It's a massacre

Posted by
Abborre [legacy]
11 November 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    16 November 2005 11:56:57

    I still wanna know what the safe area 20 rooms from Lothlorien is.

  • Author
    Rekkless [legacy]
    15 November 2005 17:23:50

    ice staff has a particularly nice break as it doesn't say your name again on the way out

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    15 November 2005 16:22:23

    But I suppose you were being ironic.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    15 November 2005 16:20:26

    Actually, both of them include breaks...

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    15 November 2005 14:21:12

    Date: 13. Nov, 2005, 11:00:31 By: Grimscar

    ....on Huntbreaking....

    'ER's have a huge, huge, huge benefit that can't be overcome'

    Yes perhaps. This means the Ainur have done something good disabling the old breaks for FRs but ERs still have breaks, so there are still a couple of good things left to do!


    You don't need so many breaks. I never had problems choosing breaks while I played. I could break any time I wanted. I've died alot but I usually died BEFORE I got to a HB or I never tried to HB at all hoping to kill the attacker/s before they kill me.

    This game has too many breaks. REMOVE 90% of them and make it better!

    Every new Ainu thinks it's awesome to code a break. It isn't! Code something asskicking like the ice staff or the seasoned adventurer quest instead of safe places for wimps!

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    15 November 2005 13:07:36

    Yes it's possible to map the tunnel, it just took me a long while to work out.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    15 November 2005 10:47:44

    It's possible to map the tunnel? If you go straight east you'll end up back where you started >_>

    It's funny watching a party down there trying to find their way out, standing in one spot and they all pass you repeatedly going in different directions.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    15 November 2005 10:37:51

    There is not 'trick' in the azmaroth tunnels (well actually there may be), but as I have it mapped anyways it's not a big deal. It's a shame it's in Far Harad to be honest, as I would love to drag someone there and backhunt them.

    (Not that I can backhunt, being a bountyhunter and all, if someone attacks me I can't hunt them, I have to have ambushed them. Apparently I also can't shape someone whilst hiding without being seen either, or send tells whilst I'm hiding. And people say bountyhunters are overpowered, try playing one sometime)

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    15 November 2005 08:10:16

    I'd love to know what safe area is within 20 rooms of Loth Bridge.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    14 November 2005 23:21:25

    For the 100th comment, I think it appropriate to announce that Barberi is awesome. Thank you.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    14 November 2005 22:32:40

    It is just my writing style. I am emphasizing the important points.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    14 November 2005 21:34:45

    wtf are you people on? they've changed gate gates and osgiliath so stfu

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    14 November 2005 21:18:22

    As much as it pains me to agree with Grimscar,

    20 rooms is a long way when you're hamstrung with 5 ERs on you.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    14 November 2005 20:34:06

    'Its a long ways to the nearest safe area from Loth bridge, if you can't get in there.'

    Yea, about 20 rooms.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    14 November 2005 20:28:34

    Pretty sure I'd rather be trapped inside Lothlorien than out... Its a long ways to the nearest safe area from Loth bridge, if you can't get in there.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    14 November 2005 19:53:39

    That's a good idea Vermond...I like that.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    14 November 2005 19:52:50

    how the hell do you get lost in mirkwood???

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    14 November 2005 19:46:46

    Actually they both have a trick that'll get you unlost and they are similar in that way... although Azmaroth tunnels also have the option to scream for help.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    14 November 2005 19:39:17

    azmaroth's tunnel is easier to find oneself in than mirkwood.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    14 November 2005 19:14:01

    Not everyone knows the way through Redhorn pass, what about the idea allowing people to exit from the way they enter?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    14 November 2005 18:23:30

    There's a little thing called the Redhorn Pass, easy escape west out of Lothlorien...

