Amusing Tidbits. Still amusing.

Posted by
Fimbu [legacy]
14 February 2006 00:00:00

Some things never change.

Times are rough in Arda. Normal codes of behavior are shot to hell. 
Chaos reigns.

% Doirin: Nasira is in South Rhovanion at the Wilderness.
% Doirin: Nasira is in Harondor at Kadar
% Levon: summerbich is out and about in kadar
% Halbarad: thats not needed, Lvon
% Halbarad: no need to insult randomly
% Levon: That's every need.
The cut in your leg aches painfully.
% Bap: nasira in kadar, temp, i guess
% Doirin: Nasira is in Gondor at Pelennor Fields. back!
% Gilstro: F*** this, I'm getting on my ER :P

Irritating, flaky, socially backward people rule the comms. 

% Anguss sing let the sun shine... let the sun shine in... the sun shine in...
% Isengoire grabs his ears and falls on the ground into the fetal position screaming,'make it stop'
% Kavin: of the age of aquarius
% Anguss: Fifth Dimension is way cool,bro :)
% Isengoire: no NO its hair NOT HAIR
% Anguss: long beautiful hair...
% Anguss giggles
% Isengoire: omg i thought no one would have known what i was talking about
% Anguss: shhh
% Isengoire: *smirks* you have points in my book anguss...
% Anguss: well we are old farts like Mithrandir spending years searching texts :)
% Anguss: nerdy, but not dorky
% Anguss: when the moon is in the seventh house
% Anguss: and Jupiter aligns with Mars
% Isengoire: and jupiter aligns with mars
% Isengoire: omg
% Anguss: eeee!!!
% Kavin: Alright, guys, get a room.
% Isengoire: okay now im seriously questioning our sexuality at this moment
% Anguss: lol

But a few brave souls...

[ Chat ] Mithgil: When the first modern maps of Sweden were drawn up, do you think the Swedes thought, "Oh fuck, our country is shaped like a fat penis"?
[ Chat ] Yun: Probably more like, Fuck yeah! Our country is shaped like a fat penis!  Take that, Norway!

Soldier on with one conviction:
In a world ruled by idiots...

The ghost of Dande
Last on: 1m 8s ago.                       
Age: 3d 22h 40m 52s                       
Can be mailed: Dande@Asubuhi
Dande is a member of the AotWU legion.
Info: I discovered PK. My life has new meaning!!!!! 

Opportunities for absurdist humor

^ (OOC) Bogrim: Ainur, the MUDos is telling me that I have no heartbeat
^ (OOC) Berzelius: quest some defribulators
^ (OOC) Toby: You heartless bastard!
^ (OOC) Tavor: Toby, you took the words right out of my mouth.
^ (OOC) Bogrim: I need to see the wizard of Arda
^ (OOC) Urgnath: har har har
^ (OOC) Toby: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Offensive jokes

^ (OOC) Spurv: so, idleman, i hear you can't get it up.
^ (OOC) Spurv tries to light a fire.
^ (OOC) Idleman: Sarys' father is an inveterate liar.
^ (OOC) Spurv: oh well, was worth a try
^ (OOC) Spurv: aww, i just missed idlewoman
^ (OOC) Spurv: i bet she's the woman of my dreams.
ll idlewoman
Idlewoman the hobbit Orc-target (Impartial)
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: female
Age: 14s
^ (OOC) Spurv: something pretty that could sit in the
  corner of my room and shut the hell up.

And flat out cruelty

[ Playtester ] Dorf hates it when waterways are shifted without notice.
): shifts Dorf's mom's waterways.
HP:220 EP:220 ): shifts Dorf's mom's waterways.
[ Playtester ] Dorf: Or perhaps they haven't shifted.  I simply can't
     "land ne" or "land se" or the like.
[ Playtester ] Dorf: Anyone up there know why?
[ Playtester ] Dorf: Never mind again.  It's inconsistent.  I can land 
     in some places, but not where I usually can.
tell dorf what's the PT prompt?
You tell Dorf: what's the PT prompt?
Dorf tells you: (
( Shut up.
[ Playtester ] Paraiko: Shut up.
tell dorf thanks
You tell Dorf: thanks
Dorf tells you: You're welcome.
tell dorf hehehe
You tell Dorf: hehehe
HP:220 EP:219 [ Playtester ] Dorf: Bah to you.

Will provide enough logs to fill another Amusing Tidbits.
So, Enjoy!

Jasumin says in Westron: piracy...member of      CoU...interesting coincidence?...

