Testament to the truth.

Posted by
Baklen [legacy]
13 February 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

An example to show how far the players of Arda have fallen and where the mud is going. *laughs* Thanks though, I mean we all know that even with 5 people Jabba probably would of failed. Yet, I'm sure his alt just wanted Aiglos.


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 February 2006 10:46:33

    Well some of them are good, anyways :p

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    17 February 2006 06:51:04

    Haha, Berzelius. Ok. No comment :p We all love and enjoy your logs, they're best. Pure 6es, all of em!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    17 February 2006 00:38:08

    Berzelius, Nyx has awesome logs but for some reason she doesn't like posting..which is a loss for the humble log viewers like me.

    I'd gladly come back if Sime gave me 350k:P I just can't see myself having time to make it:)

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    17 February 2006 00:22:24

    Yeah, you're very wrong on that one, she's sent me plenty of logs twice as interesting as half the crap you post.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    16 February 2006 23:21:05

    And Nyx its not worth posting anymore, because you don't have anything worth posting =)

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    16 February 2006 23:20:19

    Come back Duncan :D

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    16 February 2006 11:41:28

    While I totally agree on your comment, Sime, what do you want for 350k gold?:P I feel like coming back for a while to kick some ass:)

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    16 February 2006 02:44:57

    And yes Ecidon's ban on my Logomania account was lifted....

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    16 February 2006 02:43:14

    ER's stupid mistake for the mud, afaik i've never mudded for the shits and giggles that seems the only reason ppl play now. the mud has been dead for me since the ER release and idiotic warscape. We all mudded for the uniqueness of t2t, nows its just a crossbreed of mmorpgs and fps's. With the lewd addition of griefing being thought of as a good thing for playability......Why im still around. Well would you just be able to up and drop 9mil gold/years work...nope...still waiting for something worth while to spend it on....maybe the event will have something expensive :)

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    15 February 2006 22:04:27

    I don't post Duncan, anything at all anymore :p It's just not worth it.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    15 February 2006 17:31:47

    If we wanted to brag, we would have posted the log.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    15 February 2006 17:18:03

    Wow, so many comments!

    Nyx, start posting damn you!:P

    Baklen, I don't think most of the players are going to recognize skill even if they bump into it. So, basically, just bang the hell outta them:) There's nothing wrong in bangs anyway. Actually, one wrong thing is that you get 8 people bragging that they killed you. I know the feeling but oh well..just ...hack and slash:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    15 February 2006 03:45:01

    Who gives a fuck, I'm just saying you are all tools for 8manning me, nuff said.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    14 February 2006 19:58:11

    <3 Calenril :D

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    14 February 2006 16:45:53

    Mordor is evil territory, judging by the warscape. How can you argue that it's not evil? It's even labeled as such. The Moral Land of Mordor.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    14 February 2006 13:34:23

    Kilin.. I'm not whining, I was just bringing up that it could be a lot worse for him. Baklen, so is it okay if you bang someone that in your opinion doesn't do shit but not when it is done to you?

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    14 February 2006 11:31:42

    It's sad Vermond. You died almost three months ago, yet your still whining about it.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    14 February 2006 10:43:52

    I hear alot of talking Formid but no action. Lets roll sometime. As I said I adapt, its just a matter of time before I'm fed up and just hand you the shit you hand me. (IE massive gangbangs, massive raids, etc etc) But as I said, lets bring it to the mud. Log in and we will have a tassle.

    Please recount the last time you saw me in a bang, since I haven't been in a raid party for months. In fact the last raid party I joined in on I went solo completely seperately from the rest of the raid party (different area too). I'm mostly idle when I log on though ocasionally I gear up, it's not like it's hard now that I can't get attacked doing it, though hopefully that'll get fixed soon, removes the challenge.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    14 February 2006 05:31:16

    Cogline logged on the other day :)

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    14 February 2006 01:47:19

    Wtf is so unbalanced about dying when 7men attack you? Sure, it's pretty lame, but unbalanced?