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    14 November 2005 18:12:46

    would FRs rather the loth sp blocked people from leaving east? that way anyone who happened to walk in (via travelto or whatever) was now stuck with a party of ERs. sure CG is only like 10 rooms away, but you have to find some place safe to hide in CG/loth first. so you break in CG, then run back outside hope you don't find any ERs and swim across into the plains, but then you have to find your way to edo or rhos (or wherever) without the use of travelto (since if you go to the signpost, you're back where you started and getting owned). with the current location of the loth bridge bp, you're kind of screwed if you get trapped inside. i don't think this one should be switched.

    the pelennor/MT area BP guards make more sense, since there are inns inside MT. i'd agree with that one, then it'd work like the ER bps: trapping them in an area that can provide them safety. (though you can just walk around the NRE bp)

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    14 November 2005 17:36:41

    If there's a password for morals to get into Mordor - through the gates is it? Then they should lose the rights to use any password, old or new if they become a murderer in the Mordor region. Towns remember, why wouldn't Sauron? Or maybe the higher ups would notice that random high ranking necromancer was killed and report it around.

    Myrddin, I got lost all the time in Mirkwood >_>

    But you'd think that'd be coded like the tunnel connecting east and west Azmaroth. You get lost and can't get out unless you find the correct path. It was like that in The Hobbit, Gandalf specifically told the company not to leave the path.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    14 November 2005 15:22:35

    You all suck!!! :)

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    14 November 2005 13:19:58

    Who knows? maybe someone is listening ;)

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    14 November 2005 10:08:54

    The problem is as always that nobody cares about it. We will run 80+ post-comment thread and nobody will do shit about it.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    14 November 2005 05:27:01

    As far as more pks/fewer pks, for the most part everyone is easy to kill. The difference is, the ERs who are easy to kill make their gold in Far Harad where it is safe, and I don't have much of a chance to kill them over there, now do I? On the reverse, all higher- level FRs, good and evil, are forced to primarily gold and equip up in East Arda and thus able to be killed much more easily. Also, battlepoints are screwed up. If Loth bridge is taken, its impossible for morals to get INTO lothlorien, thus denying them a retreat to safety - the same with North and South Rammas Echor battlepoints. They keep you from retreating TO Minas Tirith. ER Battlepoints, on the other hand, work the opposite. If we take over South Ithilien BP, that doesn't trap ERs from getting BACK to Harondor. It may not sound like much, but just those battlepoints alone are responsible for dozens of kills that evil races have made on us.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 November 2005 05:22:45

    By the way Grimscar's post wasn't there when I started writing :P

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 November 2005 05:21:49

    Ok here are some urban myths:

    You can pass Kadar gate disguised.


    You can't pass them disguised, camo'd or otherwise. You have to swim.

    Secondly, ERs have a huge advantage in the lay of their land.

    There are two rivers which cut -straight- through the middle of ER lands. Both of these have only one (1) crossing, one of which is an evil town with 5 guards blocking access. Without swimming (or boating), it's impossible to get past. Secondly, it is very easy to get lost in these lands, as you have about a 1/100 chance of stumbling into the ONE room which will allow you to cross the rivers.

    In contrast we have places like Mirkwood...where an ER can simply go east to the end of the map then south to the end of the map and be unlost. This isn't really anything that can be fixed, just a geographical advantage which the evils are making use of. I'm sure if we look hard enough, FRs will have their own little perks that they can use to their advantage.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    14 November 2005 05:21:32

    You can't pass the gate guards unless you're really immoral or worse. Disguise doesn't work, unless its been changed in the last day or so.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    13 November 2005 22:59:07

    I've killed about 9 myself in Harondor...

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    13 November 2005 22:52:35

    No way I could know this from the logs I read :)

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    13 November 2005 21:37:43

    You can pass gate guards while disguised

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    13 November 2005 21:32:05

    daywalker, it's still quite possible to kill er's in er lands fairly easily and without swimming...

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    13 November 2005 20:04:52

    Cut through the crap. Here are the numbers.

    Two playerkillers. Grimscar and Abborre. Grimscar - way way way better.

    Playerkills: Grimscar few, Abborre over 50 for the last month.

    Everyone that is going to ER lands cant do much, because he needs to be lightly enc to swim and so on. Evils have the whole Osgiliath that is just few rooms from MT, the place where most of the FR visit all the time.

