Somebody can\\\'t take a joke and abuses their pow

Posted by
Eizan [legacy]
26 January 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

made a joke, accidentally pasted onto comm instead of say for guildmates at my board. enjoy!


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    01 February 2006 09:12:08

    Ketan....Ketan...I do get that right?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 January 2006 10:36:25

    Glad to see you reinstated because that nuke was some bullshit. I think this particular someone is one of the someones who shouldn't be able to interact with mortals. (All interaction I have seen has been of the bad kind, and not direct questions being answered etc.)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    27 January 2006 23:12:31


    Uhm, yes. Yes I would. If I lived in an oven, I'd complain about the heat every goddamn day of the week. Do you mean to say that you wouldn't? Because if that's the case, I'll gladly build you an oven to live in, and we'll see whether or not you complain!

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    27 January 2006 19:44:09

    props to draugluin

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    27 January 2006 15:53:00

    And good to see you restored, Rekthorne.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    27 January 2006 15:52:44

    Hi Hirgail. How delicately eloquent you are again today.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    27 January 2006 09:03:10

    Having the misconcieved notion that there is justice in the world is likely to lead to things like this hurting far more than they otherwise should. It sucks, it is what it is. BUT you've all been here for so long now that things like this should come as no surprise at all, they should in fact be expected. If you lived in an oven, would you complain about the heat?

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    27 January 2006 08:59:56

    Mmm, two hands. Hot.

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    27 January 2006 02:24:19

    Well, guys I have been reinstated, with TWO hands to boot! Thanks for all the support, you rocks rock hard.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    27 January 2006 00:46:55

    There is a reasons why someone shouldn't take a decision to nuke someone so lightly, for example if you havn't got cock up your ass for a while and are really upset over this, you maybe wait a week or two so someone can shove it up there so next time you decide what the right punishment should be. you would have calmed down

    And seriously, An ainur shouldn't be allowed to nuke someone for an incident between them and a player, there should be a impartial viewer so this shit don't happen

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    26 January 2006 23:48:03

    <<[new] Date: 26. Jan, 2006, 23:24:37 By: Winnetou

    Exley, ever considerred the option that Rekthorne actually _did_ miscomm?! I don't know what to say - words can always be countered with more powerful words and arguments can always be refuted. This guys has never, at least from what I know, cheated or otherwise shown himself in a bad light. And then he gets all of it out of nowhere... Reminds me of another case but I'll keep it quiet since it's too personal and I will deviate from the subject. Stay on the subject. Do you really believe this thing deserves nuke? Come on. >>

    Since this is the first time I've been personally asked this my opinion, no, I don't think it deserved a nuke. Nuking was a bit harsh for the rule-violation committed. My argument was solely based on the fact that Rekthrone *did indeed* violate the rules. However, I can't speak for (and won't speak for) the person who nuked him. It's not my place. To answer some of your other questions...I'm sure it *was* a miscomm, but he should have been more careful, or perhaps just refrained from saying it again. And yes, I agree with your sentiment about words and arguments; opinions rarely change over such a short span of time, and all I was doing was trying to clarify rules.

    <<Date: 26. Jan, 2006, 19:03:47 By: Filch

    Erm, how exactly does the pestering Ainur section from help harassment apply here?>>

    I believe I misled you when I made the statement 'Feel free to read that section, which is the one that applies to this circumstance'. Sorry about that. What I was trying so inadequately to say was this: help harassment takes a backseat in this case to help comm_policy, which is why I used comm_policy in my orginal argument.

    <<Date: 26. Jan, 2006, 21:36:03 By: Baklen

    maybe I got to get off my knees.>>

    I don't think so. I like you right where you are. :)

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 January 2006 23:24:37

    Exley, ever considerred the option that Rekthorne actually _did_ miscomm?! I don't know what to say - words can always be countered with more powerful words and arguments can always be refuted. This guys has never, at least from what I know, cheated or otherwise shown himself in a bad light. And then he gets all of it out of nowhere... Reminds me of another case but I'll keep it quiet since it's too personal and I will deviate from the subject. Stay on the subject. Do you really believe this thing deserves nuke? Come on.

