The Two Towers.

Posted by
Dakar [legacy]
23 January 2006 00:00:00

The Two Towers stands at a cross-roads. Read this. Let's debate this for the better of the MUD. It's time we decided where the crap we're going.


  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    29 January 2006 06:41:07

    I love you, Duncan. Please be my one and only someone.

  • Author
    Chewie [legacy]
    28 January 2006 23:16:57

    Ah i would forget there is a lot of missunderstanding between Valinor and players, i think it would be a good idea to make a debath so that Valinor could say what are the plans for the near future to fix what is to fix and implement what is to implement (like mass disconnections:P) and players could give Constructive points what isn`t OK becouse saying eh i don`t like hamstring it makes gaming harder for me, or some outher funny skill ERs don`t say anything about warriors who are almost unkillable if they just have the right gear (WHICH gear is mostly doable only by FRs).

  • Author
    Chewie [legacy]
    28 January 2006 23:08:33

    Well when my friend showed me this game i really liked the fact i could be part of tolkiens world, if you would waste some of youre time (propably most of you did but many haven`t) and read few books you would see death follows you everywhere in Arda.

    You can still RP and be safe, and i do think that the danger of beeing attempted brings a lot of fun even to the new players. All this bithcing about people leaving is funny becouse i`m sure that death is a problem only to all of does who got too lazy and happy with beeing maxed that they not only forgot how to play but became some whining

    Like i said once everyone wanted ERs back but the way they were, sheaps to slaughter in edoras, not to have a fighting chance.

    And PK 'problem' is just a way of thinking, most of the 'great PKilers' should just come to the point that killing Baklen Berzelius or some outher skilled person is SOMETHING brings you 'fame' etc. But killing some Kidi the eorling swordmaster who is 6days old is just lame and weak.

    And ERs really do have hard life good thing only 10people or so fights over the BPs in harad or they would have to stay in far harad and kill gazelles and so take the gold low levels need.

    It`s just it while time passes the game gets boring, PvP combat is the only thing left, how can you be a maxed level 19 with XXXXXX gold in banks and just run around and do nothing or kill an orc scout.

    And as i remember MORDOR, how fun is it when 5man parties run around mordor and quest decent equip i just don`t see really any chances ERs have againts a 5man party with few warriors and wizards. Make password go away, entrance only through shelobs lair and then a FR will think twice before running to the well from an attacker.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 January 2006 23:29:33

    Seems Valinor are doing as much as possible to make players stop mudding. Like nuking for no reasons. And defending this nuing as if they're living in some kind of socialism and every action of the ruling body is not only right but necessary. And instead of deleting/demoting Irmo who nuked Rekthorne they will probably let the thing slip by... Because Irmo has once ago done something about this mud. And now I feel like swearing but I will stop right here.

  • Author
    Mazgar [legacy]
    26 January 2006 16:46:33

    Shit happens. Deal with it.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 January 2006 10:11:17

    I'm totally with Sarys on that one. : )

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    25 January 2006 21:19:33

    Actually, Diar, I don't really think you should call an apparent majority who are not enjoying the recent changes 'conservative'. I, myself, am enjoying the changes in my own way - they made mudding even less attractive so I get to spend my time on better things :)

  • Author
    Diar [legacy]
    25 January 2006 13:38:01


  • Author
    Shah [legacy]
    25 January 2006 00:47:28

    I agree with Dakar! nerf arda v2! get sheriffs back!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    24 January 2006 17:14:36

    Naith! So nice to see you:)

    By the way, really, the patrols are one of the MOST STUPID THINGS in this mud:P Good that I didn't have to deal with such idiocy.

    But if PK is impaired, you lose the players like me:) Which happened and I don't think the MUD suffered much from my loss since I was an egoistic bastard.:P

    So, thumbs up for the changes:)

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    24 January 2006 16:22:32

    I just logged in for nostalgias sake while I'm waiting on something to run in another window, and I see you guys are still entertaining this 'What happened to the mud' debate

    Let me look at my batch job and see if I have enough time to impart one last piece of Naithism.

