Showing 8901-8920 of 9193 logs

  • Well, to Efforium's credit, he did lag out at the beginning of this kill. Not sure if he could have broken anyway. (shrugs)

  • This is pretty boring actually, but that's ok because I didn't get caught. What was he doing in Deadman's dike? I have no idea...

  • Why mirk is a fool, and why not to revive in mordor ;)

  • Ever try stalking and killing somebody using Telnet? It's a pain.

  • Lag, insomnia, being lame - erm, careful with these things:P

  • He attacked me, he died.

  • Throm and I were lounging around The Fellowship hall sipping on some brandy when Throm says "Why don't we kill a meg?" so I says "Les do it." we did.

  • Grum killed Barren..Bad idea.

  • Tanis is a jerk and decides its fun making fun of Amruin.. No assassins on but, Who cares...

  • Darn (Amruin Npc) gets just a little personal...

  • Monday gets bandaged but is still a campfire.

  • Belgarak annoys us. Sadly nobody is there to hunts, but with surpreme firepower that isnt really needed.

  • Aule decides that Westar is a bug and should get squished

  • The log ifself, pretty much says everything.

  • War dies

  • Orlandu says: You will never kill me again baral.
    Well I killed him and look at all the little trash talk he does, god whats the mud coming too?

  • Dwain feels as if I am a push-over. We decide to battle until someone dies. He is a pussy and doesn't stay. Run you little coward run.

  • Trenkol hit me with SRS on the Remmo kill. Serex also atacked but loged off no sooner than we were done, so Trenkol became the target. (forgive the blanks, laggy kill)

  • A friend asked if I'd help kill Evis. Being the type of fellow that I am, I agreed.

  • As soon as I found an assassin to hunt...*cackle*
    (I apologize for the ragged and colourless logs but, blah, the zmud is too lagged...)