Khulzder and Stribor

Posted by
Dream [legacy]
08 February 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Some Evils die.


  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    13 February 2006 11:27:13

    Exley I'm not saying lvl 13 isnt lowbie kill, but he shouldnt be in mordor as lvl 13, want to explore as lvl 13 go in BD then CU not the prod place, well, he was safe there too, and I called you noob for two reasons, first its because you post your comments here talking bad about ppls that kill lowbies when you do the same, and second BECAUSE you're one! :p

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 February 2006 11:07:38

    Actually Exley I'm nearly 100% sure Pau and all his riot ER friends ar in fact ER alts. Most of the ERs who are FR alts are there for free pk on -FRs-, who they can't pk freely with their own side. And they have killcounts of 100+. FRs don't get off thinking about making a level 9 ER to kill level 5 ERs.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2006 21:34:56

    But its perfectly ok for ER's unserving FR alts to help the rest of the ERs. And vice versa i guess.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 February 2006 16:16:50

    I hope no ainur thinks that would be against any rules, I only wanted to update it for people who use the map.

    As far as ER lands...I have mapped it before camo-ed, but I'm always worried about Kell walking by and causing a sandstorm to reveal me :)

    I usually change my title to IS MAPPING so that people would give me a break if they found me far from home, but I usually do it camo-ed anyways I guess...

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 February 2006 16:14:40

    Gotcha. Well, this alt of mine isn't meant for mapping, I just used it to map since Kelos is hibernated.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    11 February 2006 16:12:33

    3. Each character must be played as a SEPARATE character, and you must not transfer information between characters. This means you cannot create a 'disposable' character to explore new areas, and you cannot use one character to scout for another. Included in this rule are such things as: Playing your many characters as the same character, or switching characters to avoid handcuffing or attacks.

    That's from 'help multiplaying' it's not allowed to map with a ghost either.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 February 2006 16:08:41

    Are you serious? I didn't know that...why would it be illegal?

    Well, I wouldn't mind making a deal with ER's that would allow me to map places, like Umbar, NH, etc., even if it's in ER hands, but somehow I doubt that I'd be safe over there to do it, nor would they likely want me mapping their lands...but I dunno.

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    11 February 2006 15:50:36

    I'd say Kelos is an exeption though. As hes doing it for the MUD, not for personal gain (ei. hes not using alts to map so he doesnt have to go into dangerous lands...but because he has no other choice).

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    11 February 2006 15:49:59

    Damn you Vermond. I was about to say that.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    11 February 2006 15:41:44

    Kelos, last I checked it was illegal to create newbie chars just to map..

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    11 February 2006 10:06:29

    *Agrees with everything Exley has said in this log*

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    11 February 2006 04:31:11

    <<Need to have a really long takeovere by FR's of ER lands, or I guess build a newbie ER sometime.>>

    Watch out if you do. You'll have to get to level 10, and by that time you'll have fallen in love with our side of things and not want to go back. ;)

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 February 2006 00:46:05

    Ugh, Umbar will be hard...still haven't even done NH really...

    Need to have a really long takeovere by FR's of ER lands, or I guess build a newbie ER sometime.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    10 February 2006 22:58:40

    <<Actually, I updated the Lothlorien area...with a little guy I map with. I need to upload it.

    The region map will take's completely different, obviously.>>

    *pokes you* Umbar, too. ;)

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    10 February 2006 22:23:00

    Actually, I updated the Lothlorien area...with a little guy I map with. I need to upload it.

    The region map will take's completely different, obviously.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    10 February 2006 21:21:26

    <<[new] Date: 10. Feb, 2006, 20:35:02 By: Banhe

    WTF are you all whinning about a lvl 19 killing a lvl 12 in mordor, 1) WTF was he doing in mordor, the lawless land??

    2) A friend lvl 8 got 2 manned in thranduils, while he was doing lvl 10 quest, so, you ER lamers, STFU. >>

    There are countless stories of this type of thing happening on both sides of the war; not just ERs have killed lowbies. I think we can all agree on that.

