Summerwind dies.

Posted by
Vazroth [legacy]
31 January 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Another blood debt settled.


  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    03 February 2006 06:52:51

    Date: 02. Feb, 2006, 3:12:41 By: Armand

    athin you didnt just use the argument that ainur did it and they wont lie to us did you? omg

    Armand you're too sexy you silly goose...enough, thstop it! :p

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    03 February 2006 06:38:04

    'You choose your MORALS deal with it'. That's weak Athin. YOU chose to be born, DEAL WITH IT. You can't cut The Two Towers in half and justify it. This game was _never_ meant to be realistic dummies. Remember the 'magic' of the past? You could tell when an assassin passed sending shivers. You could explore anywhere you wanted with the grits and determination. You could have a lawsys to fall back on if things got out of hand. You could peacefully goldhunt if you weren't in guildwar or contracted. You could...the list goes on...

    NOW you can die 2 rooms from Rhosgobel and goldhunt. That's all there is left in the game...nothing but dying 2 rooms from Rhosgobel :p

    Back to reading, only 1/2 done :)

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    03 February 2006 06:31:07

    I'm only half-way through, but this is excellent. Daywalker 'Go back to the way it was.' I agree man, that's why I whine like a girl...or am I? Hehe, anyway, ya, patrols...they gotsta go...

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    03 February 2006 00:49:57

    No. Not just SoR patrols. All or none. I notice you certainly weren't agreeing when ERs didn't want SOR to have with it. I still think -all- patrols should be removed though :P

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    02 February 2006 21:28:00

    I agree, get rid of the patrols in SoR

    Its not right to have them randomly patroling areas with no real closed borders. This isnt like harondor where there are defined borders and you can easily avoid them if you dont want to get involved in the crap.

    and im glad they fixed the flask. I had to kill the damn patrols to get mine yesterday morning.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 February 2006 17:03:16

    Lol @ Vermond, you are right...I forgot about that. Too many changes to keep up with.

    BTW, Draugluin hinted in this thread as patrols maybe not being needed once battlepoints are's being discussed at least.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    02 February 2006 14:58:09

    Perhaps we're saying it was out area more in a playability sense...

    We have a lot of quests in mirkwood, theres a trainer or two training FR profs, and its a nice low/mid level golding zone. The presence of evil npcs such as orc scouts serves indeed to make it our area, in this aspect.

    I just want to say something. This mud is played by midlevel characters as well, and by people who want to explore this world. Not everyone is maxed. In my opinion, they're getting a little screwed over. *edit- i'll say that i'm one of them. I'm one of the population of 'maxed noobs' out there, and whatever desire i had to explore ER lands vamoosed as soon as i saw the way the powerplaying ERs played. I'm sympathising with the little level 12 who aligns down to demonic, gets all charged up to have a look at this Dol Guldur place he's read about, and then get the utter crap beaten out of him by an uruk warrior that follows him halfway there.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    02 February 2006 13:40:23

    And Kelos, SOR region was at first implemented because of FR whining that ERs could run around in Mirkwood freely... it is interesting how you guys want a patrolless mirkwood now.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    02 February 2006 13:39:31

    I don't understand the logic in Daywalker's comment. What makes SOR your land except for the fact that it used to be in the mud before ERs...just like Mordor and Osgiliath? Valinor claims to have done a theme research and figured out that SOR was under evil hands - which is obvious from the existance of evil npcs in SOR such as orc scouts. So, when SOR was a moral region, it was actually like having patrols in OUR lands - we would have patrols in the haradrim camp ffs, or while going to Mordor...can you find any logic behind the existance of an elven patrol 10n of Mordor gates?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 February 2006 11:59:58

    By the way, to all you people who went two south of rhos sp, saw red, and started crying, pull your thumb out of your ass. It turns back to ROV another south of that. Flask quest is still in FR lands, you need no more if not less people to do it now (don't need to worry about ER attack). Although the SOR changes will become a pain I am not so against them...Also according to I think it was Drogian, patrols will not be removed (he said so in the thread linked to earlier)

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    02 February 2006 11:18:55

    *apologizes to Mr. Storm*

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 February 2006 09:58:09

    Yeah, ER lands are nice and have some sweet quests. Funny how the new changes are strongly criticised here and more or less positively commented on the T2T forums.

    What Athin said about poor ERs and sFRs is utter bullshit.

    Krimpatul was a great GM and Erebor is safe because it's far away, the access inconvenient, the light conditions unfriendly and, last but not least, there's no good equipment to get (with one recent addition).

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 February 2006 03:18:07

    *baps Baklen* Don't be so silly!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 February 2006 03:13:23

    Yah Winnetou, I know its not going to be by you, you can't seem to NOT be a ghost lately.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    02 February 2006 03:12:41

    athin you didnt just use the argument that ainur did it and they wont lie to us did you? omg

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    02 February 2006 01:05:18

    <<Its so simple. I never bothered to explore ER lands because I dont care about whats there. >>

    That's really a shame, Daywalker. Do what you want, of course, but there are some really neat things over here. And I practically guarentee (sp?) that you'll find someone nice enough on the ER side to help you explore and show you some neat places to level up. Give it a try, sometime.