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    14 February 2006 01:31:48

    Seems annoying without fade. In my book that was a clean escape. :)

    happened to me once when I played, getting attacked by many. It kind of causes one to chuckle when it happens, doesn't it?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    14 February 2006 00:47:06

    Hahahahaha..hahaha..hahahaahha. Stfu already, you people are dumb :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 February 2006 00:01:29

    I get the best eq and best weapons and best healing because of this shit. You think this is the first time? Not really. This is the first time I got careless and thought it wouldn't happen. My mistake. I get all the best gear cause I can and will try to kill 5 people at once solo. I carry all this healing and phials and vials so I don't get fucking owned cause everyone and their mothers gangbang. Oh , Vermond I'm not saying I never gangbang, cause I do, I do it to lame assess who don't do anything. Then run their mouths like they can actually do something. On a side note I have refused to gangbang certain people. Its not hard to get a party together and own, not hard at all. It gets boring. I hear alot of talking Formid but no action. Lets roll sometime. As I said I adapt, its just a matter of time before I'm fed up and just hand you the shit you hand me. (IE massive gangbangs, massive raids, etc etc) But as I said, lets bring it to the mud. Log in and we will have a tassle.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    13 February 2006 22:08:41

    Damn you Cogline, you and your lightning, wherever you are.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    13 February 2006 21:15:22


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 February 2006 20:46:19

    I got 8 manned with dark arrows once, thats better than getting killed with dark arrows and lightning though I guess.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 18:24:44

    That's true.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    13 February 2006 18:22:25

    But you are more than happy to post comments on this 'stupid' log page :p

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 18:11:13

    oh, I see. Thanks for enlightening me!

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    13 February 2006 18:07:48

    [new] Date: 13. Feb, 2006, 14:58:40 By: Vermond

    and it is not like you died in one round like I did :P

    Vermond, you died because you suck. Baklen died because the MUD is unbalanced, cant you see that? baklen is so much better than you.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 17:04:13

    It's true.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 17:02:08

    Yeah right

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:45:34

    Drille, about 20 ears on my necklace are solo kills. Just because I don't post logs on this stupid page to brag, doesn't mean I don't kill people solo.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:44:45

    I just don't see why you seem to always take every criticism against the opportunistic killing done by bounty hunters so personal. (Of course, not only BHs do that).

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:36:55

    I should really stop commenting.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:34:40

    Filch, I never claimed to be a great player, I'm ok. My point is it doesn't take a lot of skill to kill anyone these days. It also doesn't take a lot of skill to escape either.

    I still enjoy playing a bountyhunter, however it's a profession which has a use which is different to an assassin. We can't stalk people for hours and attack people when weak, we're an opportunistic strike force. The other issues I brought up with ambush and hamstring are in my eye's bugs which need to be fixed.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:31:17

    I'm saying that I don't use it to enforce my arguments in a habitual way, but I fail to remember any instances I have brought it up into public, except one which earnt me my only warning since I started mudding.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:27:58

    Vermond, are you saying you've never brought up MP info in public?

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:26:08

    Haha, I got to the hamstring reducing to 50% of your speed and stopped reading, what a load of bullshit. But after a while I actually read the rest, still, it's just a load of the same old 'playing bountyhunter is/was incredibly hard so me killing anyone is a sign of my elite skill you and your country/guildmates suck morals are whiners with all the advantages' bullshit:P

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:25:57

    Ok, Drille. I've stopped laughing now. I'll reply soon.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:16:14

    short enough?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:16:04


  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:14:51

    Dude, shorten up the comments for those of us with ADD.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 February 2006 16:03:28

    You obviously have no idea what it's like to play a bountyhunter. It is near impossible to actually go and stalk someone, since I cannot camouflage, I can only sit still hidden, so I can't stalk my prey for an hour then backstab when they get low. However, what I did do was constantly run scouts of mordor and then ambush people inside mordor (at the healer) or, more usually outside the gates.

    Yeah I did some opportune kills, on people who should know better, it was well known I would often stay hidden in the sapphire sword (hell grimscar and rekkless started stalking me there), I had another couple of spots as well. Obviously I can no longer do that since my spots were in FR territory and I cannot attack there.

    Drille, with regards to the multiambush, you're once again confusing me with your guild/country mates, I actually have morals and standards and considered multiple ambushing (players anyway) bug abuse. I have reported almost every bug I have found to the ainur. Including a moving ambush bug where I could ambush anyone, repeatedly, without them moving. Yeah I took patrols out using multiple ambush, however with a sub 10 minute respawn rate on the patrols and with warnings going out every 30 seconds if I'm not hidden how exactly am I supposed to make a stealth attack to someone I'm supposed to be killing if my name is being broadcast all time the whilst I spend 10 minutes trying to kill a patrol which will respawn by the time I have finished killing it. You morals have it easy, Grab a sapphire sword and the our patrols go down in about 10-15 hits, we don't have any weapons with anywhere near that amount of power, even the whip/mels doesn't have that kind of damage output.

