Ick! My own forest is not safe anymore!! (Big Atte

Posted by
Woden [legacy]
13 December 2001 00:00:00

*shudders* Ouch.


  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    30 December 2001 18:43:54

    Ulric, you're arrogence is dumbfounding.

    Wow, you can type the directions from Belegost to Mordor manually. Woo. You're the man. You rule. You kick ass.

    Memorizing aliases makes you good? No. It only shows that you have way too much time on your hands.

    You're good at gloating, sitting in your guild doing squat shit while your guild is getting slaughtered, occasionally betraying someone and apperently quitting as well.

    Well I be damned, you're like a pkilling Variel.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    28 December 2001 00:23:34

    Thats bullshit, Ulric. I have fewer aliases than you would think, and only 3 or 4 are huntbreak aliases. Of course, you just run to your guild when attacked anyways, so whats the point?

    And for the record, Azarael killed you with the 'free' axe from MT, two crystals, and no healing. Remember? That time when you quit on him.

    Face it, Ulric. Your time is gone. You just plain suck now. And thats some bullshit excuse about uniques and top eq, too. When YOUR guild has that stuff, what are you wearing? Yep. You're wearing mithril mail, or globe, or something very nice. So don't give me bullshit about having all kinds of gear, because you would do the same shit if your guild was any good and could actually get some. Am I supposed to go pick up CRS and use that while a new fang is sitting in the armoury?

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    25 December 2001 23:37:10

    ulric, dont you have a guild to sit in all day?

  • Author
    Ulric [legacy]
    24 December 2001 05:48:49

    Wow Vie..10 flasks? Sounds like you're talking about Korzan. Or most Durms. All aliases, no skill, without top equipment they can't operate. Take away their alias-stocked clients and they are begging for directions like newbies. Makes me long for the good old days when people were actually creative and had talent. You know who you are. ;)

  • Author
    Khralek [legacy]
    21 December 2001 18:36:44

    woden, bud, come on, you can stop pretending you are good now. i mean you play with brief off, i think that says enough. Im not going to criticize you for not leaving loth, because i dont do that either, but you are getting pretty cocky

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    20 December 2001 23:43:59

    I've survived many a PK, just I don't post every log like you.On the other hand, in most cases I hunt back or at least try to (done it on your alt too *egrin*) - unlike some people (guess who) who only wait for attempts and report without even thinking about hunting back.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    20 December 2001 05:25:07

    erm, your alts CANT survive a pk, fucken french keyboard!

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    19 December 2001 18:36:36

    Ruiniel, you are all triggers and aliases too

    You are nothing without your eaglesight and 10 flasks that you keep on you at all times,

    It can be proved because your alts can survive and a damn pk because they dont have the 10 flasks to take out of the armoury

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 12:00:00

    Woden actually does leave his GH.Where do all these gauntlets at Alexa's come from?:P On the other hand, he is a metal bastard who rocks in my parties:P Check http://logs.dyndns.dk/viewer.php?log=270 ;) (I like how Ivon and I synchronise, hehe:P)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    18 December 2001 06:02:05

    You can criticise 8 man gang bangs all you want, but there will be retribution for killing members of Durmanhoth. If that means we need 8 people to attack you since you NEVER leave the first level of Moria(this particular group was indeed surprised since you never in recent memory have gone as far as the bridge), then we will bring 8 people until you are level 17. Then when you turn 18 again, you're facing 8 more people in a gangbang. On one hand, it makes it unfair to bring 8 people. On the other hand, how much skill does it take to avoid a 3 man PK if your GH is 5 screens from the entrance to Moria and you never leave much farther than that?

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    17 December 2001 14:32:39

    Blah i meant 'end of the log' $*@fucken french keyboard.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    17 December 2001 14:32:13

    As Klouse appends at the end of the lost. We weren't ready, that's it.

    Rendor, you rock bro.

    Hail to durmies.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    15 December 2001 23:18:51

    Vallejo, it is Durms's failure that only 3 people or something attacked.When you see 'SPAM' of enemies and then get attacked, what do you do?Wait and count the attackers?

    Hum.Rendor is the only cool durm assassin.I can't figure out who is Konthor though and he seems kinda inactive.Summem used to kick ass, he was soooo cool.Klouse shows some piece of skill lately.The rest only have good triggers and aliases - this doesn't make one a cool player.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 December 2001 18:07:10

    I may not be able to solo the widow, but at least I won't need 4 others to help me kill her

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    15 December 2001 03:30:06

    Yeah, I remember one time where trempk and I had like

    7-8 durms waiting for us in mordor while we were just about

    set attempt cyron :P It was KLASSE :P

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    14 December 2001 23:02:49

    I agree that Alcohol does indeed kick ass - ever drink to avoid a hangover? Just keep drinking? Just a random thought

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    14 December 2001 18:39:37

    Durmies had 6 guys to try me, but it was in mordor, and faded, so that doesnt count. ;)

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    14 December 2001 08:56:54

    Sorry, wasn't paying attention when I made that last post, Grozdol, Leander and Raqtor kick pretty good ass too, there's one I'm leaving off, that one dude, uhmmmmmm, hell, one of them, has to be :)

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    14 December 2001 08:54:05

    First off, unless I'm blind (I am) then he only dodged 3 people and had 5 innocent bystanders watching. That's not very impressive, comical yes, but everyone dodges 3 man bangs. On another note, I completely agree with using whatever tactics you have to to kill someone in a war, when someone knows that you're about to try them then it's really fucking hard to wax them, unless they're stupid which often times they are. About the Durmanhoth... get some decent assassins, Rendor and Serex are the only acceptable ones that I've seen. On Wodens defense he does do 2 things, solo level 14's, AND! if you think about it, he's a fucking ranger, he has to hunt in a party ladies. I'm rambling, I have to have one last thought, Alcohol kicks ass and that's about it.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    14 December 2001 02:11:05

    Heheeee, durmie bang.Just, you first have to set, then run...or this is Daedin style or what?:P

    Bah, why am I teaching you anwyay...I did it and now I have Toto running the same breaks as me..

    PS: Tarn, you can't even solo the old widow, I bet she's gonna beat you down:P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    14 December 2001 01:03:37

    Yeah, lol. I guess everyone just wanted a piece of him, or maybe they were just trying to spam him with the extra bodies or something.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    14 December 2001 00:41:19

    heh, next time the durms should bring 15 :P

    come on guys, nobody has deserved a 10 man gangbbang since Fjant:P that was pathetic.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    14 December 2001 00:14:05

    Your own forest not safe anymore .. lol .. Well if you never leave it the enemy will at some point get real tired of you hiding. ;-) .. Woo I like the (( HP:192 Julius swings the axe mightily HP:137 )) .. A nice 55 damage Crit on ya .. Always seems like this dude is only a quick alias away fron his GH if he ever comes out. Unless its in a 5 man ganging party ;-)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    13 December 2001 23:28:57

    Ok, he kills people but wasant that a LITTLE over kill ;)

    By the number of people who were there, if all attacked and he died and reported everyone he proly would end up having profit :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 December 2001 22:55:49

    Woden, you kill people in huge gangbangs and then you sit in your gh. Plus your logs are retarded. So just come to mordor, hang out nd (or perfect, I don't particularly care) and I will solo your ass all over the place... :p

  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    13 December 2001 22:29:15

    You're not important Woden, you just never leave Lothlorien. Oh well, i'll kill you sooner or later.

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    13 December 2001 21:37:17

    Wow! And I get yelled at by the Durms for 'only hunting in a party'. Well. Pot calling the kettle black.