    Also, There is NO gold in west arda. And in Far Harad, ER can make about 5k/hour or even more with their wizards. So I have heard.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    13 November 2005 19:17:13

    eznima believe what you want but i've been an effective killer for the last 6+ years both in bangs and solo killing far more than most though not as much as a few

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    13 November 2005 17:32:21

    esp. when you're doing that yourself

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    13 November 2005 17:32:06

    azmar, scartching your ego on the logpage doesn't make you much better

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 November 2005 17:15:21

    btw, are you getting worked up over arguments like these or is it just your writing style? If you're really getting pissed off about it I don't want to do that.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 November 2005 17:12:00

    If it was all about how it must be thematically, we wouldn't have wizards and you wouldn't be able to have evil dwarves in your guild, hell they get/used to get autoattacked by the citizens of Erebor.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    13 November 2005 15:33:40

    Vermond...I have 2, count them, 2!! maxed ERs. One of which even has a few kills.

    Yes you are correct, ERs are insanely out numbered as far as PCs go but that doesn't change the fact that thematically you have greater numbers of meat shields that are sent to the slaugher carelessly and that FRs do have better made eq even the grunts of armies.

    Also, your COMPLETELY wrong about Azmar and him swaying to whichever side is the strongest at the time. He did the EXACT opposite.

    Don't feign losing respect for me over Ainur complaining when you lost respect for me a long time ago if you ever had it.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    13 November 2005 15:18:44


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 November 2005 15:16:12

    No :P

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    13 November 2005 14:36:40


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 November 2005 14:00:36

    You missed out something that doesn't even require returning from the same way, but I won't tell what.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    13 November 2005 11:00:31

    Um as far as huntbreaking in Mordor, Ainu have done a lot to fuck over Free Race mordor Huntbreaking. The torturer doesn't work, the numenorean camp doesn't work, the guard at BD bridge can't be bribed anymore, so your only real options are twilight dagger, niche, and well.... Dagger and Niche require you to come back out, so those are only effective breaks for assassins who can camo. Any non-assassin's only real huntbreak in Mordor is the well. It was also the easiest one for me to get to when I tried to break. Fyi, I dropped into the well with 22 hp, starting at 175 and instantly sprinting to well. I just drank a vial and hit a flask once after that to be at 117 when you stabbed me outside. So don't even tell me its halfway equal for ERs compared to FRs.... ER's have a huge, huge, huge benefit that can't be overcome.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 November 2005 10:14:14

    In response to Nurzum's post about Cymbrogi filling armoury with Mordor EQ...

    Most Mordor EQ we ever have has been quested by Tiresias via him running lair. Things such as ASBs etc. have usually been quested by experienced players who know how to run the lair anyhow. And usually solod by these people. We very very rarely have a party in Mordor.

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    13 November 2005 08:46:59

    I am currently playing an a servant and thats only because thats where all my friends are. If I had to be honest, I would agree with morals. ER's are just nastily imbalanced in every perspective. My guild has full set of EQ just by killing guys who come into our lands or the once they pick out when they raid. The argument for ER's having low EQ possibility is just stupid because they relly have all the gear they want from FR pking, and trust me, it gets to the point where ER's just bluntly give out EQ to lowbie ER's because they just have too much from PKing.

    Azmar, the fact that you can solo people now is really irrelevent. Before, you could hardly solo a fly, now because of the fact that you do not have to worry about fines and so forth, you can just try as much as you want and you will succeed without having to worry about any preprcations.

    Dude, dont take this the wrong way though, I am not trying to get on your nerves or anything, but really, do not gloat about PK'ing these days because its really pointless:p You and I both know the amount you are killing now would not marginally be close to what it would have been before the recent changes.

  • Author
    Nalain [legacy]
    13 November 2005 05:30:43

    Very fucking entertaining, ladies. Keep up the good flaming at each other. <3

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    13 November 2005 01:52:57

    and evils can and do kill morals in there, you may not kill every person who goes in there but who cares, i dont kill every one of you who goes to loth or mt either

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    13 November 2005 01:51:30

    winnypoo, twice in the last 3 days i've attacked a party of 3 ers and picked one out of the crowd

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    13 November 2005 00:08:35

    By Grimscar: 'Mordor is supposed to be an arena where people can go in and fight. That's kind of the point.'