    PK scripting ? You mean like your friend skyman does. People make a hell of a lot of my client, I have my mapper, and thats about all I have for when I'm pking someone (people will say I have buttons mapped to anti huntbreaks, which is true, however very few of them work as I haven't bothered to go around getting the various emotes). All the PK work I have done is without the client. The only advantages I get from it is being unable to be gotten lost. If I was really bothered by the way, I could script a PK bot which would work without hamstring, your claim about the 4x making it possible is complete bullcrap.

    I have never once multiambushed a player, except when the player knew it was coming (when I was testing out ambush to see what it was capable of) and had their permission to do it. By people who know how to huntbreak, I assume you mean people who know how to run to a battlepoint and back, since I haven't seen anyone properly break me in months. The last person to actually try to break me was Kalas (yeah thats how long ago it was) and I triggered that one. I have killed several other people who knew how to break as well, some by locking people up, none of the others even bothered to go to a break I could trigger, they just ran straight for a battlepoint, there's nothing I can do about that, except try to maximise the distance between where I attack and a battlepoint and using hamstring to try and slow that person down before they get there.

    With regards to hamstring, it was balanced as it was, just not in parties what it has become is more than nerfed. It reduces you to ~50% of your speed, for a lot less time and takes 40ep. However if I try to hamstring again before that time has run out then it costs me 20ep (liken this to every attempted headbutt you try costing you 20ep, regardless of whether you get the too soon message).

    Hunting has been completely broken because of the ambush change. If I try to go after 2 people I am completely unable to. I cannot just 'hunt' someone unless I have already ambushed them, and I now cannot ambush for 1-2 minutes after I have ambushed someone. This means I cannot kill one target and then go after the second target as I would be unable to hunt them. There would have been several ways to fix multiple ambushes without breaking hunt but the ainur in their wisdom decided fixing it like backstab would be best. They could have for instance made it so that you 'can' ambush someone, however if the ambush is in that 2 minute timeframe the target will get a message similar to the failed backstab message, so no instance damage but the hunt would still begin.

    You obviously (although you should, again your guild/country mates have done it enough) have no idea what spreekilling is. Taking out 1-2 targets a week by playing the waiting game is definately not spreekilling. It's also been stated many times by the ainur that it is not possible to spreekill level 19-20's (since they should know better to avoid being killed). Every kill on my necklace is either level 19 or level 20. I haven't ever killed anyone lower than 17 (might have killed 1 16, I forget) on this character though I have mercifulled a few.

    I'd probably kill a few more people in mordor, if people didn't go in either in 5-10mans or only stay there for the 2-3 minutes it takes to grab an OCP/ice staff/whatever. Yeah I know some people do stay longer, solo however I'm not on that much currently and I don't see it (those people also tend to be wearing the best armour, best shield and wielding one of the best weapons in the game, with tons of healing. Yet they still think it's abuse when they get attacked and whine that it should have been solo. Yeah baklen I'm talking about you)

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:36:59

    Thats the huge fucking problem, through all the time I've been here any PoL would have considered it spreekilling when you go to a place check who is there and just kill them, and then do the same thing every time you log in and rack up like 50 kills. There is nobody that actually aim for targets. Old style, spent 1000ep just finding and waiting and waiting. And sure congratz you did some kills. I'm not sure if you did kill anyone that actually knew how to break but with old hamstring and ambush was just a joke. you could multiambush if you had any brains. with hamstring gave you 4x as much time and even gave pk scripting a chance because of the time hamstring gave. It gave you a chance to hunt off because of course you can think and read everything when they move like 4 rooms every combat round. It was a joke and I can't say anyone that killed alot of people with that abuse would make them a great player, of course I know some of them are good players but that has nothing todo with there time as a bountyhunter

    and it was a fucking joke that people didn't get nuked for multiambushing patrols and players and everything when bartoss got hit with a hammer on his penis for using something that was coded and should have been thought about

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:33:26

    'so what, you talk MP every time you can' That was the third, sorry. I never said your alt did 'that and your alt did this', though I might have said you have done 'this and that before so don't whine about it' meaning your typist, that's barely MP info, hell you still haven't come up with even a single phrase.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:29:58

    Drille: I'm still waiting for a good player to switch side and maybe pull some solos off to actually show that isn't impossible