[43] ^ (OOC) Kir: I wish I had a large penis.
[46] ^ (OOC) Anguss: its ok, Kir if ye have a 12 inch tongue
[47] ^ (OOC) Kir: I don't think I got that either.
[49] ^ (OOC) Idleman: Anguss, you've clearly never given head to a  

[510] ^ (OOC) Quintin: Why did snoop dog carry an umbrella?
[511] ^ (OOC) Kavin: It was raining men
[512] ^ (OOC) Quintin: fo drizzle

--- Connected on Monday, January 16, 2006, 8:14 PM --- 
****** UNREGISTERED copy of MUSHclient! 
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|  |   |  |  | /   The              /   /          \/              __/       
|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
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The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8 

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Last logon:  Mon Jan 16 20:37:31 2006 from 

A tavern room for gathering(d, w and s) 
 The board of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim [19 notes] 
HP:230 EP:230 =) You are now ignoring Scat. 
HP:230 EP:230 =) 
--- Disconnected on Monday, January 16, 2006, 8:14 PM --- 
--- Connected for 41 seconds --- 

% Nimrod didnt play before the movie :P
% Brock did'nt either:)
% Baklen: You all suck:)
% Rowen: Yes Baklen, I did.
% Brock got into LotR because of the movie!
% Levon: Baklen, on the other hand, played before the book.

[956] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: Someone should form Idlers Against Sauron. I'd join that. We could have like, charity idling sessions and whatnot.
[957] ^ (OOC) Dorf: Idle-a-thons.
[958] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: Yes!
[959] ^ (OOC) Roika: I idled in your mom last night
[960] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: Did you tape it?
[961] ^ (OOC) Dorf: And that's how people die of carbon monoxide poisoning.
[962] ^ (OOC) Roika: No cameras
[963] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: That's too high brow for the comm, Dorf.
[964] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: Like my comparing the Crimson Canyon to Freud's Vagina Dentata. Those kinds of things dont get laughs.

[731] ^ (OOC) Toby: So.
[732] ^ (OOC) Tevildo: I demand ice cold fo'ties for my guild's bar. Immediately.
[733] ^ (OOC) Anguss: elves
[734] ^ (OOC) Reorx: First comm.
[735] ^ (OOC) Athin: Not really

[114] ^ (OOC) Fimbu: B 23
[115] ^ (OOC) Draco: bingo
[116] ^ (OOC) Fimbu: Did I mention, the prize is that you 'comm off' when you win at Bingo.
[117] ^ (OOC) Jasumin: That's not a Bingo card he's playing's a B card
[118] ^ (OOC) Draco: no you didnt
[119] ^ (OOC) Jasumin: you mean he actually didn't...or are you trying to be ghetto?

Larso hits Guard.
Guard misses Larso.
^ (OOC) Anguss: Thai food is better though
legend larso
Larso Sandheaver the hobbit Mastermind (Angelic) 
On for:  1h 55m 6s                        Gender: male
Age: 15d 17h 32m 46s                      (Guildmaster) 
Can be mailed: Larso@Bywater              Larso has recorded a life story.
Larso is the GM of the Michel Delving Mathom Society.
Info: Dreamers often lie. 
HP:180 EP:167> 
Larso hits Guard.
Guard misses Larso.
Larso hits Guard hard.
Guard misses Larso.
Guard says in Westron: I'm used to agony. Bloody battle is nothing!
    You are in the armour exhibit of the Mathom-House.  The walls are
covered with different types of armour from different time periods.
In the center of the room is a glass display case that contains the most
 magnificent shield you have ever seen. It is a jewel encrusted shield
donated to the museum by King Dain of Erebor.
    The only obvious exit is east.
 Larso Sandheaver the hobbit Mastermind (Angelic)
 A hobbit boy is standing here.
 An uncomfortable guard.
HP:180 EP:167> 
Larso hits Guard hard.
Guard misses Larso.
You roll on the floor laughing.

[327] % Chewie: and some patrol almost raped me next to rhos
[328] % Laon: That's the worst thing
[329] % Summerwind: ouch
[330] % Chewie: strange he hunted off after few rounds

[ 9:40PM ] Vildoran: google talk
[ 9:41PM ] Otoron: No.
[ 9:41PM ] Otoron: google chat!
[ 9:41PM ] Zavosh: not the voice thing
[ 9:41PM ] Zavosh: this is like MSN
[ 9:41PM ] Zavosh: yeah
[ 9:42PM ] Vildoran: eh, google talk worked as an IM service too :P
[ 9:42PM ] Otoron: Your mother worked as an IM service.
[ 9:45PM ] Otoron: So. How bout that local sports team?