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    26 January 2006 22:44:39

    Irmo waves the Staff!

    You weep as your right hand withers away to dead flesh!

    it would seem to me that Irmo was the Someone, or at least dealt the punishement.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 January 2006 22:27:23

    I take that back and apologize to whoever it was. (i don't want to get nuked too)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 January 2006 22:07:13

    Yeah, that ainur can licks my balls any day of the week, I'll give him a cockslap for good measure too.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    26 January 2006 21:36:03

    I do not know how you guys get nuked like this man, I've said something 10times as bad. I still do. Yet, you all just keep getting nuked. *boggles* maybe I got to get off my knees.

    Sorry man, hate to see bullshit like this though. I did run straight to aiglos though:) *bahs* give me a tell when you get back.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    26 January 2006 21:27:13

    I know a lot of people can make characters up to level 20 in about 10 minutes, but for most, I think they've put a lot of time and energy into the characters they play, and the use of nuking someone should be as a last freaking resort. It's amazing to me that I could play Kelos for over a year and a half, and say something wrong one time, and get nuked for it without so much as a warning.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    26 January 2006 21:21:19

    It is so bad that it makes me actually think that Draugluin is good at socializing with mortals.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    26 January 2006 20:40:08

    I think the ainur overreacted. The proper way to handle this would be to comm silence him and perhaps give a warning for swearing. One comm really shouldnt warrant the spinning of the wheel. That nuke at the end just tops it off as bullshit.

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    26 January 2006 20:15:46

    What Rekthorne did can be considered harassment. Maybe not ainur harassment, but general harassment Filch. However, I can certainly agree he should have gotten a warning/silence instead of a spin/nuke. *shrug* Not up to me though.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 January 2006 20:09:55

    Exley, don't fucking even try to defend this. Irmo completely skipped the whole punishment process. Spinwheel is reserved for people with multiple warnings. He could have silenced him; he could have verbally warned him; he could have given an actual warning. But instead, he decides that because he has the power to do so, he would bring down the harshest punishment he could think of. Yeah, rules may be rules, but what gives Irmo the right to destroy a character because HE initiated the harassment? What gives him the right to abuse his power without even going through the whole process? Seriously, if his asshole is so tight that he can't even take a simple joke like this, he doesn't deserve to be in a position to punish, much less override the authority of the PoL, who should have handled this situation.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    26 January 2006 19:03:47

    Erm, how exactly does the pestering Ainur section from help harassment apply here?

    Let me quote:

    1. Asking the same question repeatedly, when the answer has already

    been given.

    2. Any attempt to kill an ainu.

    3. Spamming (dumping large amounts of text).

    4. Other abuses of commands such as bug, idea, commend, etc.

    Which one of these would this case be? Neither it seems.

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    26 January 2006 19:03:25

    I also direct you to the part where 'Someone' initiates the harassment by proposing the question of 'Who has the worst trivia ever?.' Where the fuck was his loss of hand? Am I NOT allowed to return fire to those who shoot at me? The point is this: When you start the joking, be ready for more.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    26 January 2006 18:53:05

    <<[new] Date: 26. Jan, 2006, 18:13:28 By: Winnetou >>

    Winn, I respect you. You're obviously an intelligent person, so I trust you won't take this as a personal attack on you (which it's not).

    <<Not really, Exley. A requirement is to type 'help whatever, help whatever2'. But that's not the point.>>

    Whether someone reads it or merely types it amounts to the same thing: you are telling the game and the ainur in charge that you *have* read it.