    <<And for you Exley, you are nothing but a noob that is talking shit right now>>

    'Noob' is the worst insult ever, and doesn't bother me in the slightest. And there's a difference between 'talking shit' (AKA I'm better than you' I killed you; u r noob & i am not!) and intelligently debating a topic, which is what I'm trying to do whether I'm succeeding or not. Okay? Bye bye now.

    <<[new] Date: 10. Feb, 2006, 20:16:27 By: Kelos>>

    Thank you. BTW, come out of hibernation man; you need to update your maps with the new changes.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    10 February 2006 20:39:36

    Date: 09. Feb, 2006, 7:24:46 By: Exide

    Really Dream, if you should kill Lowbies... DO NOT post it!

    Some of us kills lowbies and gets away with it by not posting ;)

    Yes, you said everything here. You are a lowbie killer, you just dont post.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    10 February 2006 20:37:11

    And for you Exley, you are nothing but a noob that is talking shit right now, and Exide tried 2 times pk a lvl 13 in thrands, then now you came here to say you dont attack lowbies or something like it? go <censured>.

    And this is log is cool. I dont see anything wrong with it.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    10 February 2006 20:35:02

    WTF are you all whinning about a lvl 19 killing a lvl 12 in mordor, 1) WTF was he doing in mordor, the lawless land??

    2) A friend lvl 8 got 2 manned in thranduils, while he was doing lvl 10 quest, so, you ER lamers, STFU.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    10 February 2006 20:16:27

    Hey, I understand Exley...

    Nurzum ran around killing lowbies any chance he could get...and it made me sick. I didn't care if he was level 12...he knew was he was doing as well as if he was level 20, so to hell with newbie killers.

    That's the only time I'll cross that line.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    10 February 2006 19:22:43

    Date: 10. Feb, 2006, 18:33:03 By: Bilungada

    Yes, I want to: you are hypocritical. My source wasn't Fernando btw, someone pasted his tells to me :P

    I want to meet this Pau and 'fdl' at him personally.

    I really don't know what to say, Bilungada. If you won't take my justifications for what they are, then fine. FYI, other ERs have killed lowbies before, and when I heard about it I went out and mercied them. Could have easily killed them, but I showed mercy and told them not to kill other ERs again. Pau, though, deserved no mercy. I'm through with him, so next time you see his FR alt (cause I'm sure you know who he is) tell him he's free to play his ER with no recourse from me. Can't speak for anyone else though.

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    10 February 2006 18:33:03

    Yes, I want to: you are hypocritical. My source wasn't Fernando btw, someone pasted his tells to me :P

    I want to meet this Pau and 'fdl' at him personally.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    10 February 2006 18:01:56

    <<[new] Date: 10. Feb, 2006, 17:41:18 By: Bilungada


    [382] %% Exley: legend pau

    [383] %% Banks: did u get him exley?

    [384] %% Exley: Yep, got his ear. He didn't get a chance to quit this time.

    [385] %% Exley: It was a lowbie kill, but that bastard has it coming.

    As far as I know, Pau (lvl 9) wasn't solo'd! You, exley, had mr. noob-Exide with you... am I right? or my sources lied to me??? >>

    No, your sources didn't lie. I did indeed kill Pau, and as your source Fernando (who's now official on my shit list) told you, I did indeed have Exide with me. We ganged up and killed a lowbie. The same lowbie who was once in our legion, stole equipment from the armoury, betrayed our warlord and had her killed. The same lowbie who killed a level 5 a few days ago when he (Pau) was level 10. The same lowbie who quit in combat when someone (can't remember the name, some sniffer) hunted him down after he killed that level 5. Call me hypocritical if you want, but I have my justifications and reason for this execution, and they're a hell of a lot better than you targetting random lowbies in Kadar. And Pau is just the throwaway character for some FR alt who's just trying to stir up trouble in our lands, anyways. Legion business is just that: legion business. I don't feel the least bit shameful, or guilty, about killing Pau, and will kill any of these so called 'riot ERs' if they try to disturb our lands.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    10 February 2006 17:55:20