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    02 February 2006 00:52:56

    Oh, but Daywalker...Apparently SOR should be in evil hands, unless we simply don't trust the Ainur, and believe they would lie to us...why would they bother lying? I can see people not trusting them, but no real reason for them to lie. So, it would seem that all this time, SOR should have been evil, and it wasn't, and we had patrols :(! Note, I am not great with geography, so maybe they are wrong...prove it from the books, and they might even change it back. If there are random bits of SOR around, you can always idea/bug them. The eastern half of Osgiliath was at first RHOV, but was changed when pointed out *shrug*.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    02 February 2006 00:36:12

    Athin you are speaking bulshit. ER never had this problem. They never had moral patrols INSIDE their lands.

    Its freaking simple. ER have their lands, put as many patrols as you want. ER Lands are Far Harad, Near Harad and the shits arount them, kadar or whatever.

    Free Races have their lands. They have mirkwood, they have South Rhovanion. Evil races have no right over this. They need to have patrols on their ass everytime they cross the border of the morgulduin bridge.

    Its so simple. I never bothered to explore ER lands because I dont care about whats there. I know I dont want evils in my lands and every single one that comes shall die.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    02 February 2006 00:35:51

    -then you got Krimpo-puppet- by Vermond


    Krimpo-puppet was one of the best leaders the Beornings have ever had. If not the best.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    02 February 2006 00:31:42


    There is one thing for sure, where I walk, the ground trembles, when I speak, Arda hears it. When I set my sights on something, I attain it at no cost. I dare you to do something about it. But thats right You can't, noone can. I am the Storm , What are you? *snorts*


    How modest we are, Mr. Storm. Careful not to get levelbashed:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    01 February 2006 23:47:53

    *laughs* Non of this even matters to me really. I adapt, thats what I do now, I don't get stressed over this shit anymore. Btw Armand, I don't care what Sou do they are a joke. As I said on another lost before. I just want Summerwind's head cause she's a traitor.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    01 February 2006 22:37:18

    Kelos, think about the newbies exploring such as myself :(

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    01 February 2006 22:06:02

    Good suggestion Kelos

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    01 February 2006 21:58:31

    I'd rather see NO patrols in Mirkwood, SoR, etc., and just let ER's and FR's venture there free...

    I like the idea of it being in evil hands a bit, but I think patrols should be outlawed so it's at least more accessible to those that used to quest there.

    Basically, you could almost make that region unable to be taken over...and roamed free by evils and free races...that would seem more thematic to me.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    01 February 2006 21:38:19

    Galad - it is simply not as bad as you think. And the 19 quest should be super dangerous... you're fighting Gollum and altering the fate of Arda for goodness' sake... in the Dead Marshes. In the books how dangerous was that place??? Insanely so. Let it stand, as long as the ER level 19 quest is like near Gundabad or the bottom of Erebor :P

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    01 February 2006 21:29:07

    You know, I could care less, but tell me again how its ok to bash the x-sou gm, but not fawaz the former dung/dung gm at one time???

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    01 February 2006 21:18:36

    The biggest thing screwy about SOR is that it is pointless. A region has battlepoints/strongholds etc. because those are the points that control access into the region and out from the region. SOR and ROV are just shapeless blobs sitting next to one another, which makes little sense. Thematically speaking, I found the Lothlorien change okay, though inconvenient in terms of re-routing the aliases and the *mutter* needless loss of HP at the rope bridge.

    However, SOR is completely weird and out of whack. How many FR quests have been sacrificed to the evilness of SOR? Before we even start enumerating, let's note that even the bleeping level 19 quest is in ER lands now. Considering how dangerous the quest can get for a first timer, that's just utter crap. If everything was done for balance, move the ER level 19 quest (if there exists one, dunno) into the FR lands! Loss of two healers, a host of quests, level quest, golding areas, doesn't seem to be worth the thematization of eastern Arda.

    Frankly, new storeys aren't added to a building by razing the foundations completely.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 February 2006 21:18:34

    My point that the move back to DG wasn't caused by any thematic consideration still stands. So do all my arguments about how radically opposed Serve is to SoU's theme and role, and I think anyone not Nasira's bitch would agree with that (even she was against the GH move). You philistines killed the guild in spirit the second you started the Orcification process and created too much animosity with your jackass bangs for any semblance of RP to exist. If you had any respect for the guild's theme and its history, you'd pull the fucking plug and let it die.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    01 February 2006 20:53:16

    [new] Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 23:33:19 By: Baklen

    You know, I'll put it simple and I'll keep it short. I may not be the best roleplayer. I may be an egotistical ass to some people.

