
Posted by
Barberi [legacy]
02 December 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

We got a plan!


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 December 2005 02:10:51

    SoU? RP? What is this muds insane obsession with RP? Almost NO-ONE actually does it, or plays to the stardards they preach. Is RP not killing certain npcs? Is it acting like you really are an elf,dwarf or orc?

    Or is it just a dumbfuck anacronym that is used in arguments to establish some kind of bullshit higher ground?

    You know what 'rp' is? A figment of your imagination. Players do whatever they feel is fun. That's what it's all about. If another player does something that conflicts with your view of fun, then of course, it's shitty RP on their part, right?

    I joined SoU because I was bored of playing morally and wanted to powerplay by killing moral npc's, since SoU's kill restrictions were fairly limited at the time, I joined I had good friends there.

    Anyone that joins a guild because they believe in the standards and theme that guild stands for ,is out of their fucking mind.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    04 December 2005 17:28:51

    Go on Paraiko, give us a brief summary here.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    04 December 2005 17:28:13

    'Was' being the key word there.

  • Author
    Astachar [legacy]
    04 December 2005 12:29:30

    Gotta agree with Maelvor. SoU's never been the greatest guild overall, and they've always been on the quiet side, but their RP was the best I've ever seen on this fucking MUD.


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    04 December 2005 06:56:29

    It is funny that people whined when evil guilds reported and were protected by lawsys anywhere outside Mordor, yet when they move out of lawsys and the fight gets permanent they whine about losing its RP.

    Grimscar, assuming you are not talking about GV conflict on the char Grimscar, it is still pretty easy to fight a guild alone if all you do is pking and setting up those who attempt you (or breaking and gaining fine gold in that case), the guild will always have non-pk related members to make up a huge proportion of that 47 kills though.

    To both you and Pounder, I advise looking at the freaking mirror. When Durms became GV they lost half their members so they had to put it on gossiper that they will let anyone that applies.... change in their membership after that was... drastic?

    I won't bother making any mention of guilds that exist only because of combination of abuse of dev22 and rich powerplayers. About time you stopped sucking up to other guilds to store your uniques and fight your wars though.

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    04 December 2005 03:38:30

    Pounder: 'You might wanna know why so many SoU left the guild, and my guess is, it wasn't because of ainur forced changes.'

    Do you consider two(2) people 'so many' Pounder? I am of course considering the time from our location change. If so....well, sad. Thats all I can say about that being many. Which of them shall we start with? Drakon? He had sparks from before, and he always seemed very attached to...other commitments. (I don't need to go into that in public) I can say I didn't expect such a turn about from him, but maybe I should have. After he left he said we 'lost' our rp or some such thing. And yet...he never once tried to bring about what he thought our RP fact, from the time he entered the guild to the time he left...I don't recall him acting any different in terms of role play. Which brings some doubt on him, from my perspective anyway. Thalus? All he said was he didn't feel like playing a Son anymore. That doesn't seem to indicate we 'lost' our RP either. I will admit I disliked anywhere. As far as I am concerned, anywhere that isn't Dol Guldur is a bad place. Which is why I don't really see Barad Dur much different from say, Kadar. And thats my response to Paraiko...because, Taudrek, from my chat with him, all I really seemed to pick up from him was that our change of locale ruined us. Uh...yeah right. Locale is simply a can be built on, as Dol Guldur was, but it doesn't make or break us. Of course, maybe Paraiko refined his arguments since then, or maybe he was just using that one only/mostly while speaking with me...I don't know. Were you intending to mean -before- the location change Pounder? If so, I don't think too many others left. Paraiko did, but to be honest I was inactive at that point. I assume he left anyway, and I don't know why specifically, though I assume its more of the 'We lost our rp' thing...though at that point I think SoU was inactive, rather than doing or not doing RP. So...whatever. Whoever else could you mean Pounder? Do tell me if I forgot someone who left. I hope you don't intend to go way back into history, because that would be pretty pointless. Oh, and yeah, I want to say that accusing us of focusing on PK is pretty funny, considering that most every guild involves in PK now. Involving in PK, and focusing on it, are very different.

    Some of you will, I am certain, say I must be crazy to bother responding..but I will be *gasp* honest. I don't have much else to do. Got back from work, and too mentally awake to sleep *sigh* Go ahead and mock will anyway :)

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    04 December 2005 00:49:15

    You should speak to Paraiko if you want to know why SoU sucks. He'll open your eyes.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    04 December 2005 00:01:37

    Notice I said shitty, not was shitty. It was good until they decided to throw out RP and theme and turn to pk only. It was definately good in the past especially when the three dikes weren't running, it was the best. You might wanna know why so many SoU left the guild, and my guess is, it wasn't because of ainur forced changes.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    03 December 2005 23:54:53

    ahahaha, SoU, great history ? ? ? ?

    My alt got into a fight with SoU and single-handedly tallied up a kill score of 1 (their one kill on me at the beginning of the dispute) and then I went on to kill 47 SoU guildmembers in a row. Their guild wasn't great five years ago and its no fine wine, nor even a hardy cheese.

  • Author
    Maelvor [legacy]
    03 December 2005 22:43:14

    This log sucked pure balls. Honestly, who the hell wants to read a standard bang with strike. Only funny part was the failed feint -> headbutt -> charge. And Pounder, what the hell is so bad about SoU, their roleplay for the evil side of the game for a long time was the best to be reckoned with, and despite the awful changes they've had to face thanks to Valinor, they remain excellent. Please don't even compare your shat guild to one of great history and repute :D

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    03 December 2005 19:58:15

    If you guys actually knew what you were doing, one of you would camo and hunt him through break battlepoint to finish him :P

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    03 December 2005 19:48:15

    6, cause I do like half of the damage.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:50:36

    Wow, smart comeback Archie!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:48:14

    Yep, i was right. I died! Wonderful!

  • Author
    Archangel [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:47:37

    Sucks to see a shitty ass guild like KotN existing

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:47:16

    Hopefully this time I won't die. But I severely doubt it.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:46:36

    I am too!

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:46:12

    is this just me d/c'd?

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:28:36

    Myrddin: your guild is shit

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    03 December 2005 16:26:07

    I'm inclined to agree with all three!

    *puts up his shield*

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    03 December 2005 12:07:13

    Dude, call my guild shit all you want. But calling SoU shit is just stupid.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    03 December 2005 10:55:44

    That's funny coming from KoTN GM.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    03 December 2005 10:33:21

    Sucks still seeing such a shitty ass guild like SoU still existing.

  • Author
    Archangel [legacy]
    03 December 2005 09:44:23

    sucks seeing a guildmate die. so this gets a 1 rating

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    03 December 2005 07:37:05

    you have to use double * before and after the sentence, **Nurzum**

  • Author
    Chewie [legacy]
    03 December 2005 02:11:19

    I don`t get the log at all... he stands get`s killed and goes south ... i just don`t get it ...

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    03 December 2005 01:43:55

    It is teh sh!t

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    02 December 2005 23:09:28

    I can't see what was so good in this log.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    02 December 2005 21:11:40

    By 'thank the good Lord', you mean Amarthatar, right?

    Even though you're going to disagree, it was a good kill anyway. :( Sorry Anglobin.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    02 December 2005 21:07:41


  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    02 December 2005 20:56:06


  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    02 December 2005 20:55:59

    <bold>Bold is cool<\bold>

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    02 December 2005 20:55:18

    **Agrees with nurzum** :)

  • Author
    Nurzum [legacy]
    02 December 2005 20:51:55

    1, cause im a sour and bitter person:(

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    02 December 2005 20:51:08

    6, cause it was a very nice try, and funny :)