    Formid, I like your post.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    10 February 2006 17:47:00

    I know most of your chars (ok probably not most, you seem to create as many alts as spartan used to). Yeah you have some good logs (no I won't go into MP either), however there are a lot of bang logs on the pages too, a fair few kills on lowbies. I remember on this char you made a challenge to ER's that they couldn't kill you, and I think abborre killed you less than 12 hours later (I may have had a hand in that, I honestly can't remember).

    You seem to treat the logpage as your personal challenge to sit on the top of the most posted logs list, whereas I try and post stuff which I find cool/interesting (nothing recent unfortunately), there are about 30-40 pkill logs I just haven't even bothered to post as they're standard bountyhunter/assassin kills where the target made either no effort to break or wimpied and got lost. The only time I'll post logs which are 'standard' kills is if they're on a high profile target, like grimscar or if the kill was to prove a point. Some of your logs I will admit, even belong on the top 20 pages, there's a recent one which springs to mind. However you seem to use the machine gun approach, that being, 'If you fire enough bullets eventually you're going to hit something'. With 200+ logs on the log page, some of them are bound to be good.

    You say you may have changed and learned a lot, sure I'll go along with that, however as much as people point and laugh at the client settings I have, we all know that your client is almost as tweaked (ok as far as I know you don't use the mapper). Remember that death you took where your client 'auto-hunted' for you when you were afk.

    If I really wanted/cared to I could level up a char, wander around learning a few more of the huntbreak emotes (I still haven't bothered with half of them, these days very few people even bother to use them) and start posting kill logs with the same frequency you do. Also both you and your brother seem to have a fetish for killing with only the best gear in the game, often against very substandard gear (again with so many logs posted you're bound to find some examples where the opposite is true).

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    10 February 2006 17:41:18


    [382] %% Exley: legend pau

    [383] %% Banks: did u get him exley?

    [384] %% Exley: Yep, got his ear. He didn't get a chance to quit this time.

    [385] %% Exley: It was a lowbie kill, but that bastard has it coming.

    As far as I know, Pau (lvl 9) wasn't solo'd! You, exley, had mr. noob-Exide with you... am I right? or my sources lied to me???

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    10 February 2006 17:26:27

    Formid, if it wasnt MP to tell you all of my chars, I Would. This way you will get to read my logs and then hide yourself ashamed for what you just posted. I dont have what else to say, its all on the page. Once, I was a lame player, but I was reading logs, doing like other good players did, trying things... this is how you get good. Unlike you. You have always been a newbie and I doubt it you will change soon unless you start looking objectively on the logs and to value what people have done. No matter if you like them or not.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    10 February 2006 17:16:22

    Tuareg may have had his moments, however he'll always be known as a blowhard. (yes he did do some solo kills, including me once I think, but he'll always be known more for his overkill bangs.... sound familiar). He also had the similar habit of trash talking a lot on the logpage.

    Also you may as well say it 'Our guildhall', though I actually try to distance myself from the joke you and your brother made the guild.

    I don't remember pissing my pants at all, if I remember rightly when he was on the char that killed me (since I didn't any chars capable of hunting for my first like 7 years here) I was always trying to get a group together to try him. He was barely on those points though.

    You may have started to kill more things solo, but you were banging people for a very long time before that.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    10 February 2006 16:54:15

    And as long as I remember, you pissed your pants when there was a chance to meet him outside your guildhall.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    10 February 2006 16:53:47

    Tuareg was a very good player, actually.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    10 February 2006 15:48:08

    Dream: Myrddin, dont bother, Vermond usually speaks 90% crap just to have fun on the page. He is next-generation-Demandred

    Much better than being next the generation tuareg

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    10 February 2006 12:42:51

    Myrddin, dont bother, Vermond usually speaks 90% crap just to have fun on the page. He is next-generation-Demandred

  • Author
    Ugrim [legacy]
    10 February 2006 10:02:58

    Being a newbie in ER lands = Cool.

