral either?
Crusaderr says in Westron: in his defense he didn't have a job to buy his
     own pasties
Adaron sighs.
Adaron laughs.
Carver falls down laughing.
Crusaderr says in Westron: oh damn I better shutup before he comes and
     kills me
Crusaderr says in Westron: in rl none the less

[ Valacirca ] Adaron: Well, see, Makalan...when a man mudder loves a woman
     mudder, they get together in a little place called Bywater.  Mostly,
     the man mudder is named Jad, and the woman mudder is without a
     driver's license.  That's how babies are formed!

Can Logpage comments be tidbits?

Date: 11. May, 2004, 0:13:02 By: Caber 
For the record, Drizzet, not everyone who uses the word "fuck" or calls you an idiot is 
upset. Maybe they just really get a kick out of being mean? It's not like I'm over 
here IRL getting all worked up and shit about any of this. I didn't walk to dinner 
shaking my fist and muttering "Those god damn newbie killers, I'll make them pay!" 
In fact, I enjoy telling people that they're fucking morons. So to you, Drizzet, 
I say in the least upset way possible:

You're a fucking moron.


Date: 11. May, 2004, 12:29:06 By: Naith 
Arda, to me, is a biological thing.

If Trempk and AoTWU are the mouth, the ainur are the eyes, KoDA is the conscience, 
Valacirca the compassion, Gondor's Vengeance the bowels, Daen Hecil the forehead, 
knuckles, kneecaps and anything else you can use in a bar brawl, I would say that 
you, Dighi, are the asshole.

But given that even the asshole plays a necessary functional role, that accolade 
probably has to go to someone else - I'm sure the shortlist for the vacancy is
ripe with candidates. 

You're more likely AIDS. And given that Arda already suffers from an advanced case 
of tourets syndrome and chronic shortsightedness, I for one don't mind seeing Arda 
cured of you. 

^ Zoso is trying to make it the mud's second language
^ Zoso: now that swedes don't spam anymore :(
^ Demandred: Everyone know's swedish is
^ Mithgil: swedish is the mud's second language man
^ Someone: The mud's second language is swedish, then croatian
^ Mithgil ar sexig
^ Demandred: Du ar inte
^ Zoso: when was the last time you heard swedes talking on the comm
^ Mithgil: du ar anskramlig
^ Zoso: jag ar en sexig skraeling
^ Demandred: du ar boda javla fell
^ Mithgil: hahaha, javla
^ Demandred: du kan boda slicka mitt svetig rov shagg!
^ Zoso: du ar javla rulltrappa norskjavel!
^ Demandred: HAHAHA!
^ Mithgil: du kan stryka mina vartor
^ Demandred: do you guys know what your saying? :P or jsut something you heard someone else say
^ Mithgil: you can stroke my nipples?
^ Demandred: did you get what i said?

^ Zoso: oh...shampoo
^ Zoso: because i ran out of body wash weeks ago
^ Zoso: so i shampoo everything
^ Zoso: which is really not bad as i've got hair everywhere.

^ Zoso: What color is this comm in?
^ Rami: yellow
^ Caber: DEPENDS
^ Jinx: purple
^ Zoso: Caber/4 Jinx/1 Rami/4
^ Rami: dont HATE
^ Zoso: yeah well roosters somtimes squawk and chickens will lay cigarettes if you shove them up their asses
^ Zoso: so
^ Rami: fdl
^ Caber: I don't think that really counts

The Valacircan Supermark, two versions!:

Ardilion hollers at you: Ahoy there sailor!
Ardilion marks you for hård analsex.
Ardilion coaxes you into stripping before him.
Ardilion pinches your ass.
Ardilion mmms.
Ardilion starts giving you a butt massage.
Ardilion hornily licks your neck, sending _chills_ down your spine!
Ardilion shakes his fist at you saying Rätt upp i analen.
Ardilion says to you: Huuda mun sotilasarvoa!
Ardilion bangs his dick into foraker.
Ardilion says in Westron: you've been supermarked

