
Posted by
Bilungada [legacy]
21 January 2006 00:00:00

Featuring an ER disconnecting, 3 ERs on 1 FR, and a lucky beorning.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 January 2006 10:39:07


  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:32:55

    Nerfing backstab would be retarded.. It wouldn't decrease killings, people would just bang more. Have an assassin prof that is designed to be a lethal force in it's own right and bangs would be much more scarce. IMHFO ANYWAYS. ' caps lock is my new crew down in south hamptons, yeah we write everything in caps lock yo '

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 January 2006 19:35:11

    Well I contacted an ainur and they said nothing was changed. Yet, we did shitloads of test and something DID happen. Either its percentage has gone down, or something cause nothing was hitting like it should or was a week ago.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    22 January 2006 19:20:32

    Don't use DSL! Cable's better.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    22 January 2006 19:18:32

    Just get Boffo to make a few petitions here and there and I'm sure things will change for better (or worse).

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    22 January 2006 18:34:44

    one of the BHs should test whether ambush has been nerfed in the same way since the instant-hit change was on both of them.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    22 January 2006 18:33:21

    Fine, I might have been wrong, but DSL usually sucks with backstabs

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    22 January 2006 17:26:26

    That type of shit makes a guy not even want to bother trying to kill someone. Because without a strong stab it's almost not worth trying to get them before they hit a BP.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    22 January 2006 17:24:26

    Exide. Die.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    22 January 2006 17:19:56

    A New mail!

    'Dear Assassin.

    Your skills have been nerfed.

    Love, the Administration.'

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    22 January 2006 16:30:36

    More nerfing sucks...make the 'killers of Arda' the weakest profession out there.

    And I love that they do it without notifying us...

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 January 2006 16:23:47

    Only reason I kill evil level 10s is cause evils killed me plenty at level 10. Nothing was done about it. I didn't see no mail, or nothing from servents or evils themself. So I'm gonna wack whichever and any evil I come across. Level 5 or level 10. Don't like it, level a freerace then.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 January 2006 16:22:14

    No Vermond its been nerfed. We tested like 20different weapons last night. Nothing was doing close to even 80.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    22 January 2006 16:20:28


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 January 2006 16:18:58

    Umm, if you all haven't noticed, backstab has been nerfed.Fucking retarded.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    22 January 2006 01:09:49

    Oh, and sorry for not commenting on the log. It was okay, although the latent use of the SRS made me cringe a little. Had Archangel been triggered to strike, or struck a bit earlier, then the entire outcome might have been different. I bet he was kicking himself afterwards. :P

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    22 January 2006 01:05:06

    The problem of lowbie killing is another which stems from the lack of a lawsys. I know that I've never cared much about the 'honour' codes which some mudders are so keen to invent. If somebody antagonises me, then I'm inclined to kill them. I don't care if they're a lowbie, a newbie, a female, or an alien from outer space. All I care about is the task at hand. I'm not concerned with ethics or chivalry. I know of a fair few other players who think this way.

    But I was always reluctant to kill low levels. Why? Because nine times out of then they'd make a tidy profit from the reimbursements they received. Killing a lowbie was like doing them a favour.

    There were actually some typists who'd level characters up using this method. They'd make a new character, wind up few short tempered neanderthals, spew some venom on the comm and piss off a Guild or two. Then they'd sit back and watch the profits fly in. A shoddy tactic, I know, but there were some people who swore by it. It's all about taking advantage.

    But now things are different. Now there's no lawsys. So what's to stop people like Nurzum from killing random lowbies? What does he have to lose? There's no lawsys, no reprecussions and no reason not to. Once again, the fault here is with the system, not with the players.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    22 January 2006 00:35:38

    I made a 7 hp backstab with a fresh Crimson. : )

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    22 January 2006 00:28:48

    Nothing lucky here. Its plain LAME. Look at the strike. It came like 10 rounds after the attack.