    I'm not going to claim I'm good, but every ear on my necklace was solo, and I did a hell of a lot before I got the necklace too. I haven't done anything much since the changes to ambush and hamstring but I imagine I could pull off the same things, since I wasn't really relying on banging or massive amounts of special moves. The hamstring change could be a bit awkward but nothing too bad since I tend to pick places where people will be coming out low, as could the lack of being able to attack people in their own lands, but would be interesting, I just have some re-exploring to do first.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:22:22

    now thats a lie, it's just 2 times that I said you talked MP and the other time we talked about my C. and I never said you did do legend X, legend Y. You just say on the main comm like, well your typist have looted that before, your alt have looted that before. ask athin, we said it on the comm and he said like, well he aint really aiming for MP but he aint that good on not doing it

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:17:54

    The number of times we have talked in last few months: 3

    The number of times you've managed to find proof of me bringing up MP info: 0

    The number of times you accused me of doing so without proof: 3

    The number of times I told you that it is bs without you starting it: 1

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:17:02

    and 6 people of this 7man party used that 'bug' too. it's not even a fucking bug, I'm not sure what they are going after but it's prolly just poor coding that will be fixed

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:13:35

    so what, you talk MP every time you can, I've said it like twice, and you are stuck on it like I told your mom shes fat. this party used the same 'bug' and we didn't, to actually get that 'bug' to work then you have to leave mordor to, which you did so come on.

    And alright it was a fucking lame ass kill (and I'm glad they actually did change some changes but they shouldn't have fucked backstab anyways.) but hiding and stealing handhealing and all gold is equally lame. so we killed you for my phial, AND we we're like 4 people and I made sure not to double tap you so don't whine to me because I'm pretty proud of what went down

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:06:21

    bullshit, you had at least one more person to backstab, you would probably have gotten another party if you failed again, even without the strike and abusing the mordor-stop-combat bug, you managed to get me from 230 to 30 in one round before.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:05:14

    Okay, ignore any solos done by ERs and any bangs done by FRs and I'll call you Drille. Now he'll start saying around that I've somehow placed MP info in this to get my way.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:05:04

    You didn't train rm, thats your bad, You didn't have any eq, that is your bad, you are a thief, that is your bad. We one rounded you because of what you are/did. If we did the same combo on baklen he woudn't have died, lost 100hp maybe

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    13 February 2006 15:02:32

    I'm just so suprised Jabba did leave gh with only 6 people with him, and untop of that, he did leave mordor too! for about 25rooms, but he's getting there, soon we will spot him on haradim, not solo, but with tops 5 friends!

    sorry baklen but look at your opponents, not even one decent player.

    I'm still waiting for a good player to switch side and maybe pull some solos off to actually show that isn't impossible

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:58:40

    and it is not like you died in one round like I did :P

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:58:17

    Baklen, seriously, I have seen you raiding ER lands with up to 15 people around you, and you would all bang anyone you see... not saying it is bad, but let's not blame others when you do the same thing...

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:51:24

    I've never fallen to your blade, Baklen, and what's the point in having a code of honor if you don't follow it?

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:37:44

    Nice and all, but 8man bangs got seriously nerfed with that new change. Wouldn't have got too far if 4 of those guys had backstabbed and the others were triggered to headbutt.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:03:29

    On a side note if I used aliases in cu I might of got to well a hell of alot faster and made it out alive.

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:02:51

    No one deserves the prestige of being 8 manned, last one who really deserved it was Fjant i think where like 10 people killed him at rhos, but i wasnt there so am not too sure. I think Vallejo dodged an 8 man bang once.

    Not to take anything from baklen, 7 people were eating from his back for a long time before they eventually got him which means that they actually needed that many to get him. Props to Baklen for sustaining that long.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 February 2006 14:02:35

    Nah, I'm sure I'll make your character Suicide in the future Perry. As for the rest of you, you all have fell to my blade. I should of known it was going to be like that. It's my fault for being ignorant. I hold myself above mundane shit like this. I have a code of honor for myself. You know, no corpse looting, quest stealing and major gangbanging. Yet, what I ment by that title was that evils think they can just do whatever they want because they are evil. Maybe they can maybe they can't. It all comes back in the end anyways. Unless your like Nyx who doesn't do jack shit but gangbang and when about to die she quits in her inn trapped. It's just gear, I should of dropped it. I forgot Core wasn't an assassin though. Nice try. See you soon evils!!!