    Okay, I have a little time. The changes that you guys are being forcefed would have made sense 7 or 8 years ago, when there wasn't really much competition out there for muds if you fancied a bit of PvP gaming over the information superhighway, other than PC gaming. But at the end of the day, T2T is now a pk mud, which it didn't used to be. The timing for this is eyebrow raising. I say this because if some guy wants to kill some joe over t'internet, there's WoW, or there's Halo or whatever it's called on xbox live, to name only a couple PvP environments where it's a lot easy to get your virtual kills on, plus you get rewarded with lush graphics to boot.

    No one new will be picking up muds like this one. Which is why someone mentioned that they hadn't seen any level 10s over 3days old. I'm surprised you see any over 1 day old.

    So, you do the math. If no new users are stumbling onto 9999, then your userbase now is at its zenith. And when you reach the zenith, there's really only one way you can go.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    24 January 2006 15:29:04

    Laefang wrote: 'The entire point of an internet game is piting your wits against an oposing person, not some computer generated monster who follows the same script constantly'

    Uhh...that's not entirely the point of this internet game. Many people just play to socialize, explore Tolkien's world and have fun. They don't like PvP, and that's not the (original) point of this Mud.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    24 January 2006 11:49:53

    I like ice cream!!! :)))))))

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 January 2006 09:12:46

    As long as hamstring (as it is) is in the game, people are going to complain, because that is an utterly unbalanced skill.

    And as long as camouflage is in the game, I'm going to complain, because that is the worst fucking skill in the game, imo. Bring back fade! WOO!

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    24 January 2006 09:04:44

    ARG keep on whining, stuff will get changed. If it was just all questing equipment you'd all be complainging how ****ing boring the game was. Sure it was fun when you could break a 5 man from anywhere in the game and get thousands in fines if you wanted to, but it was too easy. Fr's get a kick out of killing evils and vice versa, it's part of the natural balance nowadays. Enjoy it whilst you can before they stop pvp combat altogether because of the constant bitching about dying. The game at the moment encourages diversity, you need to play both sides to know how and where you can break to be safe. If your stuck in the old ways an refuse to try anything new then don't expect sympathy, you've got the choice to explore the entire game if you want and find out all it's little surprises. Playing safe isn't difficult with a bit of knowledge and it's even fun not too... The entire point of an internet game is piting your wits against an oposing person, not some computer generated monster who follows the same script constantly, if someone has an advantage stop bloody complaining and find out how to turn it into your advantage! hows about everyone stops complainging that their professions aren't shittest and hottest in combat and use what they've got. Hell try throwing a torch every now and again, it does more dmg than most things these days and everyone can do it.......

    Plus if anyone tries bitching to me my favourite profession is and will always be the thief. Just because it's actually fun to play the underdog and find ways to turn the tables every now and again.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 January 2006 04:38:48

    The game would improve dramatically if you all stopped playing it.

    Also, who the hell removed my death threat against whoever that guy was to whome I made it? God damned pussy(oh god, lets not offend anyone, anything but that) you weak as piss little PC arsehole.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    24 January 2006 03:54:03

    [new] Date: 24. Jan, 2006, 0:53:27 By: Draugluin

    Yes, the alts name is Erbhalt. Thats exactly what happened, Trempk.

    Don't worry, I'm sure comments like yours don't give anyone pause as to whether you're worth listening to, or if there's even any point in reading a thread of comments like this.

    Couldn't have said it better myself :p. Maybe this was just a test of apathy levels :)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 January 2006 01:32:31

    Yeah, there's definitely no point in reading what the players think/want. And I've already said it before, so the ones that might care already know how crooked you are, so its not like it affects them at all one way or the other.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    24 January 2006 00:53:27

    Yes, the alts name is Erbhalt. Thats exactly what happened, Trempk.

