Showing 2841-2860 of 9193 logs

  • Khulzder says in Westron: FLAILED

  • Almost got away.. :( no color

  • Slap that bitch.

  • Something to read.

  • Old Log. Barberi looses his Black Sword at reboot to an eager young Uruk. (Coloured by Hand, sorry for any mistakes)

  • Sicarius got bored with auction theft logs, so he wanted a boring VC death log.

  • Pretty run-of-the-mill... just something to look at!

  • Well i have another one her... quite amusing. Once again i just can't keep my fingers away from random unwielded shit. Notice how he looks at me right after i seal it and still thinks i'm innocent in the end. I love how he says he's sorry too. :)

  • I just had to try this. And i know it is a bit Ecidon'ish, but it was fun none the less. After this we entered a rather boring and long conversation about what this ring ment to her and how much she was willing to give to get it back... Well, it's still for sale if you want it. ;)

  • another Random log: I could not keep my fingers to myself and steal a random unwielded item...Stupid. The target got confused and attacked who he thought was resposible for the theft. Fun for me, too bad for him...

  • Random theft log, just posting to "open" my acccount. We need more funny logs here! :P

  • PK'ed servant in Linhir

  • A sneaky dwarf of the Lonely Mountain catch a Durmanhoth off his guard.

  • The Aina Amarth kill me for no founded reason. This log isn't about the PK, its about the tells... Kinda sad imho.

  • is it worth it? hell yeah

  • Smert lures him and we get it done

  • Check out how stupid he is

  • Well... read the log and see how dumb he is!

  • Battles are fought by those with the courage to believe...

  • As requested! Pretty boring log, but his flask alias is hilarious.