    That might have been the point before, but it no longer is. Mordor is full of breaks, for -anyone-. To point, Grimscar, we attacked you with 8 or 9 people..and with a bit more luck, you would have survived. Imo its unbalanced that 8 or 9 people wouldn't kill someone fast. (Although do not think I would support such, because I do not. Bangs should be limited much more). But the fact that 8-9 can attack someone and still not always kill them is pretty sad, and it isn't based on player skills in that case either.

    For Mordor, its not an arena anymore. Its a place to get gear for morals. Thats all. Good gear, for little risk unless you are soloing. Safe, easy to enter. No challenge. Yes, I have attacked people there, and will again, but I rarely think I will kill them.

    Saying Mordor is primarily an arena is no longer the case. Its no more an arena then east arda, harondor, gondor, or near harad are. *shrug* And much, much, safer.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 23:49:23

    Er's are not ment to run in Mordor. They are ment to drive people out. But with current conditions, Thats impossible.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 November 2005 23:48:30

    If its too easy, defend the place, shit you whiners kill people at MT bp which blocks the wrong way anyways, and kill people at loth (another BP which blocks the wrong way when taken). And honestly, you have TWO guilds if not more, that have super easy access to mordor without literally any risks.(as servers that is)

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 23:48:30

    Er's are not ment to run in Mordor. They are ment to drive people out. But with current conditions, Thats impossible.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    12 November 2005 23:38:59

    Mordor is supposed to be an arena where people can go in and fight. That's kind of the point. To be able to go in at will. Ers can go in at will, now everyone else can too. Its not like ERs don't have huge advantages anyways, like not having to deal with auto-attacking NPCs, being able to huntbreak at every set of guards they find, and the ultimate fortress of strength, Barad-Dur tower.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    12 November 2005 23:00:53

    Azmar, it's not a big deal attacking a party solo. It's a big deal when you kill them.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 22:57:14

    I see Cymbrogi filling the armoury with such items. Mordor is too easy now.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    12 November 2005 22:56:56

    'any party of 5 FRs with phials, ASBs, hauberks and flaming longswords '

    How many of these have you seen in the last three years, Vermond?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    12 November 2005 22:54:16

    'any party of 5 FRs with phials, ASBs, hauberks and flaming longswrds...'

    Vermond, how many of these have you seen in the last three years??

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 22:26:18

    *nods* Lair was easy enough. I think most people, Morals included would have been happier if they just removed patrols.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    12 November 2005 21:16:12

    I agree with Vermond on this. The Mordor password is stupid. Most morals I engage in combat in Mordor run to the well as soon as they attack. What I liked with the old Mordor was that there was a point in driving morals out of Mordor. Now they can just run to well, leave, heal outside, grab a phial, gather some friends, and be inside again within a few minutes. Retarded change imo.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 November 2005 20:49:33

    *grabs some popcorn*

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    12 November 2005 20:37:12

    i dont hate you, i'm just not going to let you get away with spewing bullshit without calling you on it

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 November 2005 20:10:00

    And I don't know why you started hating me suddenly.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 November 2005 20:08:26

    Just for the record, when you killed me in ER territory, you followed me through Kadar guards, Harnen bridge, Outpost BP which were under ER control. It was later discovered to be a bug that allowed FRs to waltz through ER BPs. Irmo spent a few hours fixing it.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    12 November 2005 19:44:11

    if you are so stupid as to attack someone without the ability or skill to alter the situation and turn it to your advantage then fine, huddle in your gh and bitch and whine like you do now. Those of us who can play, will play, and in doing so enjoy the game and have a good time. Multiple times recently i have attacked parties of ers solo in either kadar, ith forest, or harondor plains. In each of these situations I have emerged unscathed and twice pulled off a kill whereas a hack like you would just shit his pants and run back to barad dur terrified.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    12 November 2005 19:40:59

    vermond, regardless of your ill-conceived and mostly incorrect notions about the sides I choose to fight with it does not change the apparent fact that the aggressor has a huge advantage in the current state of affairs. Anyone who tries to dispute this is either retarded or dead. I solod your ass deep in er territory from perfect because you were too shell shocked to respond properly, in the same manner I have killed dozens of frs by appearing in an unexpected situation and using their lack of situational awareness to snag an easy ear

