Baklen says in Westron: hahahaha, I am eternal..

Posted by
Jaron [legacy]
10 January 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

One of his many deaths yesterday.


  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    15 January 2006 08:11:00

    Okay, I guess it is lame when you are killed from perfect shape and it must be very weak when there's good timing so that you are low. I bet it will be ok if I get 5 man bang with me like you do, right?

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    14 January 2006 22:05:52

    A kill is a kill and a fast, easy kill is even better.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 January 2006 23:17:00

    I correct myself, I didn't know at the time thats how people pkilled now, picking random targets that are low.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 January 2006 23:16:08

    Actually you are wrong Jaron, Nirrab asked me for a potion and I had no clue what was going on, Kalimac attacked me and they waxed him. I was standing there like wtf Nirrab? Thats why I stood there. Simple mistake, I forgot that you just wait for some random person to go low enough to kill in one hit.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 January 2006 20:13:49

    So you mean you would attack him any time as long as it was in one of the safer places for ERs/SFRs to attack.

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    13 January 2006 16:32:56

    one of the few things i agree with in the new system is that pk deaths were downgraded, because i couldn't imagine dying this much/easily in the old system.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    13 January 2006 12:53:20

    Not to mention that he was there waiting to join a pk party of morals that later got Kalimac

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    13 January 2006 12:52:48

    IT IS NOT. But it means I'm not afraid of attacking him any time, DUH

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 January 2006 05:51:42

    Is an ER or SFR attacking someone at osgiliath with full eq any great act of courage?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 January 2006 13:18:49

    I'm not saying it meant anything, I'm saying if I tried you there I won't shy away from trying you any other times you have eq, I couldn't have possibly known that I would get a good backstab and you would die instantly :)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 January 2006 23:49:06

    Exactly Abborre:)

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    11 January 2006 22:54:03

    as long as it's fun

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 January 2006 22:25:35

    Dude if you think that Kill at osg shows and tells anything about me your fucking soft. That kill was oportunity, thats all, just like the one at linhir, opportunity. Don't lie to yourself to fill that void you have inside. Yah, you haven't tried me at all when I have eq, and when you do, you run like hell. But its all good, I bow to your surpremacy:) I'm still here dick head. Oh btw, why did Alyath and some of his character hibernate?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    11 January 2006 21:52:54

    Not saying I can solo him any time I want and every time I try, but why the heck would I be afraid of attacking him? Sounds like you are looking for an excuse to justify your self-contrasting comments.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    11 January 2006 21:50:09

    Dude, I soloed him with mmail and a phial in his hands, why would I be afraid of attacking him?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    11 January 2006 21:24:01

    There's a difference in doubletapping someone while in a party, and waiting for someone to die then going after him solo because you originally wouldn't be able to kill him with EQ. That's my point.

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    11 January 2006 21:21:40

    haha, Pallasch got owned :P

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    11 January 2006 20:37:23

    Del, new system makes dying very easy, especially against ERs.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 January 2006 13:36:59


  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    11 January 2006 13:31:18




    Joined: 16 Jun 2005

    Posts: 316

    Location: Texas

    Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:23 am Post subject:


    Doupletapping when deaths hurt: lame. Doupletapping to make death hurt: not lame. And really, it's Grimscars own fault, and you know what they say, you reap what you sow.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    11 January 2006 13:05:33

    Wow, has the game really changed this much?

    Last time I was activly killing\playing, Baklen was someone to be feard.

    Assuming its the same guy?

    This log is not all the impresive. Just makes Baklen looks sloppy.

    But then who am I to talk. Guess will learn this for myself soon. Providing I dont get bored :p

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    11 January 2006 12:57:10

    1. Idling a lot must make you extremely bloodthirsty.

    No, not really. Depends on the person though.

    2. You obviously have great respect for Baklen, as a player or person either/or to be that driven to kill him.

    Obviously no.

    3. If the previous is true, than you indeed kill him and post the log to make yourself feel better.

    Previous was wrong. It is not like it is hard to kill Baklen anyways.

    4. Or if you actually think he sucks, than your actions are simply base and reflect on your attitude/skill :D


  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    11 January 2006 12:55:39

    It wasn't a double tap, he was alive there for 5 minutes after reviving, thought that was enough for him to get himself sorted out after the death, but hell, at least I don't kill level 10 clueless newbies and post about it (Not talking about Fernando in the clueless newbie part). I only posted it because some others wanted me to on IC comm.

