Making e-mails visible to admin

Posted by
Rhoads [legacy]
30 January 2006 00:00:00

Would be bad if the user registered e-mails where made visible to the admin? Read and comment if you have something against it.


  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    02 February 2006 09:49:01

    Ecidon, your the only mod right now with that access... Thats the point. the user system is unstable and not being used by everyone.. Consider yourself lucky you got access into it so far

    Were waiting for nicu to finish the new shit

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    02 February 2006 06:25:06

    I don't see really why the moderators would need access to the mail, or even have a button which changes the password cause we already got something similare. About the password that is.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    02 February 2006 03:19:49

    access to your passwords doesnt help us spread alt info :) like we said, if you use your head when making emails/passwords, you can stop the spreading where you want to.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 February 2006 01:14:06

    I know Ecidon, that was my response to the people who fear that moderators wil spread alt information.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    01 February 2006 22:36:32

    Castamir, the number of active mods has been cut back drastically, and after the way draug logged on here and trash talked the log'o'mania staff, despite T2T rules to not trash talk or harass Ainur, I wouldnt want to see any form of power/T2T admin involvement. Im very sure valinor doesnt want to have to deal with this page either, they have much better ways to spend their time, especially since T2T has its own supported log site now.

    If you guys want to trust valinor more than the current mods here, go check out the T2T forums and use that log section exclusively.

    But none of this matters, id much rather we get direct access to changing your passwords than seing your emails. Id rather myself have to do a 'click click' and be done with it, then have to do even more corespondents with you online.

    Then again, keep in mind, that if you just remember your password and email you registered with, you dont have to worry about some mod screwing with your password or emails! Were only doing this because of multiple-users who cant seem to remember their own info.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    01 February 2006 22:27:41

    Yeah, anyone needing an account activated just needs mail me.

    I log on every day of the week and check my mail. If you catch me online, ask me and pop me a mail so I dont forget, I usualy get it done within a few minutes.

    I know a lot of you have fears of mod abuse, and I can understand where it comes from, but I also know ive spoken to lots of you who have forgotten passwords/emails and cant figure out how to get them back.

    Those of you who are still afraid of mods, and think mods need more moderating themselves, I urge you to take the time to mail the admin from the link on the page, make a post in the forums, and mudmail myself ecidon or rhoads online the mud. I promise you ive seen the admin take mod abuse seriously in the past, and they do take the time to discuss your complaints as they come up. So take the time to make them aware. If you mudmail me, ill be happy to make sure its brought up in the mod forums myself, we have done it before, its much better than letting you guys spam about it here, then it all gets lost in a thread of 100 posts no one wants to dig through.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 14:13:53

    [new] Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 23:26:17 By: Daywalker Remove

    The whole user registration process needs to be automated. People wait for days even months in order to get an account activated.

    Just mail Ecidon, Armand, or me (preferrably Ecidon or Armand) we are actively mudding and would see the mail in a few days most.

    Also, moderators need to be controlled in some way. I can think of one that is issuing bans for his personal fights.

    Already, we're. You know where to send the mail, and it would be taken on forums or our mailing list, and discussed throughly. Just because your reasoning wasn't found legitimate doesn't me there's no control.

    Just a suggestion.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    01 February 2006 10:27:19

    Pallasch, the moderators can't right now see anything which would be MP information or even hints about alts. The Administrator, 'Nicu' got access to the information from were X is connected and such, to prevent users who get banned from commenting to use their alts.

    I've no clue on which ranks a ainur can see IP or how many characters are connected from the same IP etc. I'd like to belive that T2T itself is much more insecure (and absolutly MUCH more correct on it's information) then Log'o'Mania is. But please correct me if I'm wrong.

    As I've noticed myself, users who can't change their clients when they post at Log'o'Mania or loggon their alts right after they have been on another character spreads more MP information then both T2T and Logpage does.

    **I've told many peoples on T2T, mail me and I'll activate your account if you're within the limits**. 1d of age and atleast level 10, if I can remember it correctly.

