Hey everyone. It seems that everyone these days write a good bye, so I might as well. It's been a fun 8 year ride for me, although I wasn't particularly active for the last 3 years or so, just active enough to have a brief stint as an ER. I didn't have many characters, only two that were ever really played. I might pop back in a time or two, but I doubt it. My characters were Huvintude and Cerean. If you wish to contact me, you can do so by one of the following: AIM: huvintude3 Facebook: John Mohl, at Mansfield University I would like to thank all my friends, the ones from the beginning like Krshna, Dookie,War,and my cousins, Circe, Jackel and Roku, for teaching me the ropes, and all the ones I met along the way. I never really held grudges, and I was an all around friendly person, so to list all my friends would take too long. You know who you are and I thank you. Thanks for all the memories, John D. Mohl