[792] ^ (OOC) Scat: Rekky. Felagund is whose surname AND what does it mean?
[793] ^ (OOC) Scat: Hint: Related to the last question.
[794] ^ (OOC) Rekthorne: finrod, hewer of caves
[795] ^ (OOC) Scat: Awfully fast for an awfully hard question.
[796] ^ (OOC) Draugluin: A select few of you are scaring me.
[797] ^ (OOC) Rekthorne: just read it not too long ago
[798] ^ (OOC) Rekthorne: with that, i afk
[799] ^ (OOC) Kavin: That wasn't a hard question :P
[800] ^ (OOC) Kavin: Well, maybe the hewer part.
[801] ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: hewer of caves?
[803] ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: sounds like my old nickname back in highschool!
[804] ^ (OOC) Draugluin: Caves, not Cakes.
[805] ^ (OOC) Scat: Crusaderr gets a point.
[807] ^ (OOC) Scat: So does Draugluin.
 HP:77 EP:104

Cabersmom tells you: have you seen my son?

[ Chat ] Vazroth: I got banned from both comms
[ Chat ] Vazroth: For saying "Someone, thou art lame" on the IC comm.
[ Chat ] Vazroth: And then for saying "I hope that whoever banned me from the IC comm suffers a personal tragedy in later life" on the main comm.

^ (OOC) Dorf is AMAZING!  "A mountain pass(w and e)...A mountain
     side(cave, w and e)...A goblin...You are too busy to make an
     attack!...Goblin has died."
^man, you must be really, really ugly :P
^ (OOC) Bilungada: man, you must be really, really ugly :P

% Baklen: Wait
% Baklen: thats Carver
% Baklen: Wanna know whats funny?
% Baklen: That elf saved my life the other day
% Baklen: I'm so ashamed
% Baklen: an elf
% Baklen: saving the Storm
% Balok: Did he distract the enemy with a long and pompous emote?
% Balok: Which took them so long to read, that in the mean time you
% Zenith: fdl

^ (OOC) Dakar: Ok, here's the run down.  At school, I have a female
     stalker who sent me 10 text messages in the space of 5 minutes.  
     is not someone who I would go out with at all.  She thinks I have 
     idea who she is.  How do I huntbreak her?
^ (OOC) Paraiko: Murder her pet
^ (OOC) Paraiko: As a warning
^ (OOC) Ziiry: you can start by not asking for advice on the mud
^ (OOC) Rowen: Break her cellphone?
^ (OOC) Dakar: I already had a girl say "excuse me, this is Dakar's
     girlfriend" to her on the phone.
^ (OOC) Rehsif: confront her face to face
^ (OOC) Rehsif: be like
^ (OOC) Rehsif: look biatch, i will stuff you in a locker
^ (OOC) Rehsif: and call in a bomb threat
^ (OOC) Dakar: Or I could pk her.
^ (OOC) Rehsif: you will be in there for at least 24hrs before they 
^ (OOC) Rowen: Whatever it is, it needs to be EXTREME
^ (OOC) Adaron: Run to the bathroom, then try and hide in a stall.  If 
     enters, run back out, and hope you get away before she follows. If
     she triggers, you're screwed.
^ (OOC) Dakar: You're right, blast it Adaron.
^ (OOC) Paraiko: I maintain that a cat's head on a fencepost would 
     her off.
^ (OOC) Dakar: She just called me twice but I didn't answer either.  Do 
     answer the next call or pk her?
^ (OOC) Drogian: hav teh adminz nuke her
^ (OOC) Dakar: LOL that be gud log
^ (OOC) Thenardi: Nah.  Best way to get rid of her is to get her to 
     t2t, then ruin her life.
^ (OOC) Drogian: ya dud