    Don't worry, I'm sure comments like yours don't give anyone pause as to whether you're worth listening to, or if there's even any point in reading a thread of comments like this.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2006 22:18:36

    Oh, and I get the feeling Draugluin must have an ER BH alt who got it handed to him with a backstab or something and wanted to get some payback without having to learn 2 play.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2006 22:16:29

    You guys wont have to worry about this for long, looking at some of the changes that are coming (dev 47,51,52), eventually there will be no pking outside of structured battles for battlepoints. Then, if you don't want to die, just don't join the battles and be careful when you know the battlepoints are being attacked. That being said, I don't know how effective this is going to be. I also don't know how fun the game will be at that point. It has some potential, but I get on these days and all there is to do is pk/gold. But yeah, it must really suck right now for people who suck at playing.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 21:55:52

    See your missing that evils work together, thats how Sauron runs his army. Each and every evil may not stand alone like a fr but together they are a force to be reckoned with. Hence what some people miss.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 21:54:54

    Evils got some of the best abilities out there:)

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    23 January 2006 21:42:28

    I've been giving this a lot of thought, lately. Partly because I'm thinking about fading into the sunset, like a bunch of my old friends have.

    Camouflage continues to be an issue for many... it's at least as unrealistic as Fade, and way less functional. The fact that only assassins and sniffers can do it, means that only assassins and sniffers have a reasonable chance to evade a PKill without innbreaking. Bring Fade back. I don't know how many players have to give voice to this request before 'the Man' clues in that it should happen. I know that a year or two ago, 'they' said that Mordor would never go back to the way it was... and now it's back. It can happen for Fade... and would, if only some people in Valinor smartened up a bit.

    I've a strong sense that ERs were put into the game without enough testing. Consider their abilities, and how their classes function. Bounty Hunters were completely useless for months, no one played them... until they got retooled, and no everyone plays them because they're overpowered. Necromancers. . . don't USE spells. Why the hell would a Necro bother to cast an Icespike, when he can Leech? Sniffers can disguise... except that they can't disguise as anything but other ER races and profs -which makes the skill pretty much useless for them. I'd be happy to see ERs get skills which make the useful, provided that they're also balanced.

    ER version 1.0 was yanked, because it was a failure. I think ER version 2.0 is also a bit of a failure... I think the major problem with ERs now, is that Ainur tried to make them too much like FRs. I'd prefer a system somewhere between the two.

    I guess, something else that I've been thinking lately, is that there may be limitations that T2T has, that are just not surmountable, because it is a text based game. Terrain would play a major role in how combat and abilities work, only other than description, there is no real difference between a mile-wide Plains (1 room) and a closet filled with dusty cloaks (1 room). In reality, an Archer should always win a fight in the wide open plains, and an Assassin should always win a fight in a closet.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    23 January 2006 20:34:43

    Before I even waste time reading the vast amount of comments:

    Bringing fade back? Improbable.

    Getting rid of ER? Highly doubtful.

    Bringing back Arda version whatever? Out of the question.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 January 2006 20:14:03

    Well, most people aren't going to hunt you if they know you're just going to backhunt them in the plains so they pick up a patrol and die.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 19:44:36

    Although I do hate dying to some dumbass change that I didn't know about:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 19:43:13

    It's easy to hate something you suck at Winnetou.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    23 January 2006 19:41:56

    I have to agree with Winnetou.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    23 January 2006 17:52:32

    Can't say I like the mud now. It was a lot funnier before. My main concern for the last year has been the constant, unthought, untested (or not tested properly) changes.

    From the recent changes, I hate two of the consequences: the encouraging of bangs, on one side. Also the players have become more cowardly and less skilled. Pretty much of the old tricks are impossible now - noone will hunt you anyway. It's like playing mouse and cat game. Once you're the mouse, once you're the cat. It's boring.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    23 January 2006 16:24:58

    Breaks abound? How many breaks are you left with if you cannot camo and are being chased by an ER? (And I mean breaks that actually break hunt, not the 'break and have a second until he types in the right command' breaks)

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    23 January 2006 16:15:34

    I didn't know the answer Athin, hence the reason I asked the question. I guess with PvP (and ER vs FR) occuring all over the place, then it's really not special anymore...although I think the terrain is a bit more dangerous than other places, but without patrols, then it does make it easier.

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    23 January 2006 16:01:07

    Kelos: No. Mordor is safe. FRs can get great gear with little risk, so long as they know what they are more risk then anywhere else in evil lands anyway. And I really can't even believe you asked that. Would you like mt opened up completely to evils? Or west arda? Maybe you would, but I don't think alot of people would agree with you on the moral side. Mordor is supposed to be dangerous...but its less dangerous then Near Harad or Harondor. Breaks abound, and not even one patrol to annoy you.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    23 January 2006 16:00:50

    Restrict FR/ER interaction to select areas.