    Being a newbie in FR lands = Sucky.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    10 February 2006 07:43:39

    'Where doesn't matter. Mordor, West Arda, East Arda, Gondor, Harondor, Near Harad, Far Harad...Mordor 'was' different in the fact that it was fairly hard to get to, and lawsys was lacking, but that difference no longer exists. Don't fool yourselves that location makes a bit of difference. Of course, if you want to kill level 10s, go ahead.'

    What level was Pierre when you killed him in Mordor? Remember, don't fool yourself that location makes a bit of difference.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    09 February 2006 21:23:39

    'East Arda is like Near Harad, dumbass. SOR doesn't have anything important or whatsoever.'

    I refuse to speak with lamers. Go create a free race char and learn some Arda.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    09 February 2006 21:18:37

    By: Vermond

    Okay, you've West Arda, we've Far Harad. East Arda is like Near Harad, dumbass. SOR doesn't have anything important or whatsoever. Your Mordor? No way.

    Lotta quests in mirkwood, plus is a great lowbie golding zone. Not to mention RP value. Kay?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 February 2006 20:07:25

    Okay, you've West Arda, we've Far Harad. East Arda is like Near Harad, dumbass. SOR doesn't have anything important or whatsoever. Your Mordor? No way.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    09 February 2006 19:46:57

    Vermond, Free races have West Arda only. You stupid Evils have Far Harad, Near Harad and 80% of OUR East Arda. And you think you can walk and whistle around My Mordor? Damn WrOnG!

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    09 February 2006 19:05:08

    just curious, with the recent changes can an fr attack an er in mordor or does the er have to start combat. if either can start combat with each other in mordor, then *hoom* its no longer like the other places in arda except the bps.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 February 2006 18:50:58

    The 'Mordor is the battlefield, anything is expected there' excuse is so pathetic when it comes from the mouths of people (or those in the guilds of those people, since Kelos will take it literally) who were whining for evils to start mercifulling in Mordor when they actually couldn't walk in with saying a stupid password. Plus, it is not the same Mordor anymore, because practically rest of Arda became like Mordor. It is only natural that an ER will walk in Mordor - hell it is our own region, we could say that it is okay to bang a level 11 in East Arda because he must be grown up to venture in such places and it would be the same as what you said, Mordor might be dangerous overall for you (though it isn't), but it is just another area to discover for an ER.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    09 February 2006 18:45:46

    Yes, Formid, the continuation of my thought would be that those FRs who enter the ER accessible areas should be ready to get attacked.:) I do agree with you. And I do help newbies:P

    If you don't want to get attacked, stay out of trouble. If you want to experience new and interesting adventures - be ready for the other side of the coin too.

    It's like going to Iraq - you know that if you go, you may have to face certain hardships.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    09 February 2006 18:30:09


    In that case, you know going into Mordor is dangerous, just from what people have told you, and if you have any knowledge of the books, etc. From things I've read from old past VC members, when you go into Mordor for the first time, and for awhile after before you become an 'expert' should almost always expect the chance that you'll die over there, be it from an NPC or PC.

    I purposely waited until I was a higher level, and had people to show me around before I went, because I know if I was over there at a lower level, someone would likely kill me.

    I don't kill lowbies anyways, no matter what. But if you are going there, you are taking the chance of that happening. I don't condone it at all if you are a true newbie and never have been there. But I don't think there are too many of those types at this point in the game?