    <<You can't destory a character for joking with you, even if it was on purpose and even if he really meant it that someone should lick his balls, or whatever. He shouldn't even have gotten a wheel spin. And what is more, he got NUKED after he got loss of hand. Which is bullshit.>>

    #7 Insulting, taunting, harassing, baiting or otherwise abusing ainur will not be tolerated. I'll respond more to this statement a bit further down, as well.

    <<And the reason? 'harasser' He's clearly not a harasser, according to help harassment.

    Type 'help harassment'. Let's give the example this help file gives: Bob comes in the pub and does something Sue doesn't want him to do with her. Sue tells him to stop. Bob continues. What do ainur do to bob?

    'What will happen next is that one of us will talk with Bob, let him know that behaviour of that sort is not acceptable here, and warn him not to do it again.'

    Aha! And just after that he'll get nuked.>>

    I, too, read help harassment before making my original post. The fact of the matter is, this particular example you gave doesn't apply, because Bob and Sue are both mortals, while Rekthorne and Someone are mortal/ainu respectively. Besides, that part of help harassment was refering to sexual harassment. Read a bit further down and you'll see the section 'Pestering the Ainur'. I won't post it all here, as it is a long bit of text. Feel free to read that section, which is the one that applies in this circumstance, and comment as you will.

    <<Now let's make a parallel between Bob/Sue and Rekthorne/Someone. Rekthorne did something Someone didn't want Rekthorne to do to him. Someone forces Rekthorne to spin wheel. Rekthorne gets a loss of hand. Someone isn't satisfied: he nukes Rekthorne.>>

    You're missing something in between 'Rekthorne gets a loss of hand.' and 'Someone isn't satisfied', which was the fact that he posted the SAME comment that got him in trouble again. So, let me restructure your sentences to make them more accurate: Rekthorne violated comm_policy rules. Someone forces Rekthrone to spin wheel. Rekthorne gets a loss of hand. Rekthrone once again comms the same thing that got him in trouble in the first place. Someone sees a repeated violation of comm_policy rules: he nukes Rekthrone.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 January 2006 18:13:28

    Exley writes:

    > It's a requirement to read it before a character can advance

    > to level 4

    Not really, Exley. A requirement is to type 'help whatever, help whatever2'. But that's not the point. You can't destory a character for joking with you, even if it was on purpose and even if he really meant it that someone should lick his balls, or whatever. He shouldn't even have gotten a wheel spin. And what is more, he got NUKED after he got loss of hand. Which is bullshit. And the reason? 'harasser' He's clearly not a harasser, according to help harassment.

    Type 'help harassment'. Let's give the example this help file gives: Bob comes in the pub and does something Sue doesn't want him to do with her. Sue tells him to stop. Bob continues. What do ainur do to bob?

    'What will happen next is that one of us will talk with Bob, let him know that behaviour of that sort is not acceptable here, and warn him not to do it again.'

    Aha! And just after that he'll get nuked.

    Now let's make a parallel between Bob/Sue and Rekthorne/Someone. Rekthorne did something Someone didn't want Rekthorne to do to him. Someone forces Rekthorne to spin wheel. Rekthorne gets a loss of hand. Someone isn't satisfied: he nukes Rekthorne.

    I'll leave it to you to figure out what's the difference between the two stories.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    26 January 2006 18:02:15

    If he got to his level before the requirement was made, you can't be 100% if he has read it :P

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    26 January 2006 17:57:23

    Help comm_policy. It provides pretty clear rules about what someone can or cannot say. Perhaps the most obvious rule related to this incident is number 7, which I'll post here:

    #7 Insulting, taunting, harassing, baiting or otherwise abusing ainur will not be tolerated.

    What about number 8, just a few lines down?

    #8 Think before you act.

    The FAQ also has good examples of what to say and what not to say, as well as some examples of what happens when a player violates the rules.