    You forgot ugly with stinky breath and too much chest hair. Scat > Baklen.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 20:47:55

    Paraiko, that's wrong, SoU would have never been able to get back to DG if not for the region change, all she did was to humiliate the guild with begging on forums without even telling about it on the board. Back to my point though, SoU is back to DG, time to quit flaming? Or would it take the purpose of your life away?

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    01 February 2006 20:35:16

    While I do support the murder of evil races, it may have gone too far when people are being driven from the MUD.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 February 2006 20:22:42

    And besides, I know it was Summerwind who did all the work getting Valinor to move the GH back.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 February 2006 20:21:56

    Vermond, you yourself told me how Athin was instrumental behind the move from DG to BD, because of patrols. Can you honestly say moving back to DG was due to theme and not the SOR changes? The problem is still there.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    01 February 2006 18:21:49

    Whining has just become a habit now.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    01 February 2006 18:14:45

    These changes effect playability, but people who are all up in a hissy need to calm down and look at it in the broader sense - this is the first step towards a restored Arda where the ER destruction (and consequentially, the FR destruction on ERs) will be balanced out. The map is more thematic, and more inspired towards a vision of Tolkien's world. The removal of BPs and most likely patrols will allow free race dissension, and I suppose evil race dissension to come back into force... this will take away from all the unity nonsense within FR guilds that caused guild wars to disappear, and enemies to team up to remain alive against the threat of invading evils. The game attitude will resemble more closely what it was before the addition of free slaughtering ERs - ESPECIALLY with FailKill addition!!! I can no longer camo up, grab a isufiel, and go solo some ER golding in Ithilien, and its a shame... but the other side of the page is that some bloodthirsty ER powerlevelled alt can't come into our lands and randomly kill lowbies!!! This is GOOD! [Helps keep the MUD population up]

    (DW speaking of the patrols near your land, all that needs to be done is the conquest of DG and its all good ... and BkD with your assistance managed that within the first 75 minutes of boot!)

    The battlefield implementation sounds very interesting, and will add another facet to gameplay that we didn't have before. Most likely guilds will become more active, allowing the older guilds to stay alive, RP to thrive, and guild wars to come back...

    To me, this sounds like a brilliant change. Why all the whining?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    01 February 2006 18:07:57

    Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 18:03:51 By: Jabba

    BKD will never be good roleplayers.

    Seriously. I just posted that comment to piss you off. : )

    I guess I can change it to 'My opinion is that BKD are bad roleplayers'. We all have different opinions, so I guess there is no point in arguing about it. It's not like any part will convince the other that it is right.

    And Drille... Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:32:20

    Sorry Athin, I thought I heard an Ainur say there wouldn't be, but I guess there will be:

    Some of us on that thread didn't feel there needed to be any, since ER's entering FR-Controlled areas can't attack anyone anyways, so what's the point?

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:29:24

    If patrols are removed, I don't see much of a problem. It would've saved a lot of criticism if they actually said so before making big changes like this.

    And Athin, I fully agree with you. What they did to serving FR's is total crap too. But since I don't play evil, I just never really noticed it. Don't hold that for hypocricy on my part though.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:28:12

    I thought the log wasn't that shabby to be honest :/

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:26:25

    Do you mean the patrols, or battlepoints Kelos? Battlepoints will be removed for dev47, but I haven't heard anything about patrols being removed...*shrug* That would be nice, though.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:13:47

    Patrols are supposed to be removed I thought, at least I heard they were for the FailKill dev...or maybe it's for the Battlefield dev...

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:13:12

    Valoc...most/all of the problems you listed apply to both sides. Now, SOR is evil instead of Moral, so we don't have that problem anymore. But others still apply.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:06:03

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. When did this happen to evils?

    And ofcourse I'm not complaining when things happen to evils. When I don't know the problem, how can I complain about it.

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    01 February 2006 17:01:40

    I notice you people weren't complaining when evils had these same problems...Heh. And saying you chose to be evil doesn't work. YOU choose to be moral. Deal with it. Just makes you hypocrites, or whatever the spelling is. However, all patrols should be removed..but not just SOR. -All-.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:31:18

    I was thinking of something more along the lines of Grimrod's post... don't see why they would have a reason (even a fascist one) to remove that.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:22:35

    I posted it below.

    The only thing it contained was the definition of playability.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:21:13

    mind sending the gossip to me or posting it here? I want to see.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:19:18

    A beer sounds good to me. :)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:17:54

    Yeah I saw that gossip, V. Kinda clueless why they'd remove that.

    Oh well, want to go grab a beer sometime? :p

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:13:30

    Guess I hibernated at a perfect time, these changes I'm hearing about sound insane.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:02:11


    The ease with which an instrument can be played, relative to the player's comfort and the effort required to produce the desired result.

    Valinor would do well to examine that.


  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 16:01:41

    I agree fully, Daywalker. This new change is simply ludicrous.