    Remove the ability to serve for those who don't serve atm.

    Make serving harder to live with.

    Fix hamstring.

    Introduce a restriction in FH similar to that on ugly orcs in WA.

    New quests and areas for evils are in development anyway so I'm not asking for that.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    23 January 2006 15:36:14

    But Jabba, hasnt' that made Mordor more fun, like it used to be in the old days? I'm just curious? Now that it's easy for FR's to get in, and thus lots of PvP combat?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 January 2006 15:31:13

    Remove Mordor password.

    Remove Impartial guilds.

    Make some new quests for evils.

    Make serving cooler.

    That would make me happy.

    <3 Zicex

  • Author
    Ganav [legacy]
    23 January 2006 15:10:57

    I'm a relatively new player and I think the game is fine as it is...

    Sure it isn't perfect, but until some of you have tried creating/mantaining a game yourselves you won't realize how hard it really is to have balance...

    Kelos is right, give v2 and everything that came with it time to develop. I don't know much about v1 but I bet it wasn't great when it first came out.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    23 January 2006 14:29:15

    I think bringing back the old Arda is a bit overboard...I like what Gaul says here. I know a lot of ER's who don't PK at all, it's just a handful, and many of them only take BP's when Nasira, Kalimac or Abborre log on. And if they aren't on, they are only taking back THEIR own BP's.

    They are also right that the map has been mostly green lately, and FR's look like the bloodlusting people that ER's first were. Well, I don't really pity ER's for this, because it's just their turn I guess to deal with what we had to awhile ago. You can't gold in NH? Aww, too bad, we couldn't gold in East Arda for hours and hours because of 10 ER's running all over. We're even now I guess :)

    But I like the game the way it is. I like that it's big enough that you can play an ER and have huge other lands to explore. I'll bet in 4 years or so, when new quests are made for ER lands, they'll be a blast to live in.

    I dont' think we need to go back to and old version, I just think we need to limit the PK-ing and ER vs FR interaction. I was always with the idea of limiting them to the Pelennor, Osgiliath, Mordor, Harondor, etc...and maybe these battlefields coming up.


  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    23 January 2006 10:43:54

    Before I give my suggestions, I would just like to give my full support to bringing the old Arda V1 back. That said, if that suggestion is not going to roll into reality, I am suggesting the way this mud can get fixed (Even though I suggested this before multiple times) :

    >>>>>>> Dedicate an ainur or a group of ainu to be responsible of all Guilds. This ainu will take charge of handling guild business in all perspective, just like it was done before. Remove this new guild system and reinstall the old one. We need to cut down the number of guilds because really, the effectiveness of RP is directly dependent on the elasticity of the guild. We have to return the uniqueness that each guild possessed. We do not want to have standard systems, we want unique guilds with unique qualities. To see my point, those of you who were here for more than 3 years would remember how hard it was to get into a guild because there were very limited guilds, and if you join a guild you have to follow a certain code of honor. You will HAVE to work your ass off to get into the guild and be very resitcited in your actions. Old guilds enforced RP and limited PK. <<<<<<<

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    23 January 2006 08:58:23

    Dude, you must be kidding. I think I stopped playing in 2001 and then came back to get fed up with the idiocy back in Summer 2003 and totally quit it. Mostly because of the things you want to bring back. Because every moron had a chance. I didn't want to live among morons and even RL became more attracting than the MUD back then. Let the people get the real challenge!

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 07:45:17

    Then Tidbit me Logan and go back to your life :p. I look at the numbers. I look at the fact that I've spent about half of my natural life on this text based game. I don't want to see something I've poured lots of my life and engery into just die out. Heh, I made an ER once. Then was like whatever. As I told Thenardi, I'm pushing for the radical, hoping just that one thing such as fade will thing that puts the game back on the equal footing that it was on. Heck, you probably remember the days where the Ainur placed changes in rapid succession and the numbers dropped from mid 100's to 60 or 70...we're just recovering from that...we're back up to 80-90 after almost a year. Change.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 05:15:11

    I just had to learn camo doesn't always work to run by a bp!!! I just got merked by 6 evils:)

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    23 January 2006 04:55:23

    I really agree with Gaul. I played an ER for a change, because I was tired of being constantly bashed on my FR. I found the experience rewarding, because I could explore new areas and adventure through dangerous quest... it felt so vivid and real. The ER community is great. If FRs could do that, they would be unstoppable. But it seems all they do is bicker amongst themselves, until leaders like Baklen make advancements on the ERs.

