Obair is slain

Posted by
Abborre [legacy]
25 October 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

O Bear with me my friends for this is a nasty read


  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    01 November 2005 10:07:58

    Ah yes, 5 years ago... SoU were killing npcs in mordor. Rimsilval, Durms, FRA, bkd and Megs were killing anything they like. It certainly was an rpers paradise

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    28 October 2005 21:41:39

    Galad : just tried to relate it with the war of the ring, brought up a point of view for debate.

    Filch : true, but being manipulated is just the first step on the way to serving. Its a gradual process, you just don't dont get out of bed one day and say 'Hey, i think i'm gonna go pledge my soul to the dark lord today, hyuk hyuk!'

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 October 2005 14:16:19

    This was a Tolkien mud 5 years ago. People still RP'd. In fact there was more RP since people were able to be more creative and inventive with it. Things were also a lot simpler. If you're confusing RP with PvP combat, I'm sorry you made that mistake.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    28 October 2005 12:43:40

    Erm, Dalkar, serving someone<>being manipulated by someone.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    28 October 2005 10:47:18

    Er, I never was talking about the one ring. Someone brought up the 7 dwarven rings, and I just verbatim gave what's in the LOTR.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    28 October 2005 10:15:00

    Oh yeah, i forgot. Gotta watch out for those lil' rotters! :)

    K, mudwedding when this war's over :P

    And umm.. yeah. I'll have to get back to you about the last one. He might mind.. hmm. Or you could chop off something else, and we could use him as a living blow-up doll!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 October 2005 10:01:30

    There actually were serving's hobbits, although they were Sharku's.

    And I mean hobbits can be really nasty. Like the story of this young one who killed her old hag of aunt to get her fortune... Totally evil!

    Anyhow, Dalky you made some excellent points here.

    I tell you let's get married :)

    (I'm ok to share you with Scat, if you let me chop his head once in a while)

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    28 October 2005 09:24:49

    Agree with you all the way, Necs. Just wanted to comment on this, though:

    By: Galad

    Since dwarves were impossible to fall under someone's dominion, the dwarven rings served the purpose of inflaming the hearts of the dwarves with a lust for gold and treasure. They could not be dominated by Sauron, and that infuriated him.

    If that was true, why was Gimli not chosen as ringbearer?

    A logical choice, if they were indeed incorruptible. Or would he have been corrupted? I think so! Gold lust, as Necs mentioned, is yet another tool of the dark lord. Keeping dwarves neutral did help him in the war of the ring, no? A few less people to send orcs against... now.

    How about if he would not have been corrupted?

    Then, why didn't Elrond choose Gimli as the ring-bearer? Prejudice perhaps? The lord of elves, prejudiced against someone on his own side? Rar. Sauron's will at work again. If he could affect the mind of an elf of such great wisdom, corrupting lesser elves to his cause would be no big deal.

    I've taken both possibilities to an extreme, though... but in the end, i'd say that it -is- possible to have serving dwarves and elves as well. No-one's perfect. Serving hobbits too, to be served up at banquets :P

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    28 October 2005 07:06:57

    Since dwarves were impossible to fall under someone's dominion, the dwarven rings served the purpose of inflaming the hearts of the dwarves with a lust for gold and treasure. They could not be dominated by Sauron, and that infuriated him.

    And Vermond your argument is: If X exists Y should not exist, while my point is if X exists, why can't Y exist. These should not be confused.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 October 2005 06:49:07

    Well hi again, Hirgail.

    Weren't you the guy who were arguing you'd never fall that low as to brag about the well being of your genitals ? Getting a bit cocky for a gentleman, methink.

    Anyhow, you probably miss my point, but the statement I was making was that theme is sometimes a lame excuse to cut off the playability and the freedom given to player.

    And that, digging a bit through Tolkien's really complex world, you can bring up a lot of possible or likable themes that are far away from the orcs vs elves cliche.

    So in a way, we agree.