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    09 February 2006 18:10:29

    Formid, I help newbies all the time. Ask them. Even if you make a new FR char I will be more than glad to help you out, since you are a newbie and I like helping newbs.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    09 February 2006 17:34:13

    <<Date: 09. Feb, 2006, 14:04:27 By: Kelos

    I don't kill lowbies, but if someone is sitting inside Mordor, they are obviously an alt of someone who knows what they are doing...even at level 11. Especially FR vs ER... >>

    Not necessarily true, Kelos..we've all gotta break our Mordor-cherries at some point. I was level 13 when I went inside Mordor for the first time by myself. I'd never been there with any FR before. Didn't stay long though, and didn't explore much. Khulzder should have been more careful, but regardless, it's still a lowbie kill. *shrugs*

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    09 February 2006 17:25:53

    <<[new] Date: 09. Feb, 2006, 15:53:06 By: Bilungada

    Exley, the lowbie in question actually quit on me when i mercifulled off o finish him. At least I escaped Exley, differently from most logs you take part...>>

    *shrugs* At least I have the integrity not to kill lowbies. You should be ashamed. As for 'most logs'...blah. I've been in two logs where I died. One was my very first attempt at leading a raid party to take back our lands against Grimscar, Boffo, Crosis, etc... Of course I died, I didn't know what I was doing. The most recent log was where Dream and Masar killed me...I could have hidden out in the fireplace in Mordor and survived, but I told my friend to go in there so she would live, even if I died. Admittedly, I could have escaped had I known what I was doing, but I was in Mordor, exploring a new place, and didn't know the command to exit that place. There's a big difference from escaping a dungeon you've never been to before, and using travelto to go past BP guards. Loser. *spits*

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    09 February 2006 15:53:06

    Exley, the lowbie in question actually quit on me when i mercifulled off o finish him. At least I escaped Exley, differently from most logs you take part...

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 February 2006 15:46:41

    Whatever, I'll bite. The ER side of this game has, since they came out again, been a much friendlier place to be then the FR side. When was the last time you decided to help a level 10-12 out who you didn't know (helping your friends level up alts doesn't count), admittedly in the past few months I've not been on much, however I've lost count of the number of times some of the higher level ER's (yeah myself included) has taken the time out to grab some EQ for a lower level.

    However, the imbalance of good/evil isn't limited to T2T, take for example World of Warcraft, they had from the start a choice of Horde or Alliance, and on almost every server Alliance outnumber Horde by a large margin.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    09 February 2006 15:03:03

    (ok, statistics say most people will choose 'good' over 'evil')

    Ofcourse, with evils like you....

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 February 2006 14:58:33

    Duncan: As for Mordor - if someone has chosen to play an ER (or go to a lawless land), it means they've chosen to be on the battlefield.

    So by either going to mordor, or choosing to play an ER you've chosen to be on the battlefield.

    As an ER I decide that if you've chosen to play an FR then you've chosen to be on the battlefield that didn't stop lots of people whining when they were killed doing the sapphire sword or various other places.

    As ER's are part of the game, you can imagine that any new players we get (yeah haha) are just as likely to choose evil for their first char as they are to choose free (ok, statistics say most people will choose 'good' over 'evil')

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    09 February 2006 14:51:24

    Hi Wormy :)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    09 February 2006 14:44:24

    Cool log!!!!

    Bah, I hope they return charming:) Rangers were such gold machines with it!:)

    And on lowbie killing - it's lame if you go to Bywater and start harassing the newbies who can't break even there. As for Mordor - if someone has chosen to play an ER (or go to a lawless land), it means they've chosen to be on the battlefield.

    Anyway, awesome battle:) Pure 6. But actually it was two logs..I prefer having two logs than one but still a 6:P

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    09 February 2006 14:31:24

    Yes, I have to say that due to a recent experience with a potential mp'er, I also assume anyone in Mordor is at least an alt of someone that knows what they are doing.

    I hate alts.

    Carry on.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    09 February 2006 14:04:27

    I don't kill lowbies, but if someone is sitting inside Mordor, they are obviously an alt of someone who knows what they are doing...even at level 11. Especially FR vs ER...