    What if a lowlevel clueless dwarf crossed the high pass into East Arda. He's new to the game, so he likes to explore! He walks along the old forest road and crosses the Ford. He goes a couple more east and gets the message: Uruk-hai warrior follows you. Clueless dwarf panics! Clueless dwarf has died. Hurrah.

    That's just one scenario. I'm not even talking about the numbers of quests FR's like to do (even for golding) that now fall into enemy territory.

    Seriously guys. Where's the playability gone? Do we have to sacrifice everything to make this war as real as possible? I don't come here to fight out some bloody war, but to enjoy a world inspired by Tolkien. That's how it used to be. This whole region system is completely messing up any chance of exploring for new people, and any reason for me to even go into that territory. *thumbs up* I won't use half the map anymore.

    Playability is the key here. As I put in my gossip, which was shamelessly removed without reason. Looks like a bloody dictatorship here. Where is the freedom of speech?

    But hey, I'll just post it right after this post. Just so anyone can see what kind of posts are removed by Valinor.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    01 February 2006 15:59:25

    I disagree with a lot that DW said.. about RP and edains.. but I do agree about the coding and the map stuff.

    Pretty screwed up stuff, everything thats happened in the last 6months.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 15:53:14

    btw, you were not forced out of Linhir, DA, MT or forced into becoming Edain, you could easily choose to become impartial or have any other race at dev22, or not add any minor restrictions at all.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 15:51:04

    I can see your point, although the Beorning lands were actually constantly under ER attacks in the books - Valinor's probably going to tell you what they told some evil guilds that did not want to serve: You chose your theme, deal with it.

    I can't claim to know much about Beornings, same as you with SoU. I just told my outsider perspective, like you did, which was pretty much wrong. It would have never been told if you had not start saying illogical crap about me somehow having SoU under control... if I had any control, some of the changes in SoU would have never occurred :)

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    01 February 2006 15:46:43

    Delgaur was a nice GM, but the strongest years of the beornings were when Jad was guildmaster, then later when Krimpatul was guildmaster.

    Vermond, you have no idea about the trouble Beornings were into before Delgaur left. The guild was heavily inactive. Then my brother, skyman, took control over it and did almost nothing to make it better. He got few friends in and that raised moral in the guild. Then Krimpatul and Adremeth came and got some friends, allies etc.. The guild became strong. I would say the strongest without any hesitation. Not only pk, but RP wise, equipment wise, even the ainur were standing in their shells doing nothing.

    Then a wave of inactivity hit us. We started few wars that could not be won without players. Players got bored from always having everything and this brought the guild down.

    We do roleplay, we strive to keep to our theme.

    Then one morning, I see There is news. ( I pray as always that they just changed the name of some item ) But alas, this time they screwed up the mud. GV gh got sent into ER lands. TWO!!! notice the number 2 --> _T_ _W_ _O_ rooms from rhosgobel there are patrols. Can you believe this shit?

    Beornings theme is to protect their lands from people defiling it. We were impartial, we had almost all races allowed, because we are a group of strangers by theme. The ainur forced us into their stupid new race - edain, that does not even exist anywhere in the books, but who cares. We were forced out of linhir, Dol Amroth, MT etc... We lived with that. We started killing orcs and kept protecting our lands.

    Now they coded EVIL PATROLS right INTO our lands. How are we supposed to protect our lands? We cant even get a flask without a 5men party.

    Guys, I am not sure what is going on here, but I believe that the people incharge should stop thinking as 14 years old kids (maybe they are) and to start thinking about the consequences of the changes before doing them. Its stupid, irresponsible and gay to first change and then to check what they have done.

    Not that anyone would hear me, but I believe the mud needs to be reverted back the way it was few years ago and the ainur should stick to coding new quests, gold making spots, etc.. Thats their job, not to ruin the gameplay over a stupid map change.

    Honestly, I have lost the LAST drop of respect I had towards the ainur.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 15:46:15

    You should really stop bashing SoU, then, because the gh is back to DG, and interestingly enough it is brought back by the very person you are accusing of ruining SoU's theme.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 February 2006 15:01:10

    And I stopped bashing SoU after Summerwind made clear her intentions to rectify those problems. But obviously there's certainly cause for me to start doing so again ;P

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 February 2006 14:58:36

    I didn't start bashing SoU until you moved the GH to BD and started crawling after Nasira for her table scraps.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    01 February 2006 14:56:17

    Sarys is right. I'd hoped this log would be controversial. :)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    01 February 2006 14:06:57

    I don't know where to start from. I guess it was a bit too far to say Summerwind gave away the info, but I have seen Devinius back her a lot lately (and look funny in the process). He was also threatening to 'make all SoU info go public' when a guildmate of him got killed. I wouldn't know where he got the info of course, but it is only natural that the shoulder to cry on would have appeal.

    Daywalker, I have never been in a council position or anything in SoU. Hell, I refused when I was asked. You can claim that I might influence Athin's decisions because we're friends, but hey, he has just become GM and before him were Anglobin and Summerwind, which I'm not really close to, and thus could not influence at all. I don't think SoU had changed much at all before the serving stuff, yet you were still against SoU, because you had gone 'moral' and we were no longer worth being friends so that you get help killing people in Mordor. I remember doing finds for you and your brother.

