Showing 8021-8040 of 9193 logs

  • I was killing council faded and he attacks me, I call a friend and this is what goes down(check out those wicked hits)

  • I got tipped off that 3 beornings were after me. What fun!

  • Damn, If he wasn't lagging he would have gotten away. I knew we should of stoped attacking! :)

  • The spider might not be lurking around her lair, but there are other dangers around.

  • Frams is full of huntbreaks, but you need to know them all.

  • Could outrun 3 without armour, but can't outrun 2 with EQ?

  • it's psosible to kill someone if he was without armour. and why for that man 3 people interesting

  • Not too much skill in it but it's with all the screw ups from both sides which make a log interesting. Posted by popular request.:P

  • yeah koda killed me after while i had a plan for a set up, didnt like my odds of making it away so i went for the hb and died, oh well, like 2 minutes after i die wasach does too

  • first in a string of pk events, this was revenge for the last gangbang

  • Short log, don't comment negatively on it, I contract for that stuff :P

  • It's been a long time since i've seen a solo kill posted by a wizard, so i went ahead and killed Tevildo after I got an order to do so. It looks nice =) I look like a warrior in this thing.

  • He asked me to shield him, and he didnt logged but i did, here it is.

  • Here is the revenge for who killed me and asked to a level 19 kill me too.P.S.: where is your friend now ?

  • mordor

  • Well. here I go again. And this time. Loosing my party withtin 5 squares. HMPH!

  • I think this is the first use of daze in the logs. Well here, two wizards and a warrior take on the Nazgul using daze and a few headbutts. It wasn't that easy even with that spell.

  • i was lost after losing my party leader found my way to es vial and went to north undeep, look who is waiting for me

  • well. Me, ButterWoman and husband had a boring day, So we claimed Celexa's C, and tried him...
    See how I lost Butterwoman and Husband!

  • I got mad skills, yo. Check out this log of me idling in bar BAREHANDED and SOLO. I own you all motherfarkers, none of you can keep up with my game, y'all ain't even on my level. And don't think you can steal my technique from this log, hell even if you did rip off my style you couldn't do it like I do it, you gotta be BORN with it you lameass haters, I OWN YOU ALL.