Showing 6921-6940 of 9193 logs

  • This is the 13th time in 3 months...I really didn't have luck.

  • Edoras, graveyard of the Udungul Vanguard.

  • Rate it!

  • I guess the Ice staff has more color in the crit now? Or I am just way out of it.

  • Fofester gets his chest drilled and blood spilled. I collect another scalp to add to my collection.

  • I was feeling really bad and decided to kill a SoU....

  • We killed him half an hour after reboot.

  • Algon shows up at whip, I decide to kill him. After his begging Nirrab so save his life avails not, he decides to save himself. Pathetic.

  • An Open Letter concerning the state of the ER project to the Ainur of the Two Towers.

  • So I'm hanging out at the Lothlorien bridge when my spider sense starts going off. Reeth and Alkath are running around all over the place..and Ivon shows up with sheep, and handcuffs. I run to the Durmanhoth guild just in time, as they were all beginning to arrive to arrest Shaft (notice the footsteps), and I lay into Reeth for even THINKING about touching a Durmanhoth member.

  • Let's just keep this between me and Udungul, no need for durms to join in... I'm only one man

  • Listen to the cries of those two poor souls while we are mercylessly absorbing their life and power!
    Drunken mad skills!
    Dalamar style!

  • ...yeah baby when we moves, we moves. (copyright Ricky Martin)

    Anyway, we bang the tar out of Allantir, I go off and listen to Jello Biafra lecture for 4-5 hours...I come back, and what do I find? None of the lazy-asses have posted the log. Looks like it's up to Super Azura to save the day!

  • Im getting a little more active....but my information appears outdated.....

    Info: nomore,peopleimnewyesbut,idonthavetotakecrapfrommyGmates

    You did not expect me to sit and read that?
    oh well, at least i know now :)

  • finds me when i'm low...I try to fade in mid-air. gj Ultilh

  • I'm noticing this trend with dead SoU, where their last dying words are always "lugburz." Pretty crazy stuff, I think it has some sort of weird curse associated with it or something. Anyway, since SoU generally only ever make gold (or generally even go) to Lothlorien, we had to take enough firepower to make sure she couldn't make it to her guild.

  • Much drama in the beginning, but it is why I went after him.

  • Surin talks shit and dies, like so many before him.