    Speaking of this, I remember Beornings being cool when Delgaur was leading, then you and your brother got the control, hell he even became GM, then you got Krimpo-puppet and started the pking bullshit with the iowans, when even Delgaur claimed that you were the ringleaders. Then Beornings got inactive, and you left. Down the guild went. Now Rambler's getting the guild active again, and both of you are back... to have your pk fun and ruin the guild.. once again? Sounds like me, huh?

    Paraiko, really, I personally don't like the serving shit, but most in SoU did/do. It might have ruined the theme (not that T2T has been going in the direction of theme lately) but, as you probably know best as an ex-GM, one of SoU's traditions is to deal with inner matters without spreading it out and making the guild look bad, as far as I know you were not booted, not even removed from DH. Then why would you leave and start bashing SoU in every way you can with story and legend? I thought you would have moved on with DoME, but seems it didn't work out, too bad... Plus, it is not like SoU could serve off or do anything such, there was no choice. Even if that was the choice, would you prefer a serving SoU or one that can't kill in Gondor or Caras Galadhon?

    Drille, you somehow decided that I'm using alt info in all arguments or something. Give me a recent example or so..seriously. I don't see how the fact that I've become a moderator is related to my comments, not like I'm blocking anyone that flames me.. or you would be blocked?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    01 February 2006 13:51:55

    Considering the fact that Erebor is probably the safest place in the game. We do our job pretty well if thats his definition of rp!!

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 February 2006 13:40:22

    Date: 01. Feb, 2006, 2:23:45 By: Drille

    Heh, BKD never RP shit, tho back in the days they did help allies and other but that didn't really have to their will to RP, instead friendship between current leaders. And why don't BKD rp? well they don't got shit to protect anyways

    Seriously, Drille. Are you so shortsighted that you think RP is only about protecting npc's?

    Heck, protecting npc's barely happens anymore since the npc's remember who killed who. Edoras has been a safe haven for months now, and that's just an example. So by your standard, roleplay would be dead.

    Which, ofcourse, it isn't. You just don't know what it is.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    01 February 2006 13:18:29

    Who the hell cares about this log's rating, it's pretty obvious that this log was not posted to display skill.


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 February 2006 05:31:02

    Blah blah blah. If you have to justify your rating by explaining why you rated to us, it's obviously bogus.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    01 February 2006 04:54:15

    <<[new] Date: 01. Feb, 2006, 0:43:17 By: Baklen

    Did he attack?>>

    Ahh, guess not. Just re-read the log more carefully. Probably didn't have a chance to attack cause she was killed so quickly. :P

    Anyways, adjusting my rating a bit to reflect it being less of a bang than I originally thought.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    01 February 2006 02:23:45

    Heh, BKD never RP shit, tho back in the days they did help allies and other but that didn't really have to their will to RP, instead friendship between current leaders. And why don't BKD rp? well they don't got shit to protect anyways

    Maybe everything you think about baklen is true but he's one of few that would do anything for a friend. Which I probably respect most in this game

    and jabba are you kidding me? your rp sucks nuts, you as a player, suck nuts, you go around and stab some low people and hope they die, you never even hunt 2fucking rooms when you got a target nd, tho everytime you do hunt you kinda die

    Oh and this no fines shit sucks, bring back fines in some way so people don't just go around and try and kill everybody and then can just hunt off without loosing anything, now we can't even break without being an assassin, and we can't lock because they can just hunt of at any time they don't know the area, like. OH CHRIST MY TARGET IS RUNNING NORTH FROM MT I MUST HUNT OFF

    Oh and vermond everybody just hates you because you started opening your mouth to much after being a moderater here, and your constant need to talk about people alts, somedays it will bite your ass

    And I feel for you Summerwind, leaving the game is probably best thing todo but leaving because you started to hate a game that you loved for years is just sad. Tho you have been in alot of bangs just as soon as the sitution is good enough and the outcome is worht it so of course you get some enemies that will smack you when you get defensless

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    01 February 2006 01:51:30

    Go Paraiko!

    Athin, I dont hate you in any way. Vermond maybe a bit.

    What I hate is what you both are doing to the guild. I might not be here since a long time *just about 5 years*, but I have seen the guild doing great. I have partied and even I think I applied with an alt once. Then you guys took control and everything crashed. Look at SoU now!!! You just few players and your ER friends.

    And most of all, as Paraiko said, you dont give a shit about what people built long before you came.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 February 2006 01:23:31

    You're the one who uses the 'theme is dead' argument to justify yourself, Athin ;P And besides, I have more of an evil sensibility to put towards RP in my foot than your entire guild has. Just pull the fucking plug already, SoU as it is is an insult to everyone that came before.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    01 February 2006 01:20:57

    I agree with Baklen. Like, wtf. Did he attack?!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    01 February 2006 00:43:17

    Did he attack?