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 November 2005 18:21:02

    Or perhaps if you weren't such an illoyal bastard siding with the side that has more advantage at the time you would notice that there are actually situations that it is so unbalanced that you get crushed no matter what you do depending on your oppenent's mordor eq.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    12 November 2005 18:09:25

    vermond you're a whiny no skill bastard, i have played both sides thoroughly and successfully as well as eqing extensively in mordor pre and post password. The change lets a lot more people into mordor to experience a part of the game that before was essentially barred to them, this also lets SKILLED players who are willing to take RISKS get more kills. Yeah if you just fart around trying to steal the occasional phial you'll be just another casualty no matter where you go. But if you have the balls to grab some friends and make a stand you'll be suprised how successful you can be. I've said it before and i'll say it again, the mud is extremely unbalanced toward the aggressor, whichever side initiates the combat tends to win be it er or fr. Maybe if you weren't such a god damn pansy you'ld see this.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 November 2005 17:38:19

    Barberi, I lost some respect for you because of the ainur whining, but I'll reply about the Mordor part of your ranting:

    Mordor wasn't wasted code before patrols were in, it wasn't a desolate wasteland, it was fairly balanced, removing just the patrols would be ok.

    You claim that ERs like the Mordor change while you've not even played an ER. I'll tell you what ERs think - It is not more PK space for them because anyone coming in is very careful and they could just pk at anywhere of East Arda if they wished. Instead, it means that they get banged in Mordor by 5 morals who say a stupid password and get in through the gate. Not to mention the fact that morals have much better EQ like ASBs, Flaming Longswords and fangs (which evils can no longer quest because they've to kill galadriel for it) in addition to their already superior EQ.

    Your theme excuse about EQ is bullshit, ERs don't and won't have the numbers, they're insanely outnumbered and any party of 5 FRs with phials, ASBs, hauberks and flaming longswords has and can crush 8 ERs.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    12 November 2005 17:17:40

    who cares about their skill level if they are 16+, death is nothing and how else are you going to gain experience in killing, it was brutal party on party combat and experience/skill won the day, if the other side has a more effective leader abborre's party could very easily have taken losses as well so you cant say he takes no risks.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 16:40:59

    Tell me about it.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    12 November 2005 15:14:33

    So you've finally found a RP which excuses your retardicity. Well done.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 15:07:57

    Im an uruk-hai...i dont think things through.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    12 November 2005 14:10:50

    Shiv is so fast taht you could easily slip your phial/vial into your weapon hand.

    then a few posts later he says

    Why be fast when you can be STRONG! Uruk Brave! Uruk Strong!

    so which is it.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    12 November 2005 13:32:07

    Create a char and then petition idea it? *grin*

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 November 2005 13:07:10

    Speaking of one on one, Abborre has already killed you recently with less than 3 people.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 November 2005 13:05:31

    You're already back and I'd say Abborre is much sensible about not killing newbies than you are/you used to be.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 13:05:06

    Heh. You need a character to do that Betus:P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    12 November 2005 12:54:44

    Petition idea it Daywalker?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    12 November 2005 12:18:43

    Whats so funny in killing 4 newbies? Abborre, jerks like you would be the reason to come back if I ever decide to do that. Then I will check you one on one.

    I said it before in another comment, I will say it again:

    Ainur should secure Arda waaaaay better. Would someone tell me for example why do Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli stand at MT sp and do nothing to 2 or 3 evils that are passing by? Would you say they would just watch if that was to happen? They would massacre them.

    Think with your heads.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    12 November 2005 11:53:10

    Have to hand it to the last ones to drop though, in their place, I'd have taken off like a sissy. Isn't there a safe room northeast of where they all died?

  • Author
    Daxon [legacy]
    12 November 2005 03:54:56

    You sneak up and cripple Yacoy's leg!