    I still doubt I'd kill him, but I don't know if I could blame anyone who did.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    09 February 2006 08:49:41

    WTF, are you retards? What was he supposed to do, break the medallion and drop the whip to not kill the lowbie with them? I wouldn't post that part but in light of all the past ER-FR encounters and considering that he was in Mordor where he has so many advantages, who cares. It's not like he didn't have a chance.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    09 February 2006 08:27:34

    Exide, you are lucky you left mordor in time, or you would be the one to name the log after.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    09 February 2006 07:24:46

    Really Dream, if you should kill Lowbies... DO NOT post it!

    Some of us kills lowbies and gets away with it by not posting ;)

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    09 February 2006 06:01:09

    IF stribor was es'ed dream prbly would've died from the first backhunt :P

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    09 February 2006 03:50:08

    Where doesn't matter. Mordor, West Arda, East Arda, Gondor, Harondor, Near Harad, Far Harad...Mordor 'was' different in the fact that it was fairly hard to get to, and lawsys was lacking, but that difference no longer exists. Don't fool yourselves that location makes a bit of difference. Of course, if you want to kill level 10s, go ahead.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    09 February 2006 01:17:12

    You enter the Black Land - expect to face death. The ending part with Stribor was a classic backhunt, god damn whip hurts so bad ... another log where medallion doesn't really help you out :D

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    09 February 2006 00:43:42

    That's how I always thought. If I went to Mordor, I'd expect to be attacked, and ultimately killed as I don't know where anything is there.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    08 February 2006 23:41:36

    it isn't lame, he should stay in far harad, mordor is no place for lowbie/newbies, especially if they are alone.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    08 February 2006 23:20:13

    <<Date: 08. Feb, 2006, 21:43:12 By: Dream

    Shut up lamers, you would kill a level 10 if he is inside mordor.>>

    Thanks for speaking for everyone there. As a matter of fact, I don't, or wouldn't should the opportunity arise. Lowbie kills are beneath me, regardless of where we happen to be at the time. And it wasn't like you killed him in a few hits...he broke you, and in your bloodlust you killed 2 orcs, went and healed, then came back for him. *shrugs* It's not as bad as Obair, Shardik, and 3 others bashing Kashan when he was level 8...but it's still a lowbie kill, and it is still LAME.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    08 February 2006 22:00:16

    Does 'never' answer this?:P

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 February 2006 21:58:51

    I thought of a comment to make Saurus look bad, but I couldn't find anything better than his own.. so I'll just quote it.

    Date: 08. Feb, 2006, 21:06:25 By: Saurus Remove

    haha cool, evils suck so much

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    08 February 2006 21:58:16

    do order herd protect,focus defense,focus dodge,wimpy off,$:was backstabbed with 230 hit points somewhere near Osgiliath ! When are you going to remove 'order herd protect' from your backstab trigger?

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    08 February 2006 21:43:12

    Shut up lamers, you would kill a level 10 if he is inside mordor.

    What i cant figure out is that evils still think that they are safe in mordor. If you are lowbie go to your hole in Far Harad and dont crawl out of it.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    08 February 2006 21:18:43

    The second part of this log with Stribor was pretty good...pretty intense down to the ending. But the first part with Khulzder was LAME. Come on...a level 11? Really...if anything, you should have gone after Fernando, who is much more of a threat to FRs than Khulzder at the moment. Anyways, my rating would be higher if not for the lowbie kill...

    Couldn't help noticing Bilungada rated this a 6. This is the same person who posted a log of him PKing a lowbie, bungling it all up by having mercy on, then narrowly escaping with his life. Go figure.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    08 February 2006 21:06:25

    haha cool, evils suck so much

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    08 February 2006 19:54:21

    You offended me:(

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 February 2006 19:48:42

    I used the slang term, perhaps I should have said 'that's just plain wrong'. Sorry if I offended you (or anyone for that matter).

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    08 February 2006 19:47:53

    whats wrong with gays vermond?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 February 2006 19:44:22

    Whip and medallion on a level 11.. that's just plain gay.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    08 February 2006 19:34:29

    And they whined about hamstring...