    I cant just stop to wonder how people who play many years around never learn how to play good.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 January 2006 23:04:34

    and multiple backstabs are even worse than multiple ambushes

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 January 2006 23:03:19

    backstabs haven't been nerfed again, dsl just plain sucks.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 January 2006 22:54:21

    Maybe he's like that one guy who killed nothing but the NPCs in framsburg way back when, can't remember his name.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    21 January 2006 22:49:37

    Hmm - can't say I approve of the attempt on Girrick; I saw him myself and refrained from killing him because he is level 10 for Christ's sake. That backstab was very ugly - I hope this nerf wasn't in tandem with the ambush balancing, but perhaps a lead into Valinor allowing multiply stabs again, or giving assassins a combat skill like shiv.....

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 January 2006 22:36:32

    No, he would probably kill warthogs or rangers for gold unless 15 FRs raided NH for hours.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    21 January 2006 22:27:46

    If he was maxed he'd go to Far Harad, eh?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 January 2006 22:25:41

    yes... I bet he thought that he was maxed and making gold with killing haradrim women in Kadar.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 January 2006 22:06:21

    Maybe he thought he was disguised. Too bad they didn't have a hamstring, he would have been dead before he got to pelargir.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 January 2006 19:31:10

    Oh wow, my bad...did he just turn servant? I was helping him with some newbie questions the other day, I was sure he was a FR...but maybe I have him mistaken for someone else.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 January 2006 19:01:52

    <<[new] Date: 21. Jan, 2006, 18:02:00 By: Scypio

    A level 10 who knows what he's doing might turn out harder to kill then a clueless level 18 (not saying anything about this particular lvl 10 as I don't know him).>>

    You have no way of knowing this until you attack them. Lowbie killing is inexcusable in my eyes.

    <<[new] Date: 21. Jan, 2006, 18:48:56 By: Kelos

    Yeah, why the hit on Girrick?

    What was he doing in Kadar anyways? Just exploring?>>

    Legend him. He's a servant. :P

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 January 2006 18:48:56

    Yeah, why the hit on Girrick?

    What was he doing in Kadar anyways? Just exploring?

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    21 January 2006 18:33:52

    Oh, and btw.. if Girrick would've hit just one more hp than he did.. you might've been dead. ... which is also funny, imo.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    21 January 2006 18:32:21

    HAHAHAH, this was hilarious!

    ( Except for the attempting Girrick -part, of course )

  • Author
    Laon [legacy]
    21 January 2006 18:12:51

    party say $BLU$TiMe tO RaPe $HIY$ Girrick $BLU$ iN ThE AsS!

    Come on, you can come up with something better than that...

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    21 January 2006 18:02:00

    A level 10 who knows what he's doing might turn out harder to kill then a clueless level 18 (not saying anything about this particular lvl 10 as I don't know him).

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 January 2006 17:15:22

    <<HP:230 EP:0 HAR

    Laefang drops a large meat-filled pasty from a Dol Amroth pack.

    Laefang slowly eats the pasty enjoying every bite.

    Laefang wields his dark steel longsword in a blinding blur of motion!!

    You are attacked by Laefang!

    Without warning, Laefang stabs you from behind!

    Laefang tears you apart with gruesome efficiency.


    HP:217 EP:0 HAR>>

    Talk about a crappy backstab.

    Lame log, by the way. What's with the lowbie attempt? If anyone that gave Exide grief about attempting 'newbie' level 18s gives this log higher than a 1, you're a hypocrite. :P

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 January 2006 16:41:35

    Yeah, I do, it doesn't change the obvious though, he was freaking level 10 :)

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    21 January 2006 16:37:19

    Competent striking doesn't seem to be Archangel's forte.

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    21 January 2006 16:35:17

    I think Vermond has something against me...

  • Author
    Fairgil [legacy]
    21 January 2006 16:24:15

    Athin should train some tactics.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 January 2006 16:15:54

    Proof that you can't even pk an unsuspecting clueless level 10 without almost getting killed in the process, way to go.