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    01 February 2006 00:35:52

    <<BKD isn't a moral guild.>>

    Enough said. I was mistaken.

    <<Dumbasses it was 2 on 1.>>

    Was Thalmalar not part of your party?

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:48:42

    Daywalker..How do you see anything? What guildmates were/are disgusted with my actions or Vermond's actions? For that matter, why do you specifically hate Vermond and I? :P. You claim to be inactive, therefore you must get your info from only one or so people. Biased? Probably. As to judging anothers RP, be it Servant, SoU, BkD, Galadhrim/etc..I think that is very hard. People RP in different ways, and have different views, as I told Berzelius, (and as he agreed...) unless you actually have a char in a guild, its pretty much impossible to judge them. *shrug* As for ratings...I have -never- bothered with them, and I never will. Why? Because the vast majority of them will be based on who people like or hate. They are biased.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:33:19

    You know, I'll put it simple and I'll keep it short. I may not be the best roleplayer. I may be an egotistical ass to some people. Yet, I don't lie to myself with false pretences. I don't make up shit about people so I can so call 'hate them'. I don't belittle people just to 'join the muds social scene'. I play a game. If you don't like it shut the hell up and do something about it.

    You know Apeture I find it funny that you say I join for the armoury. Yet I could of sworn when I was GV I had mmail all the time and aiglos and all sorts of ocpies and shit.

    I haven't seen GV with mmail once since I left. I haven't seen them at all since I left. Shit, I guess I'm a no skilled player who constantly has to surround himself with better players so I can feel accepted.

    Concerning uniques, I don't claim to do it all alone. I do have brethren that stand by myside to lend help when needed and I do the same. There is one thing for sure, where I walk, the ground trembles, when I speak, Arda hears it. When I set my sights on something, I attain it at no cost. I dare you to do something about it. But thats right You can't, noone can. I am the Storm , What are you? *snorts*

    On to more matters, BKD is unlike any guild in Arda, people fear what they don't understand and spew propaganda when they know nothing. Instead of shouting jibberish. Talk to us incharacter and you will know bkd. If its in a friendly manner you will be met with the hospitality of the khazads. If not well...... *chuckles*

    On to summerwind. *shrugs* I could careless she was an evil who insulted my guild, killed my guild and will die for it. I don't care if shes leaving. If you log in, your are HERE that means you are subject to the rules and to the players of Arda. I will get hear head no matter what. I think Summerwind's typist is a great person. Summerwind the character is a coward and a traitor. Lastly, Fawaz is an old old friend older than most of you here. I'll party with him till Azer feels fit to stop me or the council does. Nuff said. Now all you bitches who talk shit, log on the mud and give Baklen a tell.

    PS yah like you rp Jabba.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:22:37

    Vermond, every month one of your mates is disgusted with your and Athin's bullshit. If your idea is to remain with your boyfriend as the only ones in the guild, you are on the right path. I told you few months ago that you are ruining the guild. I see it as an inactive person miles away from the intrigues in the guild. Make your own conclusions.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:16:22

    I agree with Baklen. Like, wtf? 2 on 1.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    31 January 2006 23:07:07

    Dumbasses it was 2 on 1.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    31 January 2006 22:11:09

    *splits Apeture's skull, kills another barrel and has a barfight with his mates*

    - which he wins.... :) -


  • Author
    Summerwind [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:47:05

    Vermond - I think chances that a dwarf would think of that and raise his axe is more likely than thinking through all the stuff about serving off you have mentioned. She's already given away all the info she had anyways.

    No I have not given away all the info I know. I know a lot of things and really haven't given anything away as of yet. Will I? No really I think it's pointless, it won't fix anything. This situation is majorly screwed and this whole game is as well.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:28:40

    [new] Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 18:03:51 By: Jabba

    BKD will never be good roleplayers.

    After all the other comments, I don't have much else to say that hasn't already been said to disagree with you... except that I can also vouch that the dwarves of the Mountain DO RP. Some take it more seriously, some define it through their actions, and some (such as Valoc) can be more verbose and conversational. It's silly to blanket them all with one statement like that.

    [new] Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 19:30:40 By: Armand

    dont count your eggs before they are in the pudding.

    Armand... that's just gross. Eggs in pudding? Yuck.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:10:22

    Date: 30. Jan, 2006, 18:51:05 By: Vazroth

    If I'm not mistaken, Theadores is a former Servant and the former GM of an evil Guild. It's nice that's he now a FR and everything, but that isn't how a blood debt works. Typing 'serve no more' doesn't excuse you from past transgressions.


    What about Fawaz who happens to party with your guildmates? They level him up or so I hear. Wasn't he 'a former Servant'?

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:02:32

    And also Apeture, if you can't enjoy ' the other things in the world ' if you're spending some free time on a text-based game, then i'd say you got some serious fucking issues.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    31 January 2006 21:00:40

    Sometimes I really wish I had a FIREBEARD...