[ Chat ] Otoron: I mentioned this weeks ago.
[ Chat ] Otoron: I see you listen to me about as well as my roommate.
[ Chat ] Otoron: Only suck less cock.
[ Chat ] Caber: Your roommate must suck an awful lot of cock to outdo 
[ Chat ] Otoron: He does.
[ Chat ] Otoron: I assure you.
[ Chat ] Caber: I'm trying to beat Matt and Greg in the standings, or
else I wouldn't even be doing this much.
[ Chat ] Otoron: I know.
[ Chat ] Greg: Wtf is that supposed to mean?
[ Chat ] Greg: Shut up, Caber. :P
[ Chat ] Otoron: But Matt has like eight years on you.
[ Chat ] Otoron: Of heavy duty.
[ Chat ] Otoron: Greg, not so much.
[ Chat ] Otoron: I mean, he does live in a small village and is still
keeping it on the DL.
[ Chat ] Caber: He's also got a boundless supply of youthful energy.
[ Chat ] Greg: You can shut up too, Otoron.
[ Chat ] Otoron: Oh, I was finished.
[ Chat ] Otoron: Which is something I'm sure you're quite familiar 
[ Chat ] Otoron: Oh. I slay myself.
[ Chat ] Caber: Hahaha. Oh Greg. You should be on the list of funny
mud stereotypes that Sarys posted in the comments thing on the tidbits
[ Chat ] Caber: I love Jesus, and you're reluctant to come out of the 
[ Chat ] Greg: It's only a stereotype among R commers.
[ Chat ] Otoron: You mean "those who know me best"
[ Chat ] Otoron: Like your family and friends.
[ Chat ] Greg: I'm generally regarded as something of a ladies' man on
the MUD in general.

[966] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: if a girl makes a circlet at muzah does it 
say it's 'fit for a queen'?
[967] ^ (OOC) Dimple: stfu
[968] ^ (OOC) Levon: i would hardly say your a queen summerwind LOL
[969] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: let me show you something
[972] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: Made out of good quality silver, this thin 
circlet is fit for a king. Set at regular intervals are small stones of 
opal. In the dead center of the circlet is a small grey stone.
[974] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: what does it say?
[975] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: fit for a king but a man made it
[976] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: I want to know if a woman made it if it would 
say fit for a queen
[977] ^ (OOC) Levon: if you made it would say fit for a bitch LOL
[978] ^ (OOC) Dimple: Hahahaha.
[979] ^ (OOC) Nimrod: owned
[980] ^ (OOC) Dimple: Now that -was- funny.
[981] ^ (OOC) Summerwind: you're ignored now. I don't need your shit

[ Chat ] Otoron: Wanna know what I hate?
[ Chat ] Otoron: People who say 'working hard- or hardly working?!'
and think they are funny.
[ Chat ] Otoron: Those people need to be shot.
[ Chat ] Caber: Hahahahaha.
[ Chat ] Caber: With Mithgil it's more like "Jerkin' hard, or hardly
jerkin'? Hahahahaha!"
[ Chat ] Otoron: Well played sir!

[ Chat ] Yun: hahaha
[ Chat ] Yun: A school class is using T2T as a learning tool?
[ Chat ] Yun: I'm so going to fuck with them.
[ Chat ] Zavosh: yeah I thought that was funny too :P
[ Chat ] Zavosh: ask any hobbit if they want 'contraband' :P
[ Chat ] Yun: I'll offer to take them on a tour
[ Chat ] Yun: Bring them to bywater bush
[ Chat ] Zavosh: well none are on now I think
[ Chat ] Yun: and initiate mudsex
[ Chat ] Zavosh: hahaha
[ Chat ] Yun: This is where Frodo and Sam express thier love for
eachother physically.
[ Chat ] Zavosh: hahahaha
[ Chat ] Yun: I shall now give a reinactment!
[ Chat ] Zavosh: hahaha :P this has to be done
[ Chat ] Zavosh: to show that teacher never to do such a thing again
[ Chat ] Yun: Hey, lets make hobbit characters and pretend we're the 
[ Chat ] Zavosh: hahaha :P
[ Chat ] Yun: We need more for this!
[ Chat ] Zavosh: yeah
[ Chat ] Yun: Mithgil, Wake up!
[ Chat ] Zavosh: mithgil come on :P
[ Chat ] Yun: someone call Brad too
[ Chat ] Mithgil: I have to sleep
[ Chat ] Yun: You have to help us with this!

Tindra appears from the shadows.
Tindra enters the game.
Tindra gives you a good spanking!
Tindra says: I just had amazing sex.
Tindra says: Just so you know.
Tindra nods at you.
Tindra has gone net-dead.

^ Zoso: hey, evrae's a chick
^ Evrae claps at Zoso 
legend evrae
Evrae Chu'Domo the variag Mage of Darkness  On for:  58m 40s                        
Gender: female Age: 9d 23h 40m 48s                        
Can be mailed: Evrae@Asubuhi 
Evrae is a member of the Burzgul legion. 
Info: <3 I will love you forever, Samaru <3  
HP:170 EP:170> ^ Zoso hones in 
^Quick, rape it. 
^ Toby: Quick, rape it. 
HP:170 EP:165> ^ Paraiko: ahahaha

I hope you had as much fun as I did. So, until next time folks:

[ Chat ] Otoron: Tater tots fucking rule.
[ Chat ] Mithgil: Word.