    Rekthorne, I assume you read help comm_policy. It's a requirement to read it before a character can advance to level 4. When you read those files and advance your character, you are basically signing a waiver stating that you have read, and understand, those rules and are willing to abide by them.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    26 January 2006 15:49:26

    The logpage has often been used as a place to discuss issues of relevance and importance to the MUD. Presumably because a large portion of the playerbase check this page on a fairly regular basis, as well as a lot of people who've stopped playing but like to stop in and browse on occasion. Love it or loathe it (and believe me, I loathe it) this webpage has become a part of the MUD's culture. If Rekthorne wants to air his opinions here, then I don't see why he shouldn't. And if people want to show support by rating his log highly, then I don't see why they shouldn't either.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    26 January 2006 15:32:25

    Why ? it shows no skill, it's not funny (I'm not saying all of fimbu's are), it's not even interesting. The only reason you want it there is so that you can promote the particular issue you're harping on about at the current moment.

    This log page isn't your soap box, don't use it as such, and certainly don't use ratings to try and push forward a particular issue.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 January 2006 15:19:38

    this certainly deserves a place in top20 more than Fimbu's logs do.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    26 January 2006 14:47:00

    To people rating the log, I can log onto alts to boost/lower the rating as well you know (I'm not going to bother), you know it's not worth a 6, take for instance (spit**) berzellius/baklen vs bap or Spike vs All, or Adunazon vs Goober those are good logs, this... isn't.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 January 2006 11:15:41

    We definately need the Men in Black now... They need to protect us from the scum of the universe.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 January 2006 11:14:36

    And come back, fellow Eizan. I will miss you. Write to me at:

    Or add my icq: 37264480

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 January 2006 11:13:17

    No comment.

    Let's put this on top20 - vote, everybody.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 January 2006 11:10:50

    ^ (OOC) Someone: You got the wrong someone to mess with :)

    Why dont you eat shit huh!? fucking idiots. The guy has just come out of the military duty serving and wants to play with his friends.

    You guys are pathetic, you are the most pathetic scum I have ever seen in my life!!!

    This log was saved by me and next time some idiot decides to say ainur need to be respected I will toss it at them.

    I cant just believe it... this is.. absurd.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 January 2006 10:33:08

    Someone has summoned you to him!

    Someone forced you to spin wheel

    You spin wheel.

    Your vision blurs momentarily and you find yourself in a familar place.

    was really great though :P

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 January 2006 10:32:16

    Yeah, lame. Utterly.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    26 January 2006 09:42:59

    And I figure he's hiding behind his invisibility too? *smirk*

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    26 January 2006 09:42:06

    Bah. This is bullshit. Seriously.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    26 January 2006 09:16:03

    Bah, someone seems to have some issues:/ Oh well, remax and come back:P

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    26 January 2006 08:07:37

    funny, didn't deserve a nuke though. Or even a loss of hand. I woulda just silenced you for a while maybe.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 January 2006 06:12:57

    This shit made me laugh. Definately worth posting.

  • Author
    Rekkless [legacy]
    26 January 2006 05:56:58

    speaking from experience, ainur are for the most part all fucking jackasses now, at least the ones with any power which is sad. The ones who claim to have power and are halfway cool eg drogian are unwilling to call out the dicks like draugluin for pulling shit like this

  • Author
    Maelvor [legacy]
    26 January 2006 04:50:35

    Sorry to see that, damn man you were a cool guy - stick around.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 January 2006 04:49:22

    It's hard to feel sorry for a member of such a shit guild, but that does suck, what a bullshit nuke, huh.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 January 2006 03:10:50

    You didn't used to be.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    26 January 2006 03:08:12

    Your usually site banned right after a nuke...

    But it is temporary I think, *shrug*

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 January 2006 03:04:05

    Somebody has a big dildo up their ass tonight! :P

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    26 January 2006 03:01:09

    oh wait, now i am SITEBANNED. anyone else find this pathetic?

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    26 January 2006 03:00:06

    tried to undo it, accidents happen, but apparently people can't handle people returning their jokes. he insulted my trivia, i insulted him. oh, and whoever it is is jailing my new characters.