  • Author
    Multani [legacy]
    12 November 2005 03:32:49

    Go evils.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    12 November 2005 02:14:12

    I remember wars that were bigger than the current ER-FR struggle. Goodbye mud, noone's gonna play you anymore. Too sad.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    12 November 2005 02:12:23

    and pathetic excuses for administrators. the way they planned the ERs might have been balanced in the beginning. but with the 24/7 ongoing changes, the world and professions are totally different from what they wanted it to be in the beginning. now you can't draw any parallels.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    12 November 2005 02:06:20

    pathetic excuses for players

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    12 November 2005 00:07:26

    Erm. You guys don't have fines against us either.... Only you'r all so dumb you attack each other. We unite under Mordor with one common goal. To kil you soppy, whiny free races.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    12 November 2005 00:00:59

    I am not saying that ERs should all get piece of crap gear. I know that the ER PCs are the 'anti-heroes' of T2T as the FR PCs are the heroes but even the ER PCs shouldn't have equivilent gear available to them that FR PCs have. Like I said, your main benefit is not having fines. And another huge benefit would be that you have 10 or so profs available to you on top of that.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:47:47

    Im a ...grunt? Still, Better than Dwarf I guess.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:45:59

    Mordor was opened so it would be used code. Before they made the password quest it saw very very very little activity. Don't act like ERs don't like it being opened. They enjoy the PK possibilities it opens up to them.

    Ambush and backstab are almost equal and they allow multiple ambushes as well. AND AND AND! ERs are not supposed to have really good gear. Their MAIN benefit comes from them being lawless and not having fines. They shouldn't be given the mass ammounts of the best gear in the game. The War of the Ring is won by the moral side mainly due to a small number of Morals having gear and skills that are AFREAKINMAZING!!! The main reason that ERs were so close to winning the war is because of their SHEER numbers of grunts whom, BY THE WAY, have piece-mail gear.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:42:06

    Uruk not run! Uruk Brave! Uruk Strong! Uruk FIGHT!

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:36:30

    You know, blaming every freaking thing on ainur alts is kind of lame. I could say that FRs have better eq and multiple backstabs because so many ainur play FRs! In fact, I see why Mordor was opened now!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:31:36

    No your wrong again Troll-orc, the sniffer would leave the room and the ranger would use the lame ability 'track' to try to catch up with him which wouldn't work so the sniffer would either win or escape with his ilfe.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:30:23

    Yes it was sarcasm in that, they aren't just tending to be a LITTLE lackadaisical about it. They are plain not doing it.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:29:30

    Well feint used to be amazingly powerful! So unles they nerfed it, which would'nt suprise. Me a Ranger would kill a Sniffer with feients far faster than a SNiffer would kill a Ranger with Shivs.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:29:01

    Also, some see shiv as tying the bootknife to your knee and kneeing your target, hence the scratching your leg part afterwards.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:28:10

    Shiv does 20 hp when you are maxed or so, and still fails a lot, feint has more potential and NG adds to dodge as well. Assassins can also headbutt, backstab and vice versa. Shiv is balanced at the moment, making it take one hand would just make it useless and to be able to shiv effectively you actually have to train two extra skills because it is dependent on both.

    I just hope Barberi's accusations of ainur alts was sarcasm..

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:24:12

    Yet shiv regularly does in the neighborhood of 20 HP damage, for only 20 EP cost. An assassin with 60 nature's grace would be rather lucky to do 20 damage with feint, would have to have a free hand, and would use 35 EP in the process.

    What's the power attack again?

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:11:15

    Why be fast when you can be STRONG! Uruk Brave! Uruk Strong!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:10:21

    That is the point of is so fast the defender doesn't see it coming you dumb little troll of an orc.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    11 November 2005 23:04:46

    Shiv is so fast taht you could easily slip your phial/vial into your weapon hand ... stab ... and then take it from teh hand again. Or quickly swap your weapon to one hand ... stab ... and double wield again. Shiv is a sneaky attack, not a power attack like feint.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 22:56:57

    Camilus, you couldn't realistically. But when you have so many Ainur that play sniffers, and/or PK with them, it makes them a little lackadaisical in getting it fixed.

    Just a LITTLE though.

    I mean feint with 1 hand is just as realistic as shiv with one hand. Not that I want it to be possible to feint with one hand.

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    11 November 2005 22:46:24

    With skill.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    11 November 2005 22:20:21

    Yeah, I know I've asked this before, but how can you shiv someone when both of your hands are full?

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    11 November 2005 22:00:47

    It's interesting how everyone thinks just about getting an ear, disregarding what's going on around.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 21:28:16

    And dang it! Haven't you ever heard of 'travel brief?'

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 November 2005 21:27:49

    Shiving a girl in the should be ashamed!