    Yet, I think it's important to somewhat refer to theme, because I mean T2T is Tolkien based and it's not AD&D, even if you'd prefer it to be.

    Some thematical limits are important to be kept. Thematical obligations and unflexible possibilities are however we agree, unnecessary.

    But I'm just an internet wanker after all.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 October 2005 06:39:47

    Well I think I recall reading two darven rings had been destroyed for sure. But hmm, I'm a bit senile and it has been a long time since I haven't been reading HoME or UT.

    Anyhow, of the whatever nomber of remaining dwarven rings, and even if they are supposedly lost, I'm fairly sure it befell in dwarven hands somehow, especially since they were intended as such by Sauron.

    Furthermore, dwarves can't become wraith, because of stony nature.

    Yet some of them may have been enslaved to the Dark Lord's Will by one way or another (supposedly gold lust :)).

    Rather few is known about dwarf of the third age, anyhow. (and besides their rather complicated genealogy).

    So when I see people claim it to be unthematic for elves or dwarves to serve, it does give me a good chuckle.

    I think the problem is that people only do this statement based on a LoTR pov, while we all know LoTR is a hobbit pov and is hence a bit biased concerning elves and dwarves.

    I mean, has anyone never noticed the huge gasp the existed between the Galadriel as described in LoTR (Sam's pov) and the more historical one of UT's third book?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 October 2005 06:33:10

    Here's an interesting point. DEREGULATE THE MUD.

    I mean what do you really want? A realistic game or a fun one? Because it seems that you have a choice of the two given the way the last 6 months have gone.

    Why not just have a free and flexible game where people can essentially be and kill whatever they want.

    If someone wants to be a dwarf wizard that is evil but kills orcs.


    I mean seriously, do you really care? Does it ruin the whole expirience of the game for you to see that? NO! IT DOESNT MAKE AN ASSLOAD OF DIFFERENCE TO ANYONE.

    The people that argue about theme and blah blah. Don't do it because they think it's important. They do it because they're internet wankers who just like to argue and show how smart they are.

    Fucking God damn..I mean seriously.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    28 October 2005 05:32:38

    Dear lord, I just saw RP conversation on the log page. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS:) Now this finally starts looking like something good.

    This is a great discussion.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    28 October 2005 05:24:42

    I don't think it ever specified what effect the seven dwarf rings had on their wearers. Thrain wore his without any negative effects, until Sauron took it. If the messenger Sauron sent to Erebor was truthful, Sauron had at least two others in addition to that one. The others I think were said to be in dragon hoards.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 October 2005 03:42:01

    Oh yeah and also the fact Sauron enslaved five dwarven kings to his cause. (yeah the five dwarven rings).

    So it is said they are lost, but hell who knows to which hands they really befell?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 October 2005 03:39:14

    Yeah, that too I forgot to mention.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    28 October 2005 03:31:04

    It says right in the Silm that dwarves fought for Sauron at Dagorlad.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 October 2005 03:09:35

    Come on people, there are already tons of thematic elven servants.

    They are called orcs.

    Well of course they have been a bit disfigured within the ages, but who will blame them?

    My point is concerning elves, it is said at some point in the silmarilion that Melkor did enslaved slaves to his cause _willingly or not willingly_ So I don't see the thematic issue with Sauron having elven spies (of course, they would probably not be a horde of them). And they'd have to be suicidal elves too :)

    But hell, suicidal elves may exist after all!


  • Author
    Sckul [legacy]
    28 October 2005 00:14:31

    omg, vermond... please think about the playability... if you want so much theme you should be reading the books all day, instead of mudding

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 23:44:25

    I don't think closing Mordor gates has a widespread bad affect on playability unlike those, so logic and theme should prevail over playability in that case.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 23:43:44

    In that sense wizards should be removed and dunadan race should be limited to 1% of player population, right?

