Showing 6361-6380 of 9193 logs

  • I went back for it, and it was still there, but I didn't have enough ep to push the goddamn thing!

  • This is my first theft so it may be not so good.

  • I get a tell as I'm helping Lupin relevel that Spansh might be in mordor...I drop Lupin like a bad habit and run.

  • Its 2am and I have the durms axe in my armoury, this is the unfortunate outcome :(

  • Two equal foes meet on the road in Mordor. They appraise each other with cold eyes, knowing it will be a hard fight, and attack. They dance like shadows in the moonlight, fliting in and out of reach. Graceful and violent, adversaries and equals. Respect.

  • I'm pretty sure this is the greatest NPC(s) battle of all time. No arguements about it.

  • There aren't any new logs, so I'll just put up this old one with the man with the 20k contract, Dukane. Watch how she kinda messed me up one on one :P

  • Old log..Well, not THAT old.

  • Or.. I could be wrong

  • Fuingul bails, and I suck for not hunting Fuingul.

  • This log totally sucks though it's an incroyable relief to have performed the exploit of killing this sneaky bastard after a hundred of fruitless attempts. I'm sure that those who have been deceived by the rumpled stinking scum of MT, will thank me. I'd rate it a 2, but considering the average mediocrity of the other logs, I can't possibly feel guilty.

  • Damn.

  • You people wanted logs and this is a whee old and I didnt get all of it. Might also already be up, not sure. Enjoy

  • I dont really know why durad posted that...something about wanting to be stupid.
    This isnt really that cool of a log, but at least its complete. *yawn*

  • Die in Mordor, and the super-dwarf-of-doom didnt fall...

  • They say timing is everything. Even big and scary lvl 19 warriors can fall.

  • You could make me stop posting old crap by posting something interesting ;-)

  • We need logs!! Post something ;-)

    (This is really not worth reading)

  • He stole some healing from me and I got him in mordor. I was not gonna post this but considering that I didn't know this figure was gonna help me and there are no new logs...

  • I claimed Leela's C and carried it out, poor girl don't think she knew what she was doing. Also Tarkel attacked me while faded got to him later but he finally broke me in his inn room with 7 hp, and started telling me how he would kill me when he got maxxed but oh well.