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    13 February 2006 13:45:39

    An example to show how far the players of Arda have fallen and where the mud is going.

    Im sorry Baklen..but you saying this sort of made me smile.

    FYI: We didnt plan on 8 manning you, 2 seperate parties were there, and I know I had no clue the other party was there until we walked in right before you. We had about 6 seconds or so to say oh, hi! how are you?

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    13 February 2006 12:46:53

    too bad we misunderstood each other. maybe i could have saved him/retrieved the gear.

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    13 February 2006 12:26:37

    I got 8manned at level 10 once. 8man double tapped! It was so cute.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 February 2006 11:53:51

    And my corpse reset at the same time as the room, with all my EQ in it.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 February 2006 11:53:03

    The worst part about this log is that I somehow died to a variag on pelennor while reading it.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 11:30:00

    Mail me that video, Nyx.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 February 2006 11:24:08

    8man baklen, I see 7 man ? Either way thats sooo last year, I was 8manned 3 times last year, once I got away the other two I died. Interesting that some of the people commenting that this is lame were on those 8man's (and no I wasn't deep in enemy territory I was at osgiliath if I remember rightly).

    This may have been about gear, but maybe not, you had 3 uniques on you and you were in mordor, what did you expect, to be left alone to carry on gearing up?

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    13 February 2006 10:51:19


  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    13 February 2006 10:51:13

    lol @ pingu

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    13 February 2006 08:16:02

    With the new changes? Not all that many, don't worry a few er's will still die by other weapons i am sure.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    13 February 2006 07:16:56

    I wonder how many ERs Aiglos would have attacked this boot had that not happened.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 February 2006 06:05:34

    I'll bet Dream is so bitter because Lux tricks him out of his gear all the time :P

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    13 February 2006 05:26:43

    Ah and, about the log - what can I say, I'm just really sorry I didn't log it when my ER got 10men'ed in evil lands twice, so I can post it and cry. But after that happened, I figured maybe I won't go where there's 10 FR's expecting me with more than a few hunters. Maybe you could figure the same?

  • Author
    Lux [legacy]
    13 February 2006 04:12:42

    Spread the luv dream!

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    13 February 2006 03:57:25

    And Baklen, you are talking about Lux, the big newbie tricker.

    HA HA, go screw some newbie so that you can take the gear he spent MANY HOURS of his RL time to get. Pathetic... Dude you suck more then Vermond, I swear!

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    13 February 2006 03:54:46

    Actually, there is nothing wrong in killing someone inside CU.

    But this comment by Lux is retarded. Since when is mordor your terotory?

    Come there alone and your dead.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    13 February 2006 02:22:12

    'An example to show how far the players of Arda have fallen and where the mud is going. *laughs* Thanks though, I mean we all know that even with 5 people Jabba probably would of failed. Yet, I'm sure his alt just wanted Aiglos.'

    Lux is correct. It's a game; you were deep in enemy territory. Did you expect them to let you get away with it? If you did, you're a fool.

    Awesome log though.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    13 February 2006 02:21:18

    AND he came out alive too, just nicely suntanned! It was pretty spectacular. I made a video of it, just let me know if you wanna see it!

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 February 2006 02:09:38

    Then I logged on my alt, went to Mount doom and dived into the lava and retrieved the spear.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    13 February 2006 02:08:27


    Darkness surrounds you.

    Sammath Naur (Chambers of Fire)(cracks and out)

    =HP:230 EP:112 MOR= cracks

    The Cracks of Doom(out)

    =HP:230 EP:114 MOR= set autowield off

    Variable updated: autowield

    =HP:230 EP:114 MOR=

    get spear from sheath

    You see more than one sheath. Using the first of the following:

    on your person: a spear sheath (worn)

    on your person: a studded green baldric (worn)


    =HP:230 EP:114 MOR=

    toss spear

    You toss Aiglos, icicle of Gil-galad into the Cracks of Doom.

  • Author
    Lux [legacy]
    13 February 2006 01:53:57

    Baklen, if there was an er inside erebor with whip, I can GURANTEE you that there would be a LOAD of you dwarves and morals trying to make sure he doesnt get out alive. Thats the nature of the game when you drive that far into enemy territory. Chill out man, what fun are places like Cu and mordor without that risk factor?

    As for jabba and his alt, i watched nyx toss that thing into mt doom. :( Thats not a nice accusation, it was MY idea to go get you, no one elses.

    though who all thinks it sucks you cant attack in the well?????? Talk about disapointing!