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    27 October 2005 23:24:00

    Huh? You want elves and dwarves serving, and still want logic? Okay here goes:

    Sauron has a super secret elf agent, known only to him and none else. He knows the password to the gate, and says it. Why should stupid trolls and orcs at the gate do a security check on him? Makes sense?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 21:07:38

    The password would open the gates for anyone and was known by Sauron's servants logically (kind of like knocking, huh?) but I would guess you would have to go through some checks before waltzing in.. logic please?

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    27 October 2005 20:20:35

    Eh, guess I won't be seeing much of Ug anymore :(

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    27 October 2005 20:10:34

    Btw, Mordor gate did have secret passwords. The Two Towers, Book IV, Chapter III, Paragraph 2:

    '.. unless they were summoned by Sauron, or knew the secret passwords that would open the Morannon, the black gate of his land.'

    So I don't know what you evils keep complaining about.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 19:59:20

    eh, it doesnt have to be like that, I said a justified way, which would be like current flask quest *shrugs*

    (btw, now I know how you keep Ug going and going for hours)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    27 October 2005 19:22:04

    You're so right. I should, like, capture a troll, AND FORCE-FEED IT MIRUVOR TO KEEP IT GOING!

    Great roleplay potential.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 17:36:04

    Well, Meriadoc did pretty well after having the uruk medicine :/

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    27 October 2005 17:00:39

    Miruvor would most likely shoot a troll's intestine down, though :/

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 16:54:08

    Actually... it could be justified depending on the way they obtained it, which is somewhat justified at the flask quest, Meriadoc had been forced to use uruk-hai medicine at the books, hadn't he?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    27 October 2005 15:32:37

    What Ruiniel may have lacked in skill (and he was still pretty good), he made up for easily with good nature and persistance. He was also happy to attack people 4-5 levels over him (he was almost constantly level 15-16 due to dying :) and he would quite often win.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    27 October 2005 14:43:28

    I'd say Daywalker and his brother are both far better than the heinously overrated Ruiniel ever was.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    27 October 2005 14:13:08

    Trolls drinking miruvor would be even less thematic than the Mordor password.

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    27 October 2005 08:13:52

    I considered you a friend as early as Netwarrior, but now you're just a sour shadow of your former glory trying to catch your last breath of air and throw shit around just because you have nothing better todo.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    27 October 2005 06:45:50

    [new] Date: 26. Oct, 2005, 22:08:23 By: Foraker Remove

    Vermond said, 'Hamstring lasts 3 or 4 rounds'

    You are very very wrong. This log is 11 rounds and Obair is still hamstrung at the end. He is still moving 3 rooms per round, and the round before he died he did the 'Obair hobbles, clutching his leg in pain.' emote. So I guess you aren't as informed as you think. If it lasted 3 rounds I don't think it'd be so bad, but its at LEAST 11.

    excuse me then, I never tried it as a bountyhunter.

    Daywalker, I guess Abborre will become a skilled player when he can max chars botting at Dell's Farm, right?

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    27 October 2005 06:25:51

    I think the game would be way more fun if everyone was limited to 50 aliases and 1 trigger, would leave a shitload more room for skill and the people who put the time in to genuinely explore and learn the mud would be rewarded for their efforts

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2005 03:33:58

    One more thing, out of desire to keep the romantic of the play, I have never used the stupid Mapper tool. I can write 5-6 tools that will playerkill like bots etc... but where is the fun of all this?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2005 03:32:07

    Azmar I can understand what is going on with everyone. Once a shittalker called Demandred or I really dont remember who exactly posted that I have gotten settings from Ruiniel and all jumped over cursing.

    As a matter of fact, I have given him some settings from mine, new aliases etc.

    He played few YEARS ago. There is no way a player could stick with those settings even if I had them.

    I have written over 90% of my settings all by myself. The other 10% are aliases given from friends.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    27 October 2005 00:28:47

    you're one to talk about scripts daywalker... at least abborre wrote his own instead of giving blowjobs and begging friends for em

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    26 October 2005 23:17:58

    Real Players? Come on Dw, You know that half of Arda is a script kiddy. Let Abborre have his fun.

