
Posted by
Kelos [legacy]
05 January 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Ventured down into the Outpost, found Morbid killing a poor Haradrim...


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    09 January 2006 21:17:26

    Myrddin my english skills are prbably not that great, but in that case the verb 'pretend' does have different meanings and I intentionally played on those.

    Ers are imo too young to have more than a couple of respected roleplayers. On the contrary sFRs still have a lot of them, especially Corsairs and some Sons, those people were forced to serve yet they keep living by their own values of the game, which is imo worthy of respect.

    I agree that this attitude you're poiting out needs to be fixed amongst ERs, but hell it also needs to be fixed amongst FRs, when the only behavior possible is to be tight against minions of Sauron.

    After all, let not it be forget that besides few exceptions most ERs typist are also FRs, their roleplay values do not change when they switch side.


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    09 January 2006 02:04:50

    Scarn, come back and talk with the mature people when you grow some pubes, and a brain.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    08 January 2006 13:22:17

    Myrddin, you have no idea what playing an ER is like as you never PK/Raid on them. You just idle, kill other ER's and spy on the ER IC comm.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 January 2006 09:35:33

    I don't know if it's that you don't have full grasp of the English language (Not trying to offend, for many here it is second language) but I don't 'pretend' to have 3 ER characters. I have 3 ER characters, and a servant.

    And yes I interact with ERs a lot. I guess there is not much roleplay in FR lands either. But you only strengthened my point. I said that Darling is one of the two people respected for their RP, and you gave her as an example. Give me one other person besides Nasira who people respect as an RPer? I've seen several instances where people say to other ERs that they 'haven't killed anyone' or 'never take part in raids'. It's this attitude amongst ERs that needs to be fixed.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    08 January 2006 03:52:22

    Huh? Rp? in Arda?

    Heh. Riiiight.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 January 2006 02:40:34

    Are the IC comms still riddled with FR/ER alts/spies, btw?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 January 2006 02:37:41

    There is a line with roleplaying that when crossed, becomes 'bullshit'. This includes making up things that would never happen, like Elrond fucking a horse.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    08 January 2006 02:31:29

    Myrddin, I playtested Ers before they were even released, hah!

    But yeah I also feel it's a shame most Ers feel 'forced' to go to war and party to take BPs, but I also find there are a lot of them who roleplay quite decently. In fact I think that in average most ERs keep themselves really in character, even if the scale of their roleplays is really not so wide and close to be boring.

    And no, respect is not only based on the number of ears (hence my afore assumption), then again Darling is respected and even imitated for her style!

    Er pkillers are really not that many and I'm surprised, really surprised, you're making such a blatant exageration and generalisation while you pretend to have three characters here.

    I wonder if you then even tried to interact with people here. I do and usually ERs are more receptive to roleplay than Frs.

    The ic comm is also a typical proof, if needed any, that Ers take roleplay more to the core than the average of FRs.

    *shrugs* maybe that's just me.

    And look, now that Nasira is inactive, it's not so much about pkilling now, is it?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 January 2006 02:19:21

    Who is making the assumptions?

    'Well Myrddin you should get yourself an ER and see that things are totally not like you'd suspect them to be'

    I was just making the point that I did in fact get myself an ER, nearly a year ago when they were first released, and have played several different professions, styles, and characters. And I have seen for a fact that there is very little RP, and very little respect for RP. Most people seem to feel they are forced into the RP of 'We are a minion! Kill kill kill!' Which I feel is a shame.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    08 January 2006 02:01:44

    Yes, Myrddin knows all! Deflate your ego a tad, please.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    08 January 2006 01:56:22

    Stop making assumptions for a start, young lad.

    And don't you dare stfu me or I shall mercilessly double-whooped your sorry butt =)

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 January 2006 01:40:43

    Necsipaal, I have 3 ERs and a servant.

    Seriously, man. Stfu. I know a lot more about living as an ER than you do.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    08 January 2006 01:36:17

    Well Myrddin you should get yourself an ER and see that things are totally not like you'd suspect them to be.

    In fact I think that most Ers are not _that_ willing to go on those war parties and are just following the move because hey 'you have to'.

    A bit like FRs are doing the same because they don't want to be called pansies.

    That's how people forget who they are and the true reason of their personnal fights.... That is.... Gold, of course! $$$

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 January 2006 01:17:44

    Most decent RPers on the ER side don't get any credit or respect from their fellows, which is a shame. Respect depends on how many ears you have these days. The only exceptions I believe are Darling and Nasira.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    08 January 2006 01:09:38

    You actually can Trempk, that's where lies the very essense of roleplay:

    _ to be in character and follow the set behavior you wanted to play.

    Any behavior is perfectly acceptable in roleplay terms, as soon as it is actually played as such.

    You can say it's an excuse to powerplay, maybe it is, maybe it's not, don't be frustrated because you imposed to yourself some restrictions other players didn't bother to impose to theirs, to me the behavior of the character is not the thing that should be blamed. What should be blamed is the way the typist is actually leading his own creation.

    Some creations have more freedom and less NPC's restriction, but don't believe that playing an impartial bastard is that easier to perform, Trempk. To each type its own boni and mali.

    And yes in terms of pkill, it makes a total difference between Berzelius roleplay and someone who doesn't even bother to act during his own kills.

    Finally Myrddin, you're being awfully partial here.

    I've seen ERs putting up some great roleplay. To Pkill or not to pkill is not really the question .

    Both sides equally have their share of good and bad roleplayers.