    Honestly, it's the leaders who are doing the massive pking. ERs would be nothing without leaders like Nasira, or Abborre. It's what keeps them together, and they are able to maintain strict authority over all ERs through bounties. It's either you join them, or you die trying. This type of military is devastating, as we have all seen when the ERs had their borders removed.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    23 January 2006 04:41:54

    Remove camou, reimplement fade. People will actually bother with huntbreaks again rather than running through BPs and going to inns/halls.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 January 2006 04:15:00

    Sure Baklen, I got nothing against Dakar. It's comedy though.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:47:33

    I just don't like people making all ERs out to be lawsys free abusers out for an easy kill. I look forward to dev 47 so it's a bit safer for me to finally explore Near Harad like I planned to do the day the borders opened.

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:46:34

    I think restricting ERvFR interaction to PEL, MOR and parts of SOR for the first day and a half or so of each boot. then it extends to SG, HAR & the rest of SOR. then 3d+ (so that there isn't necessarily a lot of time in this 'phase') NH and like LOT or ROH or something. this way, there is some downtime from the constant warring. which would allow people who wish to explore and quest about 1.5d each uptime to explore most of arda.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:39:42

    Well some people actually care Logan:)

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:27:37

    Dakar just seem so full of hope that posting this would be a turnaround, that it'd have some sort of impact.. all written in a ' Stand and FIGHT! ' fashion.. < The mud is dying, i feel it in the water>. Haha.. mmm. The logpage, din termos i etern.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:21:16

    Am i the only one who sees the comedy in this thread?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:13:00

    Ahhhh, now that brings happyness to my pathetic life that I'm making evils lives difficult.

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:10:36

    This game still rock.. we just need work in fix new ideas and balance other... but ainu have done a nice work.. is the Two towers man... tolkien story have orc and trolls if you dont want deal with that you are in the wrong mud

    Lalo BadHead

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:09:07

    Serve is just a diseased limb. Chop it off.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    23 January 2006 03:04:51

    I can name off a number of ERs who don't play the race to kill. Get your head out of your ass. The evil lands didn't just open up a lawsys free land, it opened up new land to explore and more to do. When you've played the game for years doing the same thing over and over, a change is nice. Maybe you don't like change and think the MUD should cater to you specifically, but I know most everybody who invested time in their ER and prefer to play that over an FR, wouldn't like a rollback. Myself? I think the ER community is more mature, there's less killing in FH in a year than in West Arda in a week, from all I've seen of both areas. You can even auction a newbie weapon for 50 gold and nobody will buy it instantly to sell to the shop for profit - it is left by the considerate ERs for a newbie who can use it. Can't say the same of the free lands. It's not all about RP. I'm sure somebody must want to RP an uruk. There are a few who RP olog-hai.

    I don't like PvP at all, I play the game to explore and quest. I have taken part in 2-3 raids in my year with Gaul, and have been in as many parties to defend the evil lands against ear hungry FRs. I died almost every time. Last happening just yesterday, when get this - 5 or so FRs were in Kadar with the entire warscape green, and shouting that they were going to kill the players they had pinned down in an innroom.

    There are ERs that abuse the lawsys, but there are more FRs that enter the evil lands to abuse the lack of lawsys there, too. For the last week or two, every time I log on, the warscape is entirely green, and for even longer, even when it was half red, 'scout harondor' gave me a name or three. Do you have any idea what the constant green warscape and ear hungry FR war parties does? I made a new ER to level on my free time, and I was contending for uruks with level 18-19 ERs in Turseg. Have you ever been there? Their reasoning 'better than getting pk'd in nh'.