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    26 October 2005 23:03:53

    Uhm yeah whatever sails your boat.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 October 2005 22:37:22

    Who let this Mapper-kiddie Abborre post logs?

    Abborre, do something without your fucking scripts and then try to post where the real players post.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    26 October 2005 22:08:23

    Vermond said, 'Hamstring lasts 3 or 4 rounds'

    You are very very wrong. This log is 11 rounds and Obair is still hamstrung at the end. He is still moving 3 rooms per round, and the round before he died he did the 'Obair hobbles, clutching his leg in pain.' emote. So I guess you aren't as informed as you think. If it lasted 3 rounds I don't think it'd be so bad, but its at LEAST 11.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    26 October 2005 22:02:38

    Dark mirk is 70 rooms away, tops

    Gimme a break

    At least you HAVE an island of protection in the midst of the Free Race world. In fact, you also have Osgiliath, and Khamuls, and Dale..... Last I checked we didn't quite have so much in your lands

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 21:46:33

    You're pretty quick to presume, my alias uses the shortest and direct route from Mordor to DG, and I am not the only one complaining about getting hit a lot on that route either.

  • Author
    Rekkless [legacy]
    26 October 2005 21:34:12

    you have a shittyass alias vermond if you get beat that badly, and mordor wasn't that hard even with patrols because with a few notable exceptions frs and ers are both fucking pussies and there are only a couple on each side you need to watch out for

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    26 October 2005 21:31:53

    So be more like Grimscar.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 21:29:02

    Grimscar, I don't think any of you were getting prods, crs, mithril mail, crimson longswords and the rest when there were patrols in Mordor. Perhaps you yourself were, but not that often. You might want to log on a servant alt and alias from Mordor gate to DG, it takes from 50 to 100 hp to travel with a patrol following you from just a little north of Mordor gate all the way, and that is when you are eqed and sober and without any assassin or parties attacking you on your way.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 October 2005 21:15:21

    That's what YOU say, Jabba!

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 October 2005 20:56:45

    ...in your opinion.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    26 October 2005 20:43:12


    Mithril mail, ice staff, fang of sauron, prod, crs, morning stars, moon shield, crimson longsword, etc...are all in Mordor, all far from FR safety, and we go there all the time to get the things we need. I regularly quest great war shields, dark steel lonsgwords, etc. Once in a while, I even go and get an amulet from the chieftain. All these things are far from FR safety, yet we do not complain. They are something we want, and are willing to risk to get them. Flask is not hard to do, nor does it take very long, unless you are doing it completely alone. With two people, silver flask can be done in about 3-4 minutes without going below avg shape. Also, red flasks do not suck, they are very plentiful, and easy to get. Consider the difference in me getting a black flask compared to you getting a red flask. There are ups and downs to both sides. Perhaps ERs should have more healing available to them, however, perhaps you'd best phrase your arguments a little better, because they just don't seem to work.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 19:54:04

    Silver flask is in a FR region, therefore you will help patrols waiting on your way back and scout reports on you.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    26 October 2005 19:48:11

    Silver flask is closer to an ER stronghold than any other FR city. And the flower can be got without passing a single BP.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 October 2005 19:40:49

    not bear, bair!

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 19:38:09

    The vial in BD heals less than an ear does for ERs, only initial healing kicks in.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    26 October 2005 19:10:38

    VoV = phial, my bad i was in a hurry :)

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    26 October 2005 19:09:54

    vial is easy to get as er though for any profession and is superior to VoV except in the case of using it to get extra damage from a fury or a backstab/headbutt combo as it makes you much less drunk, people wonder why assassins cant hit shit its because they drink a phial and 6 rounds later they're somewhat drunk with no more skill bonuses

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 18:50:10

    They can't obtain them as easily as FRs, phial is limited to serving thieves, serving assassins or sniffers and involves venturing into hostile lands. Somewhat like the vial in BD courtyard, except that vial heals FRs more than it heals ERs because of that reason. About silver flasks, ERs are far away from their lands and have a good chance of being banged while they do flask, as it is in a moral region and even getting the flower involves passing a BP or looking around for a good long while. Red flasks just plain suck and black flasks servants couldn't and ERs wouldn't get.