    ANd ERs do have one of the best Rplayer ever, aka Darling. =P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 January 2006 22:46:28

    heehee pretty funny trempk

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 January 2006 19:18:51

    By this reasoning, I could go and kill any NPC and just pretend that they wronged me somehow. Elrond, you slept with my horse!? DIE.

    And why wouldn't the trainer say 'Piss off, go find your own boot knives. I need these to train the countless others just like you. You're nothing special. Go kill as many as I have in my career, then you can come take my knives, noob.'

    And if you're allowed to make up orders from Sauron, well, the possibilities are endless.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    07 January 2006 16:02:31

    Thats right Vermond.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    07 January 2006 15:59:58

    Ah so when he kills ERs it is RP but the other way around is not?

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    07 January 2006 14:08:46

    hrm. So he stops to say something meanful to the ER before he does do merciful off,hunt target,draw sword,drink mixed potion,backstab target,shape target?

    great RP.

    (Not that i have anything against Nerzelius...but Myrddin's argument sucks.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 January 2006 11:15:00

    Well at least Berzelius bothers with RP while killing ERs, rather than the ER do 40ambush X, hamstring, get ear, follow ghost, ambush X, get ear, doubletap, idlekill, log out.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    07 January 2006 08:42:07

    So what? They can use RP to justify their actions just as Berzelius uses it to justify killing ERs. All he wants are free kills after all as well. Nothing bad with that.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 January 2006 03:32:32

    Necsipaal, you're making excuses. If an ER went to the effort of playing out that scene, it would be cool. But the fact is that they don't, they don't care that they don't, they're not here to RP. They're here for free kills, and everybody knows it.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    07 January 2006 03:19:23

    That's probably what the typist thought, but the character might as well also thought he _really_ wanted this bootknife and should have get it because it was his right as a high ranked minion or Sauron or just as some evil renegade. Why are you so quick to judge people's roleplay if it's not the same as yours ?

    To me it's perfectly good roleplay as soon as it can be justified.


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 January 2006 03:13:36

    Yeah I understood the first half of what you said the first time, but the last sentence confused me. I agree with what you say, if anyone has ever been in a room hidden or camoed while I'm fighting an npc, they might see me talking to myself. Or, rather, replying to the 'says' of the npc. Sure, it's fruity, but it can be fun. However I think this case was more of a 'that bootknife is cool for stabbing people while I powerplay and pk in bangs, so I'll kill the trainer for it'

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    07 January 2006 03:06:50

    To make it short and simpler to follow, I'm just saying that it's not necessarily 'bad' roleplay to kill a trainer or any NPC whatsoever as soon as it is justified by your character's past and actions (like I showed it with this short exemple).

    And I don't think that the 'I do not kill any moral or above NPC' standard (or its evil-align equivalence), has to be the criteria by which one should judge what 'good or bad' roleplay is supposed to mean.

    Hell, I was reading Prather's homepage a short while ago and I think most people of this mud now lacks roleplay creativity and imagination.

    I mean where have gone the bards, the inspired assassins or the inventive mercenaries ?

    Now this mud looks like a boring copycat of Narnia's last movie and I tell you it's sad.

    'Cold be hand and heart and bone,

    and cold be sleep under stone'


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 January 2006 02:50:23

    Necsipaal, what the fuck are you talking about? :P

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    06 January 2006 15:24:09

    I still wonder how is it bad roleplay.

    I'll show you what's good roleplay:

    'Greetings old trainer, I thank you so much for all you taught me, now as you can see I'm a man grown and ready to fight my enemies at my fullest abilities.

    For that purpose allow me to take some of your bootknives for you are the only one who possess such dreadful tools.'


    'Please elder, by our laws I'm now your superior, you always were like a father to me, I need those bootknives, I hope you understand !'

    ask trainer about bootknives

    'I don't know about such things.'

    'Elder, why are you doing this to me? You must know this is an order from the Dark Lord and I heard that you caused him some grieve and troubles with your selfish attitude! Don't put me in an embarassing position, you know I respect you a lot, but I cherish more my own life, Elder.'

    request bootknives



    You sigh heavily, your eyes looking down on the floor.

    wield sword

    You reluctantly wield your weapon with deadly grace.

    'Elder I hereby commend you to give me those bootknives or I shall take your life'

    ask trainer about bootknives

    'I don't know about such things'

    'Very well then, although it deeply saddens me, although you always have been like a father to me, I have to take your life or die myself'.


    You resentfully shed a bitter tear.

    attack trainer

    You attack trainer.

    This is one of the many many roleplay which could explain and justify the death of this trainer.

    To roleplay someone who would not kill any innocent (yet is someone really innocent, I wonder) or not slay anyone on his 'side' or so-called side, is not an original roleplay but a respectable one.

    However to turn it into the unique roleplay standard sounds a bit... presumptuous and unimaginative.

    Unless you live by Disney's standards.

    Too much Narnia's watching, heh?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    06 January 2006 09:34:34

    Actually Nyx, for once this wasn't coming from someone ready to kill an important moral npc :P since I cannot do so due to KRs and wouldn't do so even if I didn't get fines from it.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    06 January 2006 07:50:37

    Killing a trainer is almost as bad as killing the pelt shopkeeper in Tarzhayan.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    06 January 2006 06:27:42

    Aww.. coming from some very nice FR's who are always ready to kill an important moral npc for a unique or gold. How bad do I feel now?:(

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    06 January 2006 01:16:23

    How dare you say ERs are just powerplayers, look at the roleplay here! Killing their own trainers for bootknives!