Showing 7601-7620 of 9193 logs

  • The Light couldn't resist to the unhloy forces of the shadows tonight, granted may be the skills of The Dark hand of Ulfang and the terrific fireballs of Pestilence which burn them all out, bloody hell it should be ;)

  • I'm a little hurt. They used an extra person when they tried to kill Holic, why aren't I special? And ouch, that SRS did its part...I guess 40-something RM just doesn't cut it these days.

  • Wormbaneii and Melanna tried to butcher me on a peacefull way from osgiliath to edoras, las my albaster skin was too robust even for the deadly sapphire sword.
    No color,no mad skills, but funny how they didn't follow me in the halls of the horsemen.

  • After seeing that I had ruthlessly slaughtered the First Knight, Oiraelen bravely (but perhaps not wisely) decides to defend the honor of the Knights of Dol Amroth. Its a battle of Swords, and Sorcery!

  • We're going to shut the fuck up about all the gangbanging now... we all gangbang, some of us just do it better then others.

  • Galadon missed picking up an OCP at Alexa (wasting much of my ep) so I went back so a second try at one of those lovely OCPs. NOTE: No fancy colors. Those things hurt my eyes.

  • Such a level and yet he completely deserved his death...

  • after ailin contracts me on his alt, he gets back on his main char and teaches me never to fuck with these types of mad skillz, i mean, god, 4 men killig a lvl 14, do not fuck with these people, they are the best in the game, to kill them you need to have at least 6 people because there are no logs of them being solo killed up here, FRA RULES

  • Donated whip and SoB.

  • Naga had killed one of my brothers in Udungul. I see he has a contract, and that he is pillaging Mount Gundabad. Obviously, this situation had to be corrected.

  • Attack the wrong person and you'll die.

  • (a log from two weeks or so ago)
    I, Talan, Ichneumon and a random SoU were patrolling Mordor, searching for intruders... finally we decided to leave. Only me and Iche were still in Mordor when suddenly we spotted an ugly hobbit. Fortunately, my trigs were still on...
    Besides, HOW IN THE HELL CAN YOU GET LOST ON A 15 ROOMS BIG GRID??? Especially if you have full hp, light is not in use and both attackers have an ESS-class weapon?

  • miss, miss, miss, miss, hit, miss, miss, graze...

    Bad Julius didn't let me try someone solo! Blah.
    However, due to an extreme case of a misseathon, Stryph would have lived if Julius hadn't helped...

  • The vertically challenged vizier from the north slaughters the guards of Pelargir, and claims the prized captain's cutlass. Wounded from his fight, Gazza and Kujo attempt to flee to their home to rest, when Gazza gets a tingly feeling on the back of his neck, and then a sharp, biting back a little lower down.

  • A daring Corsair of Umbar, raiding the Elven town of the Grey Havens, finds an even darker, greedier soul afoot to collect the bounty on his head.

  • The second act of my guise!

  • I decided to test the so-called protectors of Rivendell, and see what they can do. See me pretend to be a badly damaged level 11, and how eagerly they step up to the plate to attack. Then see them run when they get a big surprise!

  • I hunt for some allies why they beat this thief down.