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:58:51

    And why is he activly playing t2t? and it makes me wonder...

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:47:48

    Apeture* - and if you've moved on, why are you reading the comments on this page :D

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:47:10

    I made my last comment before Aperture's was posted-

    Please Aperture, you have no idea what you are talking about, concerning myself, and the Baruk Khazad-dum. In part I was drawn for the wealth, power, and the alliance I have with my brother Baklen, but the prevalent pull of the BkD was the unrivaled sense of comradery and roleplay that exists in the Mountain. As a pledge I had already contributed one roleplay song to the library - an effort I'm sure someone who is 'Only there for the gear' would not make, was it not for their love of RP and that sense of the MUD. My stance as a roleplayer is defined well with my interactions with almost all the moral guilds of Arda - if you had a clue, you wouldn't make such biased statements :D

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:44:11

    Trempk summed up what I had to say concerning my guild's RP - Overall I disagree with banging etc, but this was simply a form of revenge. Summerwind I'm sure will be missed as is anyone who leaves after devoting so much time and energy in this place, its a sour note to leave on, but what can you expect with the current state of affairs.

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:42:36

    BkD used to be a guild I enjoyed seeing and even had the pleasure of being in, then the mud went down hill, and now it sucks. BkD then let people like Berzelius and Baklen inside who are only there for the gear.

    I'm glad I've moved on from a text game, and can enjoy the other things in the world.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:37:05

    Reminds me of Saurus.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:36:43

    And Vazroth, it's not the total score of the rating that counts, it's who rated it. 80 % is ' he killed my friend ' or ' I hate him ' so they slap a 1 to it, or the opposite.. bogus either way.

    De... Pt?

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:35:45

    Hey, a drawf who can spell 'debt!'

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:35:26

    And Vazroth, it's not the total score of the rating that counts, it's who rated it. 80 % is ' he killed my friend ' or ' I hate him ' and slaps a 1 to it, or the opposite.. bogus either way.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:30:19

    Trempk nailed it.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    31 January 2006 20:22:04

    BKD isn't a moral guild. BKD's RP can pretty much be condensed to an 'us first' mentality. You guys don't understand dwarves at all. The loth elves were ready to kill gimli, gimli was ready to kill legolas at one time. There was a large battle between men, dwarves and elves at one time, maybe you don't remember. They only banded together because they had to. They were ready to kill anyone to keep their treasure. Whats so wrong about three dwarves wanting to kill someone because that person had killed their brothers? And how can they be blamed for killing someone w/out eq when that person doesn't even go out and collect eq? And considering where they attacked I'm suprised they didn't have 5 people. Cause if she wanted to, she had a pretty good chance to get away. I can see why she didn't break though, there wasn't much of a point, they would have just kept coming back and I'm sure she doesn't want to be waiting on a pk all the time in her last days here.

    Also, when people say that BKD never roleplays or has never roleplayed, I find it pretty funny because 99% of the time, they RP a whole lot more than the person saying they don't. Its very easy to RP a dwarf, especially one in BKD. Not quite as easy as RPing a servant of sauron (sfr or er), but easy nonetheless. Their values are brotherhood and loyalty to the mountain and king and their main asperations are to kill their enemies, acquire wealth and have a good time drinking with your friends. I'd venture to say that nearly every member of BKD has done that most of the time. Then again, when one of them goes out of their way to kill someone that might be considered a possible ally, they're considered to have never RPed in their life? Thats just one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard. Saying someone isn't very good at roleplaying is one thing, but never is absolute idiocy. Sounds like something someone might say if they got their ass kicked by BKD on many occassions. OH... nevermind.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    31 January 2006 19:37:04

    <[new] Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 19:30:40 By: Armand

    dont count your eggs before they are in the pudding.>

    Got any more morals for us, Aesop? ;)

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    31 January 2006 19:30:40

    dont count your eggs before they are in the pudding.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    31 January 2006 18:52:55

    Exley, I doubt they cared about roleplay, but there's also a more 'dwarfy' approach:

    She killed my brethern and drunken mates, kill it!

    I think chances that a dwarf would think of that and raise his axe is more likely than thinking through all the stuff about serving off you have mentioned. She's already given away all the info she had anyways.

  • Author
    Summerwind [legacy]
    31 January 2006 18:21:53

    I never said I was righteous and I've been tired of bangs for a long time... even before I was expelled from being Sons of Ulfang. Kelos knows this for a fact and so do many others I've talked to. What's my point. You would think that if you feel this way that the bangs are pointless and makes one want to leave the game and not return and if there are others who feel the same that you'd gather together instead of rip each other apart. This is one character I have and while I have others you're making it so much easier for me to want to wipe the whole slate out cause it's so stupid and so rediculous.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    31 January 2006 18:06:15

    And how many others do you think are 'sick and tired of all the stupid bangs', Summerwind? How many people have chosen to leave this MUD because they don't enjoy the style of play which was forced on them by the return of the evil races? A style of play which you participated in and, as leader of the Sons of Ulfang, condoned.

