Showing 4921-4940 of 9193 logs

  • Sit in your most comfortable chair, get yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy the 20th edition: "The best of Tidbits." Contains nothing new, just 55 oldies. Complete with commentary and ratings.

  • Don't pick on the seemingly defenseless. And may the seemingly defenseless have hp when we need it most in the future.

  • After getting my ass kicked with the other morals by about 20 immorals and 5 superNPCs in an RP battle. I got pissed from taunting and a bunch of newbies getting killed, as well as having a shit weap, among other things. So i got all pissy and took it out on this dude. There's still some newb ghost sitting at the edoras healer right now waiting for someone to tell him how to get back to bree.

  • contract.

  • Amzel attacks me faded at council, I return the favor in Mordor.

  • Lionxv vs shelob!! barehanded for half the fight.. shelobs calls uptime to save her :)

  • wouldn't post these pretty average kills, but someone told me i should so people would know udungul exists or something. filch killed for stealing a dark ring from me, dwain for .... well... figure it out. dont like average logs? dont read.

  • Hitlist.

  • Kinda old, got SoB from his Corpse. DT isn't around anymore :((, so I figured I'd post it.

  • Crion, Brahm, MELS, Luck = studs
    right after we killed Alarien

  • Crion, Brahm, MELS, Luck = studs

  • Yes, he was a lowbie. But he was also an arrogant, claimjumping lowbie, so I believe this had to be done. And given the moronic logs he's posted recently, a few of you might enjoy this.

  • Two months old, lockups, figures, spells, everything here.

  • Hitlist

  • Just an idea i had, and hey, it worked.
    Thanks to Corpus and Ithilos for giving a hand.
    (sorry about the lack of color!)

  • This teaches me for thinking i can take on mels. But after the battle i had earlier where i kicked his ass, i thought i might be able to do it again. (ps.Without the charges it was quite a close battle i reckon) Oh, and i was using an aess if you wonder.

  • Another attempt, it seems to be that they wont stop attacking us.

  • Not the cleanest looking pkill I've had, specially as far as bangs go - but yes, my skilless ass banged alarien - though in my own defense - erm okay truthfully I don't care that I banged this loser so I have no defense. Like it or not, he died! WHEE!

  • Yep, call me a lamer in having our 8 man squadron destroyed by 5 people, but hey, i suck and you all know that anyway, and who can content with iceys and fangs :P We got one kill out of it anyway

  • Kinda funny, no color though.

    Respect my oldness