    As well, I think dev 47 from all I hear, will fix things. Maybe you should read more and cry less.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:31:59

    In all honesty... the wanton random killing and shit is not at all thematic... if they limited interaction and killing really to the main stages (mt/mordor/etc) it would be alot better imho.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:12:15

    I just don't get is Ainur KNOW these things are not what the players want. They know its unbalanced. Why do they constantly change? Why do they not fill us in like Melkor did when he came up with the Idea of ardav2. Or am I just not reading DEV and petitions:)

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:10:09

    That's just it man! The other day, Pounder said that he thought that there would be no Two Towers in one and a half years. I agreed with him and went back to goldhunting. I then gathered a little motivation and made a petition. I've decided not to sit this one out, I'm going to continue fighting the way this game is heading for the rest of my character days. I'll stop when Draugluin nukes me for disagreement. Hehe, I'll stop talking for a few hours and let some different opinions than mine in.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:05:47

    *sighs* I so feel you man, you know I came back after all these years cause I wanted to mud again. I started to mud and not pk, yet I was instantly brought into it. It sucks, I'm already tired of it. *shrugs* nothing we can do though. As Pounder says keep trucking maybe one day things will change.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:05:23

    The forums is a joke. I'm not going to let my anus rot. Spamming the log page :p. It's here so that I can get in contact with some of the way old schoolers who no longer have a character on the MUD. I believe since they spent years of their life on this game, they should have a word too.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:01:34

    Why dont you take this crap to the forums? instead of spamming the log page?

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 02:01:28

    Here it comes....

    Why don't you go Ainu Dakar? I'm not wasting many more years on my life to get to a position in Ainurhood where I can make decisions and blow off the MUD. I'm not going to participate and program things which I completely disagree with and I will hope to abolish when I have a chance and a voice.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:53:43

    Don't get me wrong, I am 100% hypocrite at this game. I hate the mass pking on this mud, I hate it with a passion. Given a chance, I would go back to being a servant and killing level 10's in Dale. I would do this in a heartbeat. Why would I do this? It's a game, I'm here for fun, so are all of you. Why would I argue against what I really want? Well, that's because I believe in the future of the game. As I have said, I took part in these ER 'raids.' I was with Kalimac and Mazgar and I watched a level 7 commit suicide as we were doing our forth bang on her. She would just revive and die...she begged to go to Rivendell. Kalimac laughed. Kalimac: 'Killing is my RP.' I remember when RP was considered KoDA defending a lad. RP was Valacirca shooing you away. RP was and should never be killing people for their ear.

    All of us verbose older players are labelled as 'whiners.' The reason I 'whine' is to provide a future for tomorrows generation on The Two Towers. The amount of ghosts I see on a travelto is a mockery of the player kill system.

    Baklen, remember the thrill as you would tear bang parties apart like butter? Darkterror, remember that one day that you killed 4 people? Rest of the MUD, remember how you watched this stuff and gawked? A few weeks ago, I killed 8 players in 1 day. I did it because it was legal, I did it because it was fun. Half of those players don't even have a legend any more.

    I am tired of sitting here and just reflecting on how days used to be. I am tired of seeing many people suicide and depart just because of the bullcrap this game has become.

    I quote an Ainur who I have just had a conversation with. He didn't wish me to, so I'll leave out his name.

    'We should open Arda Version 1 and today's mud. See how many players go to which. But then Draugluin would be like 'I'm under staffed, I'm not rewriting all that code.' Ya, the old pk was good.' He agreed with me when I said this mass pk system is tearing the game apart.

    'Jokers on my left, clowns to my right.' -Logan.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:20:10

    And damn straight it's green. Every time I leave its green, every time I log in its red. Nuff said.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:19:01

    But on a side note, live with it, adapt, if not then quit. *shrugs* Shit isn't going to get magicly changed.

  • Author
    Huan [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:18:42

    This whole ER vs FR things is a bit silly guys.

    FR have been here since the muds start. Still they are being tweaked as ongoing changes and developments are made.

    ERs by comparison are so very new, work is being done all the time to make them work, make them good. Use the petitions by all means. Things you feel that are wrong, will be looked at, and have been. What you have to remmember, time is valuable up here in Valinor, so things take time. Yes managment changes, yes they have differnet ideas. Also players change too, they want different things. But thats life, right? Its the same in any structure. You like you boss at work, your work mates hate him....he leaves, you get a new one...You hate him, work mates love him. ...... you get the idea.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:18:30

    oh this is mud is dying Thernardi, its nowhere near as active as it was 3 or 5 years ago. average all day was over 100, I mud alot and I do not see over 100 at all.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:17:36

    Pallasch is 100% correct. Nearly every time I log on, the warscape map is green.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:10:39

    Yeah, first time in nearly a month the ER's actually put together a half decent raid. FR's are more bloodthirsty than ER's right now anyways.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:03:59


    Half is red right now. No travelling there for any new players. They need to stay in West Arda anyway though!