    The main thing moderators do, is activate accounts, delete logs/comments, change password and of course punish the users!

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    01 February 2006 04:26:08

    Sure, but how about playability.

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    01 February 2006 01:22:20

    //'good enough to get past the Theme Nazi'//

    Don't be so fast to laugh. The more nazi a given Theme OL is, the better. Otherwise, we can get things like a 'SOR' region that doesn't have a single good-aligned place inside (like, lands just next to the Undeeps have 'many an evil men', southern Mirkwood is obvious, and the Fellowship was ambushed by an _evil_ patrol just hours after crossing Anduin) -- or, on the other hand, desert and vast wastelands days of travel from the nearest civilisation where evil patrols pop up in seconds.

    The closer to Tolkien's books we stay, the better.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:55:34

    What's the difference between logpage moderators passing alt info and ainur doing the same? :P

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:26:17

    The whole user registration process needs to be automated. People wait for days even months in order to get an account activated.

    Also, moderators need to be controlled in some way. I can think of one that is issuing bans for his personal fights.

    Just a suggestion.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:02:18

    i do want an easier way of getting another password. i need that. also the confirmation thing... of new chars - it sucks right now.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:01:32

    'good enough to get past the Theme Nazi' rotfl

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    31 January 2006 13:23:35


  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    31 January 2006 11:44:02

    I have to agree with Myrddin -- there are too many moderators to be sure that no one spills the data to 'just closest friends'. I've seen too many sheets of similar info. The solution Myrddin suggested is a widely used one; however, it could be abused if not coded well (spamming someone with change requests, etc).

    I would have a different suggestion. With a bit of cooperation from a Power, it is possible to have an in-game NPC let you change your log page password. The MUD would then connect to Nicuramar's server and submit (username,md5(password),character age,perhaps some magic cookie) on a certain TCP port. Our codebase already has support for connecting out using TCP and bare-bones versions of several protocols; though I would stay away from even http put just to keep things simple.

    If I recall correctly (I don't want to risk logging on to check :p), outgoing connections are not available to non-Power/daemon code, and you would have to think of a way to justify a NPC's knowledge of a 'log page' good enough to get past the Theme Nazi, but this is nothing that would be impossible.

    About Ecidon's point:

    An orc-target shouldn't be able to assume a suicided person's identity.

    A legit player with the same name as a past character must be able to take over the log page account, for quite obvious reasons. If you suicide, it is no one's but your fault.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    31 January 2006 09:06:07

    I agree with Myrddin.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    31 January 2006 07:53:31

    I agree, moderators shouldn't have access to alt info from the same email for multiple characters. If there was some way an automatically generated password could be sent to the registered email (like a 'click here', without the moderator having to manually do it) then that would be better imo. And Ecidon, sure you can just make a new @hotmail address. But we shouldn't have to do that just to protect alt info that really shouldn't be allowed to be open for anyone to view.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 January 2006 00:13:36

    I just posted because Nicu asked, I am frankly not paying attention to anything ;)

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    30 January 2006 20:05:48

    To Rhoads, not sure if I missunderstood you. But the moderators do have access to 'reset' a users password. I've done it a couple of times, to people I know 110% is the correct users of that account.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    30 January 2006 20:02:40

    The e-mail adress don't have to be your main email. This is just so nobody creates the character X after X has been nuked/suicided and tells the moderators that he have lost his password for his account. Then we 'reset' his password and he can start flaming, and people will belive it's the 'old' X.

    You can always create an 'seperate' e-mail adress for all your alts, if you're afraid the moderators will sell your e-mail adress or perhaps use it to find out all your alts. It'll take around 5 minutes to create an adress for all your alts.

    This change will only be 'insecure' if you decied to make it so, otherwise it will work as an protecting against people who want to 'takeover' your name.

    **Remember your password though, otherwise we might not be able to help you. Unless we can prove in otherways you're the 'old' X** /Eci

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 January 2006 19:17:04

    You might want to draft some kind of waiver saying that you won't sell or give email addresses to third parties. If something like that is put into effect, I wouldn't have a problem with it.