    If you're calling my comments unreadable or stupid, please at least be coherent in doing so.

    Although, it is obvious from your answer that you are having difficulty reading and understanding my comments, I really doubt that the problem causing that is my stupidity.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    26 October 2005 17:53:16

    lol Ers dont have flasks and phials? of course they can get phials and flasks? why not? are you stupid Vermond or something, and sorry, but i cant just read you stupid comments

  • Author
    Sckul [legacy]
    26 October 2005 17:33:16

    but remember, bountyhunters are meant/made to do SOLO kills, not bangs

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    26 October 2005 11:02:35

    Yeah Obair is a retard, he only seem to be good player cause he is GM of megs, btw. i think that bounty hunters are overpowered if someone know how to use them.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 09:50:25

    Hamstring lasts 3 or 4 rounds, the maximum damage a solo player can deal in those rounds is below what a phial heals. With 60 assassination, you don't fail so much, really, and ERs dont have phials or silver flasks to survive those bangs. Hamstring is ok.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    26 October 2005 07:34:46

    There's some sort of cooldown that won't let you do it for 5 minutes? Interesting, no other profession ability that I can think of has something like that. Yeah I guess a bunch of backstabs is insta death, but they can fail a bunch with only 60 assassination. What I object to is the target can hardly break. They just have to hope you miss...and miss...and miss. At least if you don't die instantly to multiple backstabs you can drink a phial/flask and run, for hamstring you drink your phial/flask and crawl at 17% run speed.

    But I'd like to know, how many rounds does hamstring last? And is it the bountyhunter can perform it once per 5 minutes? Or a target can only be hamstrung once per 5min? (more likely)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 October 2005 06:41:43

    Foraker, hamstring can be used once in 5 minutes or so, and it is made so that having it as a secondary skill is nearly useless because it succeeds 1/50 of the times you try, so I don't see how it would be unbalanced. Anything could prove deadly in a bang, as proof you might want to see some warrior backstab logs, an assassin and 2 warriors backstabbing with two handed weapons is pretty much instant death.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    26 October 2005 06:07:30

    Hirgail, you are absolutely right. As long as they lag out first that is; if they were just lagging their mud triggers would allow them to wtfpwn the target still.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 October 2005 05:37:28

    They could all lag out just before the target entered. Or a series of mysterious disasters could befall each party member simultaneously in real life, causing them all to be unable to operate their computers for a period of time. Thus allowing the target to slip past them with relative ease!

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    26 October 2005 05:28:41

    OK, looking at this log I think hamstring is retarded. Normally you apparently have 1 combat room every 18 rooms or so when hunting, when hamstringed its every 3 rooms. And 1 hamstring lasted this entire log, which I think is 11 rounds. Also, since you triggered on the ambush to hamstring, I don't think you have to be hiding to use it. Therefore you can spam it repeatedly (40 ep, not bad). How can a bang with a bountyhunter using this NOT succeed?

  • Author
    Cobrad [legacy]
    26 October 2005 01:44:05

    Go Abborre!

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    26 October 2005 01:10:38

    Best log of the week. :)

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    25 October 2005 22:31:45

    I would be on Obair's side here as he used to be a friend, but he hitlisted me because one of his newbie members was a retard. So...Go Abborre:D

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    25 October 2005 20:23:06

    I can't help but wonder what the tellspamming accomplished. It wasn't even anything funny he was saying over and over again.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    25 October 2005 19:45:53


  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    25 October 2005 19:45:39

    <3 Abborre