    I'm sorry that you're leaving, Summerwind. It's never nice to see anybody leave, especially when it's under unhappy circumstances. But I'm afraid you don't have any room to be righteous.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    31 January 2006 18:03:51

    <<[new] Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 17:45:51 By: Kelos

    You'll be missed Summerwind...I'm sorry to see you go.>>

    My sentiments, too. I remember wandering through the Ith forest doing the level 15 quest and stumbling across you killing Rangers back when sFRs were first allowed. I stopped and chatted with you for a few moments, even though I remember thinking you were about to kill me any second. Countless raids, your excellent taste in music, etc. ;)

    If I don't get a chance to say this later, I wish you the best. Focus on the good memories when you think back to this game; it's much more rewarding.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    31 January 2006 18:03:51

    BKD will never be good roleplayers.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    31 January 2006 17:52:25

    <<Date: 31. Jan, 2006, 14:51:23 By: Vazroth

    That's a comment which I posted on an earlier log of Theadores' death, but I feel it's also applicable here. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy the log (even the perpetually cheerful Miroth rated it a one). But I can't say I'm bothered. Summerwind deserved this. And I'd kill her again without a moment's hesitation.>>

    It has less to do with Summerwind being cool (she is) and more to do with the fact that I hate bangs. 2 vs 1 is typically my limit.

    Furthermore, if you are roleplaying 'blood-debts' and all that, you should roleplay your alignments as well. I'm not sure if BKD is a moral guild in the sense that you have to have an alignment of moral or higher, but if so this isn't a very moral-like thing to do. Tell me which sounds more like a good act:

    'This person has defected from the enemy, bringing secrets and knowledge of enemy plans. Lets kill her!'


    'This person has defected from the enemy. Lets find out what she knows, and see if she'll take up arms against our now-common enemies.'

    I doubt an orc would be given leniency, but you're talking about a human (or whatever race she is). Even dwarves should recognize this simple principle: if you kill all those who surrender and switch sides, you prolong the war because everyone else will fight to the death.

    (Note: Not trying to stir up trouble, so don't take this as a personal attack. If you're not moral+ or you don't roleplay, nevermind.)

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    31 January 2006 17:45:51

    You'll be missed Summerwind...I'm sorry to see you go.

  • Author
    Summerwind [legacy]
    31 January 2006 17:43:01

    Also found it amusing it takes 3 bkd to kill a naked ex-gm of Sons of Ulfang. Yes I'm pointing out the opportunist killing again and while I can see your side of it, I see and understand most everyone's side but I highly doubt for a moment you can think of what it's like to be me. If I wasn't so set on my convictions I'd suicide. If I hadn't made a promise to Roika I'd wait for her to get out of hibernation I'd suicide just to have it over and done with cause it has gone past being old and stupid for me.

  • Author
    Summerwind [legacy]
    31 January 2006 17:36:10

    You know I didn't run cause I'm way sick and tired of all the stupid bangs and yes I am preparing to depart and while I never said that bought me a one way ticket to freedom and safety that doesn't stop me from wishing it did. As Roika put it.... departing is perma-death. So you all should be so proud of yourselves for making this game something I never want to look back on.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    31 January 2006 16:26:54

    Looks like 'abuse' of the voting system, if you ask me.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    31 January 2006 14:51:23

    Date: 30. Jan, 2006, 18:51:05 By: Vazroth

    If I'm not mistaken, Theadores is a former Servant and the former GM of an evil Guild. It's nice that's he now a FR and everything, but that isn't how a blood debt works. Typing 'serve no more' doesn't excuse you from past transgressions.

    That's a comment which I posted on an earlier log of Theadores' death, but I feel it's also applicable here. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy the log (even the perpetually cheerful Miroth rated it a one). But I can't say I'm bothered. Summerwind deserved this. And I'd kill her again without a moment's hesitation.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    31 January 2006 14:30:07

    Actually, there wasn't, and even if there was, you wouldn't know since it would be before you started mudding.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 January 2006 14:23:58

    Myrddin, there was an old saying:

    'A good SoU is a dead SoU'

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    31 January 2006 13:32:17

    I like Summerwind! In SoU or not.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    31 January 2006 12:10:10

    In that case, Im leaving. I must be cool in daywalkers eyes, at all costs!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    31 January 2006 08:09:35

    heh it seems that SoU members only become cool to Daywalker after they leave the guild :P

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    31 January 2006 06:48:45

    You always did amuse me, Daywalker.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 January 2006 06:29:49

    She was a cool girl. Unlike all other SoU jerks.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    31 January 2006 05:58:15

    I doubt she cares, she's departing anyway ;P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    31 January 2006 03:23:13

    very far that is

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    31 January 2006 03:23:05

    All the preparations for anti-huntbreaks and she didn't even run:)