    And I have only got my revenge on Baklen, so far, if that's what you're wondering Berzelius, but I'm not going to spend any special effort. Speaking of hate, well, I wasn't the one that said he dedicated himself into levelbashing the other, was I?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 January 2006 09:06:08

    No, its just a retard trying to get rid of his hate for a player. Has nothing to do with logistics really. That goes for anyone double tapping.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    11 January 2006 08:48:30

    And shutup Guruk, nobody likes you :P

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    11 January 2006 08:43:15

    But yeah, I think it's pretty cowardly to attack someone after they just revived, shows a lack of faith in ones own skill I think.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    11 January 2006 08:37:30

    What Abborre is trying to say is, you suck! I read that between his lines.

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    11 January 2006 08:10:59

    You're reading a bit too much between the lines, Berzelius

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    10 January 2006 23:24:49

    I'll actually comment on the kill: I'd say it was decent collaboration on the ERs part, however the fact that Baklen had just revived and you guys continually killed him three times in a row proves a few things. 1. Idling a lot must make you extremely bloodthirsty. (optional) 2. You obviously have great respect for Baklen, as a player or person either/or to be that driven to kill him. 3. If the previous is true, than you indeed kill him and post the log to make yourself feel better. 4. Or if you actually think he sucks, than your actions are simply base and reflect on your attitude/skill :D

    I'm not flaming anybody. I posted the original log, and all my logs, to give people entertaining things to read. I'm glad you got your so called revenge Jaron, but please, where is the revenge on me who was the one who hunted and led the party that slew you?

    As Pallasch says, there is no need to defend yourself on an inconsequential page like this, and there is no conflict between me and you J! My comments are about the log entirely :D Overall, nice kill =)

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    10 January 2006 20:42:42

    Not that I can think off.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    10 January 2006 20:42:19

    How about you Guruk, passed any gold between chars lately?

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    10 January 2006 20:23:21

    We could always start commenting abotu you Dream....theres enough to say. How is that transfered Character btw?

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    10 January 2006 20:19:50

    Everyone knows Jaron is a complete newbie, stop commenting about him. He is not worth it.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    10 January 2006 19:41:39

    oh, it was Berzelius, nevermind me. Pablo, if I were actually with them, I would be involved in the first part of the log in a party with them.. no?

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    10 January 2006 19:22:15

    Wtf? Jaron acts like Damn you Jaron.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    10 January 2006 18:48:58

    My point is proven, he hardly moves without camo, and then he waits for a party member to go nd and backstabs. And I didn't post it dumbass.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    10 January 2006 18:44:34

    weren't you also with that group of ers if it is that posted narchost kill, maybe not even partied with them but you sure were frolicing with them.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    10 January 2006 18:42:55

    Your log disproves yourself, if I were never out I wouldn't be at Narchost with a 5 man party of yours, neither would you be posting that log if you did not need to tell yourself that you're good.

    Toram, I love you too.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    10 January 2006 18:28:11

    God, you know, I give you credit, I say nice kill, yet you still flame. Ok Jaron let me fill you in on something. Everyone here knows that without Abborre, you would of got hb like a noob by a person who just revived after dying. You know, it is REALLY easy to talk alot of shit when you sit in mordor then only camo to go out to pk. I on the other hand make gold, lead parties, run around mordor, I give you the opportunity to kill me 100 times a day. With the way this pvp environment is set, its not hard to die. You know, I don't proclaim to be this pk god, you all say I do, I come back after a 3 and half year break and your all focusing on me like I'm god. Well thanks, keep it coming, because I adapt. I wont flame you Jaron, infact I'll say it again nice kill. I guess I'm going to just have to pk like you do, wait for some random person to go nd at a given quest, and backstab, camo and then run back to gh. Shall I post the other attempt of you doing this and you getting owned? Shall I post the other 10 gangbang tries you evils try to do? Shall I post the other 15 evil kills that I did solo? No, I wont, I don't need this log page to tell me I'm that good. You all prove it to me every day by using an imbalanced pk engine to own me. Shit will change, and when we are all on level ground once again. We'll see which one of us is standing over whos corpse. If shit doesn't change well I guess I'll just have to do onto others as what is done onto me.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    10 January 2006 18:25:13

    God, this was a lame ass kill.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    10 January 2006 16:29:59

    You got your revenge...thanks to help from Abborre :)

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    10 January 2006 14:22:18

    Why wasn't backstab+ambush changed with backstab+backstab:P

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    10 January 2006 13:47:07

    You mean the log were Baklen kills people? Where he has 4 players around him?

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    10 January 2006 12:38:27

    the best part of this log was the link to that other log.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    10 January 2006 12:12:21

    :is starting to pity baklen