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:01:36

    Oh, and I loved RPing as a Necromancer for Burzgul as a Commander. I led recruitment, and training for lower levels. It was a great rp experience.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 01:01:35

    % Celoril: When did this game suck so much that the players don't bother

    to learn huntbreaks?

    % Tali: Since huntbreaks are useless now?

    % Kelos: without fade, most are useless

    % Pounder: yeah since huntbreaks are worthless;P

    People can't defend themselves from ERs except going to inn/guild/ or being in a 5 man party, people can't explore except when ers are low

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:48:11

    Dakar - help limit pk.*

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:43:14


    And a lot of other new things that will help with pk. You really just need to have patience and stop trying to raise up angry mobs.

    Help with PK is exactly what we don't need. That's what has killed this mud...everyone is part of pk now...this game is advertised as a non-pk mud on mud searches and is said to have a newbie friendly environment.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:41:49

    And all you clowns who sit out there and just whine, I've been forming petitions since that is all we can do. I'm not quite to the point of giving up like you guys. If enough of you are tired of this crap, maybe we can just begin to make changes back to a MUD that was fun for all...remember back on your first only died if you stole someone's pelt or took the DAP quest? Remember when you saw a pvp battle and were like woh...remember your first pk, possibly when you were maxed...finally you'd be able to do the stuff that the big boys do? Ya...some of you might remember that...that's where I want this game to go back to. A place were you aren't killed once every week or so. Personally I haven't died in 60 days on any of my characters, but that is because I have 3 huntbreaks aliased from all cities and unique rooms aliased too. Even so, with Hamstring and a party, you're gone regardless.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:40:51

    Honestly. There have been an average of 110+ users on in traffic during the day. I can't copy the stats for you, since I'm not allowed to, or else I would. The game isn't dying at all. Hamstring is being worked on. Abilities are being worked on. New things are being worked on. If you want to change the game so much, immort and do so - don't bitch. Bitching will not get much of anything done, and if it does, it will take a long time to get it put through. There are battlefields coming out. And a lot of other new things that will help with pk. You really just need to have patience and stop trying to raise up angry mobs.

    The game will not roll back. This is very impossible, and no one wants it. You aren't thinking about it on a larger scale - there have been hundreds of major bugs fixed, hundreds of typos, and lots of new quests implemented. There's no way in hell I, or anyone else would want to redo all of that.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:35:11

    Hehe, I petitioned about backstabs, Ers are obviously going to vote against along with all other players who are tired of dying.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:33:54

    Excellent Pallasch, that's seriously what I expect. But look at it...melodramatic for stating facts? We're dying. Look at the numbers. Look at the playerbase. Look at the 'n00bs.' I haven't seen a level 10 before 3 days old in a LONG freaking time.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:33:46

    I'll tell you one thing I'm annoyed about. It's the lack of equality between ER and FR.


    ERs complained about Backstabs. They were nerfed, very vicisously I might add.

    FRs complained about Ambush and hamstring. Ambush was finally changed, but hamstring, which is about as fair as the old handcuff and club of sheriffs, is allowed to stay in full effect.

    I'd personally say that FRs have been the victims of more nerfs to benifit ERs than the other way around.

    Maybe I was hopeing for something different with ERs, but they really haven't shown me anything except for a reason for people to get free pk's, one way or another. Hell Mordor and pelennor could have been the battle grounds for this, it would be thematic and expected.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:32:18

    I'm going to argue that you're fucking melodramatic and need to learn to deal with shit and realize that the mud will NEVER just get 'rolled back'.

  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:32:17

    That isnt such a bad idea.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:31:49

    Can any Evil Race say they play because they enjoy RPing as an orc?

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    23 January 2006 00:30:38

    First, can anyone actually argue that the game has started to die?