Zoso points %0 saying Du ska ha stock!
Zoso gets a crazy look in his eye and strips completely naked.
Zoso pinches himself to see if he's awake.
Zoso mmms.
Zoso looks like he needs a %0 butt massage.
Zoso pinches himself to see if he's awake.
Zoso shakes his fist %0 saying Rätt upp i analen.
Zoso screams Allah Allah malla teez!
Zoso bangs his dick into %0 foraker.
Zoso boggles at the concept.
Zoso says in Westron: wtf

Note  18  Khralek      (Fri May 21 2004)  Re: Lost codpiece

I know one of you has stolen my good codpiece.
It's the one made of mithril with the jewels 
inlaid in a... mace-shaped... weapon.
I know tis a fine piece o' armour and
it took a long time to forge.. fitting
hot mithril to yer loins for custom
tailoring is no picnic!  In any event,
remember, VC aren't thieves.. we're
honorable folk and all.. so just slip
it in my mailbox... and there won't
be any serious repercussions... If 
ye decide to try and keep it, my
wrath will be horrible!!
Remember, I'm keeping my good eye
on you all from afar *gestures 
dammit.. i can't quit!  *curses blackly*

Note  20  Foraker      (Sat May 22 2004)  Khralek's codpiece

Alas, I must plead guilty to stealing Khralek's codpiece.  As
Guildmaster, I think its my right to take whatever I want from any of
you, and that codpiece just looked so good on me when I checked myself in
a mirror.  Additionally, Khralek was apparently off sunning himself on a
beach in West Arda, so the codpiece was being much more useful protecting
my loins than getting full of sand in a beach.  A prospect which Khralek
should thank me for, as I imagine that would have been rather
uncomfortable.  I must admit I highly admire Khralek's craftsdwarf ship,
though didn't you find it a bit cramped Khralek?  I had to take it to
Erebor and get it expanded a bit myself.  You should just see the orcs
flee when I come running at them with blood running off Telemnar and clad
only in that codpiece.  'Tis a glorious sight.  Anyway, the only way I'm
giving up this codpiece is off my cold dead loins.  Mwahaha.

Note  22  Dorianna     (Sat May 22 2004)  Further intrigue..

Alas, if only foraker's possession of the codpiece was the end
of it! Unlike Foraker, my conscience is not seared into insensitivity,
and Khralek's cry for his codpiece made a deep impression on me.
I will confess my part of the guilty saga, and can only hope for
Knowing Foraker to be growing blind and feeble in his old age,
I cleverly painted a piece of wood a mithril color, and after
hollowing out a small indentation in it, I was pleased. Using
the secret WWW passage into the GM office, I quietly swapped
the codpieces, trusting that Foraker was too senile to know the 
difference, and would appreciate the better fit. I was desperately
in need of gold to support my expensive drug habits (refining elanor
stars is an expensive and lengthy business) so I turned to the 
underground coven of Khralek groupies, where I knew I would find
the best price. Carver, their spokesman, assured me that the hundreds
of groupies would have equal opportunities to bid on the codpiece
and that I would be contacted with the proceeds. Alas, I never saw
it again. The only evidence remaining was the smug smirk on Carver's
face. DAMN YOU ENGLISH MAJORS AND YOUR SMOOTH WAYS!'s good to not be living a lie anymore.
Dorianna Orual

Note  25  Foraker      (Sun May 23 2004)  Where the codpiece went

While its true that the saga of the codpiece is a bit more complicated
than I first said (I didn't want to confuse poor old Khralek too badly),
I am still in possession of the codpiece.  You didn't REALLY think that I
would be fooled by that pathetic forgery did you Dori? Ha!  Fortunately
for me, I always have my specially superbly secret spy network spying on
my assistant GM Carver.  As you said, those English Majors CANNOT BE
TRUSTED.  Especially when they are aiming for law school!  They informed
me that Carver was sleeping with it under his pillow, a matter of
security or fantasy I am not too sure.  Inviting him to my chamber to
celebrate the feebleness of the current crop of WWW, I plyed him with
liquor until he passed out.  Those elves simply cannot hold their drinks.
I then repossessed the codpiece and to keep it safe I have found a new
hiding spot which you will NEVER EVER find.  Carver must have been too
embarassed to inform you of his loss Dori!  Sorry.

Note  20  Wormbaneii   (Mon May 24 2004)  Poor Foraker :(

You'd think that after all these years he would know the
difference between a mithril codpiece